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WIP Mephiston


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So being inspired by the amazing conversions being done out there, I decided that I had to give it a shot. I know I am stealing other's ideas, but it's meant as flattery. I did try to add my own spin on it with weapon choice, as well I have repositioned the legs to give a charging forward motion. As I've only been playing for a year, and this is maybe my second attempt at a conversion I'm pretty happy with how it's starting to turn out. What I really need help with, is I want to make a flayed cloak that is billowing backwards, to keep with the sense of motion I am trying for. If anyone can help me, or show me a good tutorial on that I would appreciate it, I've never really worked with green stuff before. Please forgive the photo's I took them while on my cq shift last night, and had to use my hand to stop the glare. Also the paint job is not even remotely close to being done, I just threw some random ideas, once i get it complete and decide on paint scheme I will strip it and repaint it to the best of my meager abilities. Overall I'm trying to set myself a challenge in both the conversion, green stuff, and painting to try to get better, so any help/advice is welcome. Thanks.
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Here are a few quick pics, I will post some better ones as I make progress, hopefully without my hand stuck in everyone




Also I am looking for ideas as to what power pack to use, or whether to even use one.

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I like the weapon you have used, it's looking good.


As far as a backpack all space marines in power armour must have them as far as I'm aware! I think if you made one with skulls replacing the bits on the top corners that kinda look like vents, like if you kinda merge those pieces with skulls somehow (I can see it in my head but can't put it into words so well right now) that would look sweet, I have a dark angels one like that out of the DA vets box!

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I could take one but I'm on my iPhone not a pc so I won't be able to upload it! You will be able to find the sprue that it is on somewhere online though no doubt as people pit pics of all the sprues up... It's in the dark angels veteran box!


How it looks is it still has the vent bit on the back and it's skull on the other side, I think if you cut the back off a skull and then shape it to fit onto the piece of the backpack in question.. You could alternatively just look for the piece from the da vets box on a bits site.

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I'm looking for it, hopefully it will work, I do want something small though, the flowing cloak is looking like it will obscure most of it anyways. I'm currently practicing on some extra models, green stuff hates me, but hopefully I will get it figured out well enough to try it out on Meph. I feel you on the phone, my pics were quick snaps with my droid.
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for the backpack thing look at the dark angels range for ideas. o the cloak id say look ath the chaos termy lord/soceror kit cause to b honest its like the best one... though if anone rembers back to before the current spacemarine codex white dwarf did a very cool cloak on a model that was then called perdo kantor(think its now used in the space marine codex as just a normal crimson fist captain) they took the rather bland captain cape thing and sliced it up to near the part where it joined the marine in several sections. then they bent the strips so that they were more flowing and greenstuffed inbetween them so that it looked like a proper cloak billowing in te wind again. so erm yea easier option would be the chaos one... though im not sure how that would fit with a backpack...
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Also I am looking for ideas as to what power pack to use, or whether to even use one.


If you don't mind repositioning the flail so that it's arc is higher near the hilt or is more off to the side (showing an almost over the shoulder chop with the weapon instead of a north-south bash like the original position), the Legion of the Damned have a superb backpack with skulls at each end and a lit brazier upon the center of the pack.





If you don't like that one, the Chaos Space Marines box has one backpack that has two spikes on it with skull trophies that looks like it flares out enough that the flail could pass through it easily.



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Thanks for the replies, I really like the ideas, and appreciate the help. Do you know maybe what issue that white dwarf was so I can look it up, I've been playing for a year now, so a lot of the older models and images are still new to me. I like the idea of chopping up and adding green stuff to it to be flowing, mainly cuz my attempts at a pure green stuff cloak aren't going that well, though the more attempts I make the slightly better they are getting. I like the idea of a more chaosy backpack type. I don't like the "wing" like flare, but i think I remember one with a tooth or horn curving out to the side, with all the skulls on it? maybe I'm imagining it, but if anyone knows what I am talking about and can articulate I would be greatful. Hopefully I should have some more progress that I can post in the next day or so, My goal is to have him done before a 2.5k lgs tourny on the 21st. My work is time consuming so I am hoping setting this goal will force me to make the time to get it done. Though the idea of a diagonal cutting motion, with the over the shoulder strike is interesting, if I did that I wonder if it should be a one handed strike... more thoughts, more decisions.... anyway, again thanks for the comments and ideas.
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i think the flail needs something on its pomel like a gem, skull spike etc ,

never been a huge fan of the face so maybe a mask of some type it will also help distinguish it from the astorah possibly like captain tychos but have it look better.

also possibly green stuff some small flames or paint the skulls on the flail to resemble its force weapon status

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I'm playing with chopping and bending seth's cloak and back pack combo to see what i can do with it. I'll put up a pic or two tonight since I'm on CQ again and have to stay up all night anyway I might as well try to make some more progress.


As to the flail, I was thinking of painting the chains with a lightning pattern to go along it's force weapon status, also maybe a blue glow from the skull eye sockets? I was thinking of doing a blue glow out of meph's eye's as well to tie him into the more traditional librarian theme of blue. I'm not very good at lighting effects and glows, but the more challenges I set myself the more I can laugh at my failures :)

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http://gamers-hideout.com/e107_files/public/1305198700_17_FT119_2011-05-12_00-31-53_90.jpgsome quick pic updates, I will try to get a pic of the mangled cloak up as well, painting advice welcome, again I've been playing for a year, and actually trying to paint for maybe two monthes semi seriously. I am not an artist nor do I have any artistic background, so consider me an empty vessel ready to be filled with tips and techniques.



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sorry it took so long. the white dwarf is no 310 british. but anyway i took some piccys of it for you(sems i made up the part about the greenstuff....)





hope that helps...

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sorry it took so long. the white dwarf is no 310 british. but anyway i took some piccys of it for you(sems i made up the part about the greenstuff....)





hope that helps...


that's great, i really appreciate you finding that for me, i'm going to give it a shot

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