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Furious Angels


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Alright, since I spend most of my time commenting on stuff rather than actually posting anything, I thought it would be about time to get something uploaded. Anyhow, skipping all the boring tara tara let me get straight to it. This is my DIY Chapter the Furious Angels.


When the Blood Angels codex came out I just had the urge to make myself an entire DOA force of around 1500 pts. It includes... Dante (represented by the "dude with the axe"), two Sanguinary Priests (represented by Chaplains), two Furioso Dreadnoughts (made from Ironclads) with drop pods, a Landspeeder, and 30 Assault Marines. I only have about half finished and it will take a little while longer to get them completely done, whence the upload of the first wave in the 'Hall' and not in WIP. Keep in mind, I tend to talk the talk but I don't really walk the walk in things painting!


P.S.: I am not the greatest with a camera!





Sanguinary Priest:











Assault Marines:







Alright let me have it, rip me a new one!



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Firstly, I'm very relieved this didn't turn out to be a new Angry Marines blog after reading the thread title ^_^


Now then...


It's certainly an interesting color scheme, and uses a wide palette while not looking too 'busy.' Seems you've got a very good handle of the red in particular.


The metals are really hit or miss though. The sort of dirtied steel on the dread's plate looks awesome, and that same sort of tone comes through pretty well on the heroes (the assault marine pics are a bit too dark to tell).


The gold on the other hand...well, I can't tell if it's just too thick or lacking depth. I'm inclined to think the former, because your shading on some patches (the rim on Dante's shoulder) is spot on. But like you, I'm better at giving pointers than brushes, too: I've never found a gold recipe that both worked well and worked consistently :). The only other blemish is the strange purple tint to Dante's ax. I think I can tell what you were going for, but the colors don't seem to blend too well, especially with the raised edges still being a pretty flat gunmetal around the purple.


Anyway, that's just what my shoddy eyes can spot. A great start with some minor tweaking needed.

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Thank you!


Yeah I can see what your saying... now, not trying to defend myself BUT the gold and Purple (axe) do look a little better if photographed right! Here are two more pictures to show you! Still all the models could do with a lot of improvement, but to be honest for the most part there probably as bad as they are because of my lazyness!






Thank you again for the pointers.



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Thank you. Yeah, I agree the metals could use some more work, especially the gold, I think I might go back in today and change them up a little, to get them more “dirtied“ up like the rims from Dante… then I’ will post some more pictures.


How is my Avatar scary? :) (What would have been really embarrassing, for you, is if that was an actually picture of me!) ^_^



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Alright so, I worked over all the gold again on every model, and basically all I did was add some (a lot of) Devlan Mud. Hope this makes it a little better. Let me know what you think.





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Alright so, I worked over all the gold again on every model, and basically all I did was add some (a lot of) Devlan Mud. Hope this makes it a little better. Let me know what you think.


It does, a lot better, maybe pick out some highlights with silver or something? Looking forward to seeing more. Looks like a pretty quick scheme to be able to knock out?

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Alright I'll try that!


Well depends, the silver armour actually takes a while because it has a lot of layers of silver and washes. The gold also has 4 layers of paint now. And the red 3. So I guess when doing it assembly line style, with plenty of drying time its relatively quick. The time I save on highlighting the armor is basically needed for drying. Then there are the black shoulder pad insets, so I guess its quick, but it could be quicker!



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The wash makes the gold look really good. Before it looked a bit like you had placed gold foil over the areas. As mentioned above, if you place a fine line of silver on some of the raised gold area's it would make the gold pop even more.


I like everything so far, keep it up!

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Thank you, guys. Yeah I’ll be doing that.


I probably will be making a update tonight. Got 4 more assault marines done and am working on the two drop pods and the second dreadnought at the moment!



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Thank you!


My recipe wasn’t all too complicated either, and to say the truth the pictures didn’t do them justice!




1. Basecoat of Brazen Brass

2. A layer of Shining Gold

3. Highlight with Burnished Gold

4. As of late, Drown in Devlan Mud

5. Highlight “lightly” with Burnished Gold

6. Extreme Highlight with Mithril Silver (I will be doing this in the future)


Alright, now I didn’t upload anymore pictures yesterday. I had better things to do, but you should be getting some more in the next couple of days. Including a Drop Pod and another Sanguinary Priest (Chaplain).



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The new gold on your chaplain looks MUCH better. While I'm not a huge fun of the BLACK blacklining, there is something to be said for good contrast, and it really shows in your updated chappy pic.


While we're throwing out gold recipes here, I found a very simply technique a long time ago to get very shiny gold highlights without using silver(which always looked a bit odd to me). Just base with Shining gold, wash with whatever you use for contrast(Devlan Mud in your case), and then thin down Burnished Gold until it's somewhere between a wash and a glaze - you're looking slightly gold tinted water where the surface is shiny with the metallic flakes, then take than and go over the areas you really want to shine or highlight.

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