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Plastic Raptor kitbash

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With Raptor models not being replenished at my LGS, and the metal ones being reknowned for being top heavy, I'm looking at ways of making some "plastic Raptors" from combining several kits together, or just getting one box kit and getting upgrade parts for the jumping parts.


What are your opinions for either of the following combinations?


Chaos Marine boxset with Possessed Bat Wings?


Khorne Berzerkers boxset with Marine Jump Pack Upgrade sprue?


Or reversed?


Or am I better waiting for the new plastic/resin models (whenever THOSE show up)?

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A variety of bits (chaos, SM, SW, BA, Kroot, Iron Warrior sprue etc), pretty much whatever I had laying about, with a few raptor jump packs mixed in to give 'em that pre-heresy look. Used a few of the SM plastic Jump packs too (sadly don't have pics on hand, sorry) and they turned out pretty well.

And I always run Glory Icons, it's done me well in the past. To be honest though, raptors are ridiculously overpriced, and mine only show up in Apoc games.

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I used regular CSM and gave them Sanguinary Guard jump packs (sans wings). They look cool to me, and the mono-thruster jump pack makes them look different than loyalist assault marines.
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For my scouring-era night lords I used the mono-engine jump packs from the sanguinary guard as well. It looks great, though not the same as a typical raptor.
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