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Thunder Wolf Wound allocation question


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Ok, slight debate in a game last night so would like your sage like knowledge to make sure it was played right.


3 thunder wolves:


1 with frostblade

1 with storm shield

1 with melta bombs


They are charged by a unit of chaos marines who inflict 3 wounds, I allocate a wound to each wolf and the frostblade wolf fails so he takes a wound. Combat is drawn and continues.


Next assault phase the 3 thunder wolves suffer 1 power weapon wound. Now here is the question:


Do I have to take that power weapon wound on my frostblade model as he already has a wound down from the previous round (thus killing him with no save), or can I allocate it to the storm shield wolf who has his full wounds and an actual chance of saving it??

Which is what I thought. But then if you read the rule book (page 26?) it gives an example using nobs. Towards the bottom of that example you see that the unit takes a lascannon wound in the next phase so has to remove the nob, who despite being different, is removed due to having a wound already.


We know we remove whole models where possible if they are the same, we know that instant death wounds have to be taken on unwounded models first. But this was news to me, and isn't exactly crystal clear in the book??

You are the master of your domain in this case wound allocation, that is the beauty of kitting them out differently to utilize this rule. Some cry extreme cheez and will even purposefully not differentiate the models to proclaim themselves holier then thou, it all comes down to personal preference. If the rule is there use it. I don't know how many times I have lost while using this rule and still have the opponent cry CHEEZ, lighten up dude :)
In that example it is talking about the identical Nobs (it assumes you want the wounds from the second round of fire to go to them). So yes, you can allocate your wounds however you want. If they are identical, you have more restrictions, but if not, then you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you spread everything out evenly.


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