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The Storm Bolter and You!

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Thats strange... They are mounted on one hand. How are they not one handed?


Edit: Ohhh and thanks for the quick response!


Ignore the modeling. A weapon is only one handed and provides the +1 attack in close combat if its rules say so. For shooting weapons, so far only pistols provide that bonus.


Check out this thread from the OR.



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Technically speaking they are normally mounted on a single TDA arm, or carried in both hands when the user is wearing PA.


JamesI is correct,

From the BRB,

Two Weapons: Engaged models with two singlehanded weapons (typically a close combat weapon and/or pistol in each hand) get an extra +1 attack .
As the Stormbolter is neither: a pistol, or a close combat weapon, or is listed as a single handed weapon, it doesn't count towards this bonus.
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Hmmm.. well suppose that is okay. Kind of wish they had given us some examples of 2handed storm bolters. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is the Crimson Fist guy with the storm bolter on one hand. Good to know that they don't count as one-handed though.


Thanks again everyone!

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If you think in real terms you can aim and fire a rifle with one hand, but other than as a club (or spear with a bayonet) it would be useless in close combat. Either way it would require both hands to swing or jab with it properly. A storm bolter's heavy rate of fire would make it perfect for letting loose a hail of fire as you charge but very cumbersome and slow in a close fight. That’s not to say it would be un-usable but the rules are created to give a generalisation of the fighting, as blow by blow would take too long.
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