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Rhino or Drop Pod


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Hi guys,

Slowly working through my Flesh Tearers, I've got a ten man tactical squad who's role it is to capture and hold objectives. I'm torn between a Drop Pod or a Rhino. Any preferences or idea's on this more than welcome

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Without knowing your list, I'd say Rhino in general is better. With dropppd you have to deploy them on turn one and likely near the desired objective, so they risk being shot ASAP. With Rhino you have a mobile bunker for meltagunner, and a fast delivery system. The other way is to turn Rhino into Razorback and have half of the squad sit at home and provide covering fire with missile launcher. I prefer Razorback myself.
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Have to agree with the Razorback theory; if you've got the points give it T/L Assault cannons and if the objectives in the open park said Razorback on top of it therefore providing cover for the troops. Also the weapon is a good way of making the opponent think twice about advancing on it
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for blood angels i would go with rhino's as you get fast rhino's, giving you an advantage over other armys, were as you dont get fast drop pods.
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How about if I was to drop pod vanguard, would that not be better than a rhino? (sorry, just a wee thread hijack)
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How about if I was to drop pod vanguard, would that not be better than a rhino? (sorry, just a wee thread hijack)



If I remember correctly, they need jump packs for HI right? So, now you have a more expensive unit getting shot up. Dropping Stern next to an objective with cover though... Different story.


To the OP

As most have posted, take advantage of our fast vehicles, use em as cover for babysitting objectives



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VV in a pod are cheaper than VV with jpacks.

VV in a pod can assault turn 2 but may be avoided. JPVV need to arrive turn two to compete but may be delayed.


VV in a pod with a priest, maybe some storm shields and special pistols could work in the right list. But, sternguard are probably better in most hybrid lists.

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Thats a hard call. SG can be nasty in a pod, dropping close and blasting away with the poisoned shots.


A rhino works well, but it really depends on the list. Generically, the drop pod is probably better.

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If you have 2 pods in your list, the pod is definitely better. Otherwise, it kinda depends, like everything else, on the rest of your list.



This. Ideally, you want ALL of your Stern shooting for as many turns as possible. Leaving em in the rhino, while acting as nice cover, severely decreases their effectiveness. Pod em in close



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Yeah I think I'll go with the pod, my objective type units will be RAS in RB's and some sniper scouts while I'll be using DC in a SR or terminators and both in bigger lists with dual SR's or possibly one SR and one LRC. I'm also gonna be working on a list which is mainly land raiders with some heavy support and baal's for out flanking. I think stenguard in a pod and a fragnaught in a second one will work nicely with the lists I'm working on.
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Yeah I think I'll go with the pod, my objective type units will be RAS in RB's and some sniper scouts while I'll be using DC in a SR or terminators and both in bigger lists with dual SR's or possibly one SR and one LRC. I'm also gonna be working on a list which is mainly land raiders with some heavy support and baal's for out flanking. I think stenguard in a pod and a fragnaught in a second one will work nicely with the lists I'm working on.
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