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Terminator Load Out Help


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So I was thinking about a melee based Terminator load out with....


5x Terminator Champions - 200 pts

5x Double Lightning Claws - 50pts (does this give +2attacks for having two weapons and them being lighting claws? or just 1.

Mark of Khorne - 30pts


total - 280pts. Quite expensive, but the number of attacks they would get would be quite nice. On an assualt we are looking at 6 or 7 attacks each depending on the lightning claws. Not sure if a pair gives +1 or +2 Attacks.


Please let me about the lightning claws and if you think this would be effective. I'll be putting these against 5x reg space marine temrinators with 5x power fists. I was thinking the early initiative with massive attacks would take them down before the get their attacks in.

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A pair of close combat weapons gives +1 attack. So it's 2 base, +1 for champion, +1 for Icon of Khorne, + 1 for two weapons, and +1 if you are charging for a total of 6 attacks on the charge.


It's very killy, but you need a land raider to transport it, and the lack of a powerfist means you'll get wrecked by walkers and monstrous creatures.


You're better off just spending 5 pts for combi weapons if you are planning to deepstrike.

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I've considered this setup and went with just 4 Terms upgraded to champs, One with powerfist and flamer, one with standard power weapon and storm bolter, then 2 with power claws. 195 pts. The number of attacks seemed like enough. Even taking on a hoard of 30 orks, I think this is enough. Haven't tried it yet. But it doesn't leave them open to a walker.
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5x Terminator Champions - 200 pts

5x Double Lightning Claws - 50pts (does this give +2attacks for having two weapons and them being lighting claws? or just 1.

Mark of Khorne - 30pts


The thing is, there is very little in the game that would survive being charged by this squad but outside of close combat, you're only 5 wounds with a LD10. You're just too juicy of a target to let get into range and useless outside of the assault phase. Not to mention you're unable to do damage to anything with AV11+.


If you're really set on LC Terminators, I would go with 5 guys in a Land Raider with 4x LCs and 1x Chainfist/Heavy Flamer combo to help against things in cover and big nasties. I would also take IoCG so you aren't running away nearly as much.

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I've been trying to tweak a terminator loadout as well. I'm running a fluffy slaanesh army using sacred numbers. So it's a 6 man squad with Icon of slaanesh. Obviously that's not going in a raider, so it's a deepstrike squad that's going to have lots of combi weapons. Currently I'm thinking 2 meltas and 4 plasmas, so that I have the firepower to slag most squads, or potentially crush a vehicle (or kill a vehicle then next turn melt a squad.) Right now I'm thinking to just take a single chainfist and leave the rest with their powers weapons to take advantage of the Icon of slaanesh. But I'm wondering if a different combi weapon loadout would be better, or perhaps a heavy flamer or even reaper.
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it's not 280 pts b/c that squad is useless w/out a LR, so it's 500 pt squad. So no it's not worth it.

Would it beat 5 reg s/m termi's w/ PF ? Yes. But at more then 2X the cost. And what's to say you will get them stuck in against the squad you are building them against ??

Don't build a squad to counter an opponents squad. Don't build an army to counter an opponents army.

"Respond to your opponent, you will surely lose. Make your opponent respond to you, and you will surely win." Sun Chillin :)

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2 dudes with single claw , 2 with chain fists , 3 dudes with combi weapons [we dont have ss or multi wounds , but we still can play with wound allocation] one dude with a reaper . two lords with tzeench demon weapon.



as chill said squad costs too much . doesnt matter that it can kill 10+meq on charge [not always , if the unit charges in to cover for example youll be a sad panda :) but chaos termis/land raiders sucking is another story] when you cost 600+pts and cant deal with other 600+units ,have no viable transport[no chaos LR are not viable for uber unit builds] . Even if you dont want to run termis as 3 man with 3 xcombi , keeping them cheap is still a priority . Why? because they arent a good unit to begin with.

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Well I ended up going with...


5x Terminators 150

- 5x Combi-Meltas - 25

- 3x Power Fist - 30

- Icon of Chaos Glory

215 Pt total. With a little more versatility. We shall see how this goes.

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One round of shooting the combis per game, with 2 shots per plasma combi (rapid fire) is perfectly legal.

Yeah, Combi's aren't "One shot", they fire in the same way as that weapon for one turn. Hence why firing a Melta or Flamer shot counts as firing an assault weapon rather than the rapid-fire of the bolter (which makes no sense)

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Hah, man, I read this topic and can't help but smile. I run my terminator Squad by rule of cool and try to use a minim of 5 of them at all times, and love to use all 10 if I can. Mine always looks like:


Chaos terminator Squad of 10 w/ an Aspiring Champion w/ a pair of Lightning Claws; 2 Chainfists, 1 Reaper Autocannon, 3 Powerfists, 6 Combi-Plasmas, and 2 Combi-Meltas, and Icon of Chaos Glory(Represents Legion morale in my eyes) 460pt


Yeah, it may not be effective, but it looks awesome on a bunch of converted models. And I'll be damned if it doesn't scare the piss out of people playing against me.

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Hah, man, I read this topic and can't help but smile. I run my terminator Squad by rule of cool and try to use a minim of 5 of them at all times, and love to use all 10 if I can. Mine always looks like:


Chaos terminator Squad of 10 w/ an Aspiring Champion w/ a pair of Lightning Claws; 2 Chainfists, 1 Reaper Autocannon, 3 Powerfists, 6 Combi-Plasmas, and 2 Combi-Meltas, and Icon of Chaos Glory(Represents Legion morale in my eyes) 460pt


Yeah, it may not be effective, but it looks awesome on a bunch of converted models. And I'll be damned if it doesn't scare the piss out of people playing against me.


I'm a fan of doing things for the rule of cool, I mean thats the whole reason that Possessed Marines exist right? B)


The above loadout isn't half bad expect for the one heavy weapons, I would try to take two just because its one of the only bonuses for reaching a 10 man squad.

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I'm a fan of doing things for the rule of cool, I mean thats the whole reason that Possessed Marines exist right? :(


The above loadout isn't half bad expect for the one heavy weapons, I would try to take two just because its one of the only bonuses for reaching a 10 man squad.







And hah, I would have, but the second Reaper Autocannon was incredibly warped on the sprue. Not even close to salvageable. ;)

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