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I can't say that I've made a decision yet, as I have a tendency to go back and forth on my favorite legion depending on what I'm reading or the phases of the moon. Typicallys its between Iron Warriors, Word Bearers and Emperor's Children.


Word Bearers: I love the idea of the an army with all the same passion and focus of the loyalist's but on the "bad" side. These guys aren't just raiders or pirates but soldiers fighting a holy war and it makes what they do that much more potent to me.


Emperor's Children: Simply put, I like these guys because they are the absolute last legion I would ever want to fight, even beating out Night Lords in my eyes. No one is quite as insane, sadistic or dangerous as the EC. I see them as a cross between the cenobites from Hell Raiser and the recent Joker.


Iron Warriors: This is my standard choice and if push came to shove, the one legion that I would have to say is mine and thats because I'd want to do things their way. The desire to grab the biggest guns, build the tallest walls and hide in the largest fortress with a sign that says "Come get me, I dare you" makes perfect sense to me. There is also a purity to why they fight, simple hatred of the emperor, the imperium and everything that comes with it.

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I chose Tzeentch because they represent everything I think the future isn't as far as using magic and what not. Khorne is too barbaric, Nurgle had obesity issues, and I have no idea what the hell Slaanesh is doing. Plus I'm a vivid Obama supporter ;).
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I chose Tzeentch because they represent everything I think the future isn't as far as using magic and what not. Khorne is too barbaric, Nurgle had obesity issues, and I have no idea what the hell Slaanesh is doing. Plus I'm a vivid Obama supporter :D.






Anyone else sees something familiar? :D



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I really like Chaos, but not the mutated aspect. I love the warrior image, bound in plate, fighting against the oppressors.


So when I read the sad story of the Iron Warriors, and how they cut off mutations and replace them with bionics, I loved it. The IA alone made we want to run them. So intriguing, so morose. They reminded me of myself, having to do crappy jobs in High School, drudging through but getting no respect. Very relate able.


PLus, they were relatively easy to paint for someone new to painting miniatures. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

(One does not choose the Gods, only the Gods choose...)


It is far more efficient to serve the Machine God because in it there is no corruption – only perfection. Any perversions that might be observed regarding the Mechanicum or Mechanicus, are perversions of a mind bound only to and by flesh...


(Psst! I rather admire Tzeentch. Shhh...)

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If I get back into collecting Marines again, I'm debating going either Emperor's Children or Word Bearers. I go for whichever faction I can have the most fun modelling and painting. For me, most of the fun is assembling a wonderful army.
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Nurgle- I just liked the look of the models, the first model I saw was Typhus, and I was told what he could do and I wanted to go Nurgle from there. (i'm new to 40k, so I didn't know much about anything other than UM's and SW's, thats why I say I was told, I didn't know anything about Chaos)
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