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Shrike Attacks and take as troops choice


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Couple of questions, Shrike stats have him down as 3 attacks is the fact that he wields 2 lightning claws included in this?


Also if an independent character ( Tyberos lets you take a squad of LC Termies ) lets you take a different unit as troops choice does that count as scoring and able to claim objectives? Ive read and re-read page 90 of the rule book but my friend and I can't agree, as far as Im concerned anything that ends up in the troop section of an organizational chart would count as scoring but I might be completely wrong..


And one last quick question, is there anything, space marine or other race that can assault after deep striking?

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Couple of questions, Shrike stats have him down as 3 attacks is the fact that he wields 2 lightning claws included in this?

They are not included in the base attacks, he therefore has 4 attacks, 5 on the charge


Also if an independent character ( Tyberos lets you take a squad of LC Termies ) lets you take a different unit as troops choice does that count as scoring and able to claim objectives? Ive read and re-read page 90 of the rule book but my friend and I can't agree, as far as Im concerned anything that ends up in the troop section of an organizational chart would count as scoring but I might be completely wrong..

all troops score, so anything that makes a non troops unit a troops unit also makes them score.. it can get confusing as some ICs make units score but not troops


And one last quick question, is there anything, space marine or other race that can assault after deep striking?

as mentioned above chaos marines daemons can, also C:SM vangard using heroic intervention (i think BA have it too)

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1) No, the additional attacks aren't included in his profile, so he gets 3 attacks base, same as all Captain's, +1 for two lightning claws and if he were to charge, he's get +1 for that too, adding up to total of 4 attacks when not charging, or 5 when he is. Normally, if a stat change is included in the profile, it will tell you on the relevant unit entry page.


2) You are correct, if the unit is switched to a Troop unit through a special rule, such as the Biker Captain's Mounted Assault rule then that unit counts as a scoring unit as far as objectives are concerned. Remember though that if it's a vehicle or a swarm, it still won't control unless explicitly said so. Also remember that scoring isn't always confined to the Troops section, and that some units have the ability to confer scoring status to some units outside the Troops section, such as Pedro and Sternguard, and GK Grand Masters.


3) Unfortunately, there aren't many of these. Space Marine and Blood Angel Vanguard are one unit. The Forge World Lucius Drop Pod allows Dreadnoughts to charge after Deep Strike as well. I can't think of many more now. Some units like Lictors and Calidus Assassin's used to, but GW has changed their rules in favour of allowing them to deploy anywhere, normally without scattering, but not being able to charge afterwards. So unfortunately, without Forge World you're looking at one unit so far.


EDIT: ninja'd by two people, the embarrassment :).


And as Brother Nihm says C:CSM Daemons can assault after Deep Strike (but not normal Chaos Daemons). Forgive that lack in my knowledge, the ways of Chaos aren't my forte.

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the forge world drop pods you mentioned are they the huge ones for dreadnoughts that are about £60?


Not the model, specifically, but a unit entry in one of the Imperial Armor books.


Any idead which book its in? Ive got most of them but not read them cover to cover, if not I guess Ive got some reading to do tonight!

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the forge world drop pods you mentioned are they the huge ones for dreadnoughts that are about £60?


Not the model, specifically, but a unit entry in one of the Imperial Armor books.


Any idead which book its in? Ive got most of them but not read them cover to cover, if not I guess Ive got some reading to do tonight!


IA: Apocalypse II, though I think there is a free PDF of the updated datasheets available on their site someplace.

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all troops score, so anything that makes a non troops unit a troops unit also makes them score.......



Except Vehicles, Swarms and anything that says specifically they dont score otherwise.

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On a related topic that came up in a game the other night. As Shrikes lightning claws are master crafted does he get two re-rolls to hit, one for each claw, or just one for the pair?


Just one, it says so in either the Codex or the FAQ.


EDIT: it's in the FAQ -


Q. Shrike has 'a pair of master-crafted lightning claws'. Does he get two re-rolls for these, or just the one? (p92)

A. Just one.

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