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Why did you choose your..

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As the title says, the question is simple: Why did you choose the god(s) that your army is following?


So for exemple, you chose a warband following Khorne because... :)


Very curious to how people got to their gods and stuff. Heard some different reasons.

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I like Khorne for his simple ethos.



But Khorne followers are often depicted in ways I dislike, like they are helpless wind-up kill machines. That view works and makes sense, but its not what I want.


So I am really tempted to renounce all and just bite the bullet and collect the unaffiliated, undecided, undivided.

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I've always gotten stuck with the responsibility of playing the bad guy in school, or declaring evil factions, or roles to play in MMORPG,s or RPS, i guess that's why I chose the legion that essentially has lost all of their discipline, and are in my mind, the best bad guys to play.
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I chose Undivided Renegades, Alpha Legion, and some Slaanesh followers because I was doing some creative writing one day a few years ago, when I was back in school, and needed some bad guys.

I chose Alpha Legion, well, because they're Alpha Legion, the best (IMO) of the Traitor Legions. The Undivided Renegades are actually a former Siege Company of Loyalist Space Marines, and they teamed up with some Iron Warriors for a good portion of the story.

The Slaanesh guys were actually not part of the story, but I had a TON of left over Red Scorpion pads from all the old RS upgrade kits (the Mk. 4 armor), and had no place for them, and I happened to have a few BA parts left from a few boxes of Death Company I had bought for no apparent reason. Hence, the Storm Scorpions (still unsure on name) were born.

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I started playing fantasy with Dwarfs but fiddled around with loose ideas of starting a Chaos army. Two things I thought about. One was that I liked the first Chosen Champion of the Gods, Be'lakor and was thinking of a warband that was on his side and felt Archaon and indeed every Chosen since the Dark Master himself was a wrongfull usurper and secondly it always struck me that to bow down in the service of any single one of the Gods was a sign of weakness.


Then WD 270 was my first WD and it featured the Index Astartes article of the Word Bearers and that was my first exposure to 40k and it really tickled my fancy especially since Ive always had an interest in fanatic religion and the occult. So those aspects played in. Also my Bearers of the Word are splintered from the main Legion through a series of events and doctrinal differences called the Divine Man Schism. As of yet not fleshed out it centres though around the belief that Man is destined to ascend and rule both the Empyrean as well as the material universe usurping the very Gods that are now served.

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Iron Warriors, because masses of tanks and artillery appeal to me, I love siege warfare (sitting around all day blowing stuff up? what's not to like?), I love their stories and attitudes (I'm paranoid also, so I sympathise).


As for my Deity, I love Tzeentch most of all, because I'm a mind-over-matter kind of guy :D

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I chose the Thousand Sons first because I liked the way they looked mostly and I thought sorcerors were cool. Then I read the fluff on all the gods and started to love Khorne. After, I was forced to move across the country, I had to start a new chaos army because shipping wasn't an option so I went with Night Lords because they're tied with TS for 1st as my favorite legion.
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I didn't choose the Gods. I loathe them and what they do to a proud and powerful warrior. Well, most of the time. :huh: \


My Night Lords contain no marks save for "Undivided". Even then, there is no worship, it just represents the better morale and intelligence of warriors thousands of years old. Sadly I have to do that to maintain even the most basic feel of a Legion's stance in battle. Ah well, I'll make the enemy fear me all the same. I have no need for Marks of Foolhardy Gods.

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I've always liked the picture and imagery of a savage warrior, who is relentless and unstoppable, but with a fierce pride!


I liked Conan movies when i was a kid and just loved the novels later on.


When i started 40k i started with Umtrasmurfs, but they quickly became covered in blood, and wielding large axes and swords...


So when i discovered the 3ed Chaos Marines Dex, i naturaly being attracted by Khorne.


CSM gave me the satisfaction to let my imagination and hobby hunger be expressed, i always liked more dark and a bit evil figures, be it in movies or comics.


I cried when Darth Vador died in the Return of the Jedi..., its a good sign no?


After a few battle playing Black Legion heavely influenced by Khorne, i transformed my force into a full fledged World Eaters army.


Even in MMo or RPG games i always favors melee type characters, so World Eaters and thus Khorne was a natural occurence for me.

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Slaanesh is my God, as to me I find Him/Her/It's portfolio to be the most tempting. As someone who has been a TSS hedonistic in the past, it is very easy for me to understand how selfless monastic warriors with no experience outside of war might fall prey to the temptation of pleasure for pleasure's sake.


I also like how wide-open (hah!) the scope for Slaaneshi warbands are with a bit of creative reinterpretation: you can have drug-addicted combat fiends, cackling maniacs who relish every caress of a blade against their skin, or dour individuals who only exist to torture others.


All the Gods have this scope (Khornate followers focused on martial pride, for example), but this seems to have fallen by the wayside in GW fluff ;)

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I chose all of them - because there could be nothing else for a Word Bearer. A real pantheon with all the spice and variety for hobby creations and no self-imposed limitations.
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I use to like Khorne for the simple killing. i still do but now I roll with grandpa nurgle, because he likes a good laugh. he's laid back and i feel like having a fun time with it.
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Nurgle is the only god worth serving, plain and simple. With Tzeentch you are a pawn, with Slaanesh you are a plaything, and with Khorne you are a blood offering waiting to happen. Nurgle is like a benevolent father that protects and looks after his children, gifting his followers with with noxious diseases that strengthen them and strike down opponents. In the end, everything dies . . . unless you are a plague marine gifted with immortality.
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My lady choose her army; I had no input! She really liked the despicable-ness and totally evil Word Bearers (and their colors) and that was that.
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Defilement is fun....Papa Nurgle will own all your souls one day.


That being said Sacrilege is fun as well, Probably gonna eventually wind up with a Tzeentch army at some point, Hopefully when they re-do the codex.

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I chose World Eaters because the Beserkers remain to date the only thing that universally scares my entire gaming group.


I chose Slaanesh renegades because I had an idea of for a story, and Slaanesh was the hardest to shoehorn into that role.


I'm now choosing Thousand Sons because the backstory is hella-cool.


I can also foresee a Black Crusade force coming to tie them all together. . .

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