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Operation Reclamation DIY (pic heavy)

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Another update with a completed marine. Tonight I completed work on a marine painted up in the Heraldry of the Dark Avengers chapter. I initially began work on him in 2010 when I first began Operation Reclamation so it was about time I finished him. :D





And as a small bonus, here's how some of the models looked originally, the previous owner had used humbrol paints so the white was very thick and tough to remove but in the end I've managed to remove the majority of it and then apply the paint to soothe the hurt souls of these warriors of the Emperor.




See if you can spot the models before they were made anew. :P

Next will be Reyner's chapter. Will be interesting to see how I can work on making a white coloured chapter using a black basecoat and freehanding the symbol.

Comments as always are appreciated.


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Have fun working on my Chapter Cambrius, the chapter icon is something I have never attempted to paint myself (my girlfriend did it once and it looked great, but she painted over it for some reason). Still have to get some decal paper...


Looking forward to it Cambrius :P

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Nice work.

Kinda funny how so many eBay Marines are done up in a sorry rendition of Black Templars. I scrubbed down 20+ former Templars when I first started.

Keep going!


Yeah I got a full case of them the previous owner's also used Space wolf parts as well on a few so it's going to be fun to work out how many of my numerous chapters have runes and such now or have wolf icons (which remarkably none of them do! ;)). I still have Assault Marines lurking in the carry case which also need some love so I'll hasve a full army of multiple chapters hopefully when I complete htis waaaay off into the future.


Also if anyone wishes to request me doing a chapter from the list in my gallery feel free to ask. :D


<EDIT> Also coming soon will be a tutorial on my "Cambrius Pattern Helms" as can be seen on these models and on the Steel Hunter marine in the posts on the last page.



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Kinda funny how so many eBay Marines are done up in a sorry rendition of Black Templars. I scrubbed down 20+ former Templars when I first started.


I reckon it was the 3rd edition starter box that did it. They see the models painted black and white and follow on. It's like when I first started with the old metal tactical squad (dating myself somewhat there) the box art was Ultramarines, so that's what I painted them as. Still have a soft spot for those Boys in Blue just because they were my first entry into the Universe of 40k.

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Gorgeous and awesome in concept. Well done.


Thanks Octavulg! :D


Kinda funny how so many eBay Marines are done up in a sorry rendition of Black Templars. I scrubbed down 20+ former Templars when I first started.


I reckon it was the 3rd edition starter box that did it. They see the models painted black and white and follow on. It's like when I first started with the old metal tactical squad (dating myself somewhat there) the box art was Ultramarines, so that's what I painted them as. Still have a soft spot for those Boys in Blue just because they were my first entry into the Universe of 40k.


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking as I have the 3rd Ed. starter box set new with none of the models built...yet! :) Nowadays with the Ultramarines gracing the boxes there's a higher influx of the boys in blue now (which is in now way a bad thing :)).



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Well after a bit of a break revising ( :cuss ) I can upload the finished miniature of Reyner's Ghost Dragons chapter. Freehanding the dragon was a fun challenge to try, but unfortunately the white paint did not layer on too well due to the previous owner of the model's coats before and the camera's not really behaving either. :) But I've done my best to make it look as good as the other marines from Operaiton Reclamation. Hope you like him Reyner: :cuss

Brother Draegos of the Ghost Dragons 4th Coy. 3rd Squad:





Coming soon a member of the Dragons Indignium (soon to be renamed the Royal Dragons)

Comments as always appreciated. :cuss


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  • 2 weeks later...
nice work there Cambrius :) do you base your models afterwards? or just leave them as they came?


Basing as in colour or the base itself? If it's the former all I generally do is scrape away the humbrol and thickly painted areas, making a little easier to work on or if the part is too far gone (like the two shoulderpads I took off the Bone Templar). The new part is then given a coat of Undercoat Black.

If it is the latter, then the models have already been based with static grass, so all I do is paint the bases a codex grey to fit in with my Sons of Doom a little should the models ever grace the board.


Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen, an update will not be coming in the near future (approx a week or two) due to the moving out of Uni accommodation and off on tour with my choir in Dublin (helloooooooo Guinness Brewery! :)) for a week. But there is work being done, I may post up a WIP of my current marine in the works if you do wish to see it and there will also be another guest chapter appearing in the future alongside it!



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i had meant about the base itself ;) but kind of you to tell us what you do for both accounts anyway :HQ:


i would hope all these fellow battle brothers do grace the field of battle, perhaps even an Apocolypse battle eh? :) that would be pretty cool.



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  • 1 month later...

After a nice break of singing in Dublin with the choir I'm in along with many other engagements sucking up my time, I'm glad to return to working on Operation Reclamation. :D Shaabhekh requested if I could paint up one of the reclaimed models in the colours of his Lunar Hawks chapter. After setting to work a month or two ago, I finally completed him this morning whilst recovering from a Scout Camp (the kids are more tiring to deal with than a bunch of Grots. :P).

So thus, here is Brother Leuan Talos




More to come in the future, if anyone wishes to request me painting a model from my DIY gallery feel free to ask here. :)


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Well done Brother Cambrius :) glad to have you back, look forward to more reclaimed marines in the furture :)


Defo enjoy the Lunar Hawk Marine you've done for me, gives me more motivation to finally finish and paint my company or marines sitting behind me lol. i will name 1 of my 1st company marines after you! :D (and blag the above name for my own uses of course ;) )


much appreciated :(



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well i love what you have been posting and i think it's a wonderful project: seems like you have a god of chaos whispering in your ear and gathering all the wayward marines from the galaxy in a grand recently fallen renegade war band...

not complaining.. mind you


Thanks Brother! Your compliment is much appreciated. :(


God of Chaos whispering into my ears...LIES! HERESY! I am pure! I am not tainted! I am His servant! *is dragged away by an Inquisitor's retinue for "Interrogating"...* :D




I like that concept, although more I think it was the Emperor casting me a vision that I must help reclaim and soothe the slighted warriors that others have seen to taint and tarnish with their poor modelling, tank brushes and thick paints. ;) I intend to make the Lord of Mankind proud. :P


Well done Brother Cambrius glad to have you back, look forward to more reclaimed marines in the furture


Defo enjoy the Lunar Hawk Marine you've done for me, gives me more motivation to finally finish and paint my company or marines sitting behind me lol. i will name 1 of my 1st company marines after you! (and blag the above name for my own uses of course)


much appreciated


My pleasure Shaabhekh! More marines will come, including one special sometime in the future. ;) The honour of having my name featured is a lot to me Shaaabhekh. I am but a humble servant of the paintbrush and Emperor. :) :P The name Leuan Talos (pronounced Lay-an Ta-los) is a reference to your chapter's name. Leuan a mutation of lleuad, Welsh for Moon and Talos is mutated form talons. It's how I often name my marines when they require names.


Inquisitor: Did you just declare that you were a servant of another entity other than the Emperor beloved by all Cambrius!?


What!? No! I-I'm the Emperor's servant only!


Inquisitor: I see enough evidence that you must now be cleansed of your taints and heresy...





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  • 2 months later...

It's baaaaaaaaack! Operation Reclamation returns to display my efforts at fixing up neglected and abused models into being of a Table Top Quality standard, so that they can face the battlefield with pride (yes I will be doing this one day at an Apocalypse. :lol:). This time the model I'm showing is rather special, chances are some of you have heard of this chapter in a certain Novel...the Shadow Wolves. ;) I asked Mr. Dembski-Bowden a number of months ago (considering all the madness he's had recently I imagine he's probably forgotten :lol:) about whether I could paint up his wife's chapter of Space Marines, he gave me the green light, giving me plenty of info to ensure I didn't muck it up and then seeing the blog linked above, it gave me the final impetus to actually get this model done, having received greater insight on who the Shadow Wolves are/were.

So thus here is my newest contribution and another model saved from the indignity of poor painting. The modelling was very much impossible to alter so thus I did an extra effort to make the paintjob better to help and I think it did the trick well. I tried to add details to emphasize Katie's vision of her chapter, such as the holy writings on the marine's left shin and right shoulderpad. Since I could not find any reference to company markings, I freestyled an idea by the chapter marking out their company by a stripe on their right kneepad, thus as shown below, Brother Balid is of the 2nd Company, the number representing his squad.




Comments as always appreciated and welcomed, and as a preview to the next model incoming:


He's from my DIY chapter the Golden Fists, I might give this chapter some background when I upload it completed soon...


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  • 1 month later...

Update time after a little while with a new marine. This chap below is painted in the heraldry of the Avenging Angels chapter that I inherited off of BlackRaptor93.

Thus we have Brother Dialon of the Avenging Angel's 2nd Company, Squad II.





Comments as always appreciated, I intend to reclaim a Heavy Bolter wielding marine next, probably in the colours of The Silent Guard..


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Nice work Cambrius, I like the freehand on this guy. Just could do with a light blue wash on the eyes and wash the bolter in black ^_^


Cheers Reyner, alas the flash robbed the depth in the eyes and bolter, but I might give them an extra coat or two of asurmen blue and badab black respectively.



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  • 4 months later...

After some time away form my reclaiming campaign, I am proud to return with a new model I have reclaimed. This time I have made an Astartes in the colours of my Shield Bearers chapter. The model initially had no arms and his Beaky helm was glued in a gaze straight ahead, so I had to get creative into thinking what sort of pose would an Astartes be doing looking straight ahead. Eventually the idea of him becoming a lChampion guiding his Battle Brothers onwards or challenging an enemy to combat.

It's the first time I've tried doing battle damage properly too, as the yellow was very temperamental. :unsure:

Thus, here is Brother Champion Torren:




Comments are as always welcomed! ;)


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