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Nurgle princes and plague marines are competitive and an easy paint scheme, and nurlged up obliterators will look cool.


I was originally thinking Black Legion, but the more I learn and read, the more I like my CSM all Nurgly.

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The Iron Warriors were the first Chaos Marines I read about and I love their color scheme. But the way I picked them was the way they were treated during the Heresy. They followed orders without question but were stuck garrisoned on planets, turning them into bitter yet ruthless warriors. Plus, I can associate with their paranoia. :jaw:
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I chose Khorne originally because I loved the whole skulls for the skull throne, running up and slaughtering your foe and all that jazz. I have moved on to Malal because well there's little to no fluff and it allows for me to go nuts fluff wise. If and when the new Chaos Space Marine codex comes out I'll probably pick another one in addition to Malal maybe if theres an option to lay Cult armies like back in 3.5 Codex days as I've always wanted a nice crazy colored Noise Marine army :jaw:
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Black Legion:


Horus - Most awesome Primarch

Kick Ass Color Scheme

By far the most disciplined and organized Legion

Great Fluff

Access to everything in the book

Can go nuts with modelling

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I chose Tzeentch because I love the raven god's modus operandi.

Trickery, sorcery, manipulation and limitless knowledge? sounds fun to me.

Naturally I gravitated toward the Thousand Sons because the idea of undead rubric marines and knowledge-hunters tickles my fancy. On the other hand, my other favorite legion is the Alpha Legion primarily because they tend to focus on the "trickery" and "manipulation" part of Tzeentch.

"Knowledge is power. Now watch me nuke your planet with this power because I am Alpharius" is generally how I roll. The "I am Alpharius" part is subject to change :P .

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When I started I got two squads of Thousand Sons. I had planned to do an all TS force after seeing one in an issue of White Dwarf with a giant scorpion-defiler. I then started to like Iron Warriors a lot, shortly before inventing my own warband. So my pure TS force is still an option, just right now they are more a renegade force.
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When I start a game, I look for mechanics that suits me. Usually, I enjoy mobiles (cheap/numerous) factions. And I'm not a fan of H2H fights (except when swarming a piece of my opponent). Think skavens of bloodbowl.


For a change, I wanted something different, resilient, evil, mobile, generalist. Noises marines were appealing with mostly stormbolters. Slaanesh, prince of chaos, master of leasure, lord of excess were also appealing.

On the other hand, I got offered some Raptors and CSM. As I didn't want to have useless models. I went with the Night Lords, which turned to be really interresting with their eyesome novels.


I don't like to choose factions, on the fluff. Simply because the fluff doesn't often fit in rules. I prefer to go for mechanics first and move slightly from fluff preferences.


That's why if I was given the chance, I'd start a biker army (White Scars) and sell my CSMs (talking about it, it's giving me ideas).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wanted an assault themed army to contrast with my shooting tau, so I went with Khorne, figuring more punches would be better than hitting first. It's mostly a gameplay element though; I'm still undecided as to what exactly my warband will be about. I sort of want them to be my own thing (renegades) but I also like a couple of the Traitor legions. I don't know I just need to paint the bastards and be done with them.


One idea I'm kicking around is something about a Black Legion attempt to bolster their numbers with captured and brainwashed Cadian Whiteshields who had been augmented into astartes. They later break the indoctrination, and defect from the Black legion-but they have no where to go because the Imperium sees them as traitors no matter the case.

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I chose "all of the above" via having a vision of Abby leading all chapters, all gods into a massed battle. That was years ago, still working on it but it's really taking shape.
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Alpha Legion, the whole black-ops and subterfuge/infiltration scheme they have going on appeals to me enormously! :rolleyes:


...and blue is a kick-ass colour!

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I initially chose Black Legion because I loved the background (even more with the Heresy series) and Undivided worked for me as it let me put different spins on my core force.


I added Slaanesh elements because I WAS going to start an Emp's Children warband but the current 'dex put it on ice (no daemonettes, no sonic weapons on vehicles, no sonic terminators or havocs and no daemonic helpers... :( ) Now I field a small Slaaneshi contingent for variety. I prefer the background aspects of Slaanesh as there are so many ways to go in defining Slaanesh's has influences in your force.


I may return to Slaanesh when my painting improves.


Right now however, based on background and modelling options I have started a Death Guard force. I love the models - especially the Forgeworld Dreadnoughts for Nurgle/DG and Terminator add-ons. The release of finecast Plague Marines was the straw that broke (I despise metal models intensely - I avoid them where possible).


Add in the anvil-like resilience of Plague Marines and for me, it ticks all of the boxes - good fluff, enjoyable modelling/painting and an interesting play style.


Plus, Grandfather Nurgle loves his little followers and showers them with gifts and affection ;) .

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Firstly I started with a army of Iron Hands, but my friend was playing undivided army of chaos and he always won me in combat.

The dark gods lured me and my army in and we were tainted by the filthy, disease ravaged sons of Nurgle.

I liked how they were sturdier with their toughness and feel no pain. And that enemy didn't get their charge bonus (Have made my friends crazy almost in all games :wallbash: ).

I also liked how they looked on the battlefield masses of beautiful green and rust (at least my army is).

So yeah Papa Nurgle got to my army, former Iron Hands are todays Deathguard.

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Khorne because I love CC, I love axes and I like the thoughts of the old khorne ways: Killing only a challange ( i read someone Khorne even attacked a planted for picking on the weak :0), No cowards!, and that they are barbaric.


though i dont follow the idea they are mad men...more that they are tactical, but crazy when that axes opens up that first bit of flesh, then after the killing is done so is there high

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I used to mostly play Eldar because I like the idea of shooting big guns. But I hated that they couldn't stand their ground and shoot, they had to always be running away, and had a tendancy to be utterly ddestroyed the second they entered CC.


But one day I saw a guy with an Iron-Warriors army that had fielded a Havok Squad with 4 Autocannons. So I asked him, "Isn't that the turret weapon off the predator?" and he simply replied, "Yes, except there are four of them". And I knew that I wanted to play that.


After staring at the chaos codex for a bit, I decided upon Khorne because of the +1 attack. (In my mind that was like making every guy in the unit a seargent). But then I noticed that World Eaters couldn't deply Havoks, which was the #1 reason for me to play CSM. (I just love the image of guy in heavy plate armor weilding the main cannon off a tank). So I had to choose undivided to get to play Khorne as well as a gun-line.


So, I've always thought of my army as a splice between World Eaters and Iron Warriors. I love it because it is resilient, shoots hard, and can still kick ass in mellee combat.

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My first army was undivided.


I was, still am really, new to the hobby, and I thought the only way to explore it was to be as eclectic as possible. I stumbled across the Relictors, started thinking about what life would be like for renegades that were still fighting the ancient enemy, how it would change as time went on, and suddenly I had the fluff for a war band that accumulated odds and sods as it drifted through the galaxy on the tides of fortune. It could, must really, change its nature as time and circumstances dictated. This would be reflected in my learning process, and evolving army builds, naturally.


It was a pragmatic decision really.


I'm now working on my fourth army, if we discount the multiple lists my first two can generate. This is the army I've wanted to build since I really started to internalize the fluff, in addition to the game mechanics. This is the army I wanted when I started, but didn't want to actually build until I knew what I was doing.


As to why, though, I couldn't tell you. There's just something about the World Eaters that resonates with me. Khorne too, but he's more the vehicle by which Angron's fury was unleashed. Khorne facilitates the process, but the source of what makes the World Eaters the World Eaters, is Angron.


Angron got screwed, from the word go. His first experiences in life were; being kidnapped by chaos, ambushed by eldar, mortally wounded, kidnapped again, enslaved, having his brain hacked upon, and then being thrown into a gladiatorial arena, where it was kill or be killed, with implants that fed the pleasure centers of his brain when he was doing all the things a good gladiator does. Then, when he has finally fought his way free of all that, found friends in the middle of that horror, and it looks as if their bid for freedom will end in a defiant last stand, when all is at it's darkest in what has been a pretty bleak existence, when all seems lost but for one last bit of defiance, the freedom of spitting in the eye of those he hates most, is all that's left, that and the knowledge that he and those he holds dear will die unbroken, together, rescue appears.


Only it hasn't. What has appeared is the "father" he may have been cognizant of in his gestation tube, the being responsible for his creation, that has been pursuing a galactic crusade rather than turning his vast psychic might to maybe finding one of his sons trapped in some sort of living hell. This entity, this creator figure, this being of unimaginable might, instead of helping the hopeless last stand become a victory, instead of enlisting a new hardened army of veterans, merely teleports Angron away, tells him to forget his friends, who are all dieing now anyway. and tells him to get on with doing what he was created for. A misplaced tool has been retrieved. Old slave masters have been replaced by a new one. The gladiatorial arena is now on a galactic scale. What little light was found, has been extinguished.


Yeah, the legion that entity would lead. Thousands of astartes, armed with the best hardware mankind can give them, possessed of a boundless, righteous, rage kept in check only by an effort of will and whose super human self control is gradually being worn away... It speaks to me.

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I did not choose Nurgle, he chose me.


At first I resented it, and searched the galaxy for a cure to my newfound ailments. Little did I know I was already serving Nurgle by spreading his plague. Soon I found I could not feel the pain of the maggots chewing their way through my intestines. The Great Father hath gifted me with an immortality free of pain; all I must do is gift it to others. Now, I happily spread his Rot, Great Pox, and gut worm.

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As an Alpha Legion player i go with Chaos Undivided because it felt kinda natural, concidering AL isn't chaos worshipers per see. Even though i imagine that some squads or even whole warbands might have fallen towards one or the other of the four gods since the HH. Ten thousand years is a long time to change ones mind and swing in just about any direction.
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I started with a simple homebrew variation on the black legions when I fell in love with the tragic story of the Thousand Sons, the most hard done by chapter of all.


After a while of messing around with units in the 3.5 codex, I discovered the brutal, overwhelming firepower (BOF, tm) of min/maxed plas/las squads and multiple units of havocs. I figured that the Iron Warriors were the perfect way to jam as much firepower into a chaos army, I read the newly released storm of iron and got started. Them applying cold logic to the battlefield, and having a thing for the number 9 also helped.


I miss my 2xhavocs, basilisk, 2x obliterators, 4xlas/plas army.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never been a fan of magic, and I don't like disgusting things, so that leaves Undivided, Slaanesh, and Khorne. I wanted an army that had a badass primarch.


I like Undivided and Night Haunter is usually (I change my mind monthly) my favorite Primarch, so that was a temptation. However, the current codex does them no justice and I didn't want to use the Blood Angel codex (my main opponent plays them.. so that'd be lame), so Undivided was ruled out. Other Undivided Primarchs have no appeal to me.


Fulgrim fits my bill for a Primarch. My main army is Dark Eldar and I like finesse fighters. I'm also a fan of pink and black. I don't particularly like Fulgrim's role during the Heresy. I do like how he's killed 2 Loyalist Primarchs though.


That leaves Khorne. Angron was a badass. I wanted to play a combat army. My main opponents are SW and BA, so there's two good fights. Two boxes of zerkers gets you 24 models, which is 3 fluffy units... awesome. Yeah, Khorne lacks finesse, but I get enough of that with my Dark Eldar and Dark Elves. It's refreshing to have some brutality mixed in with my combat. Angron and the World Eaters fought on the front lines of the Siege. Khârn.


So yeah, that's how I decided on Khorne and the World Eaters. I've only played one game and I got worked, but it was fun and I learned a lot from it. Besides, Khorne cares not where the blood flows...

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Never a slave.


The end justifies the means. (in a 40K context)

That leaves only one option.

Interestingly they had the same paint scheme as the one I went with (RT era) before the Night Lords had been fleshed out. As it turned out, come 2nd ed. there was this chaos marine chapter that was redone and detailed (background) with almost the same scheme as me.. and their fluff fascinated me (Hand of Darkness, Eye of Night anyone? B)). Win-win.

The only difference was that my minis had black shoulderpads back then instead of blue and didn't have lightning bolts (those were added in 2nd ed.). Everything else was spot on. gallery_11038_675_1828.gif

PS. it is fun to see so many new NL players. I do wish that the old fluff was more readily available though as they are missing out on a lot.

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