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Dante vs. Sanguinor

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Who do you think brings more to the table in terms of a DOA army? Obviously Dante has no deviation and H&R but Sanguinor brings 1A aura and can take take some fire (which can help alleviate some from other squads) both have a debuff/buff respectively which are opposite things but the exact same stats. Both are CC beasts and i am just looking for as much input as possible!
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Personally I would go with Dante as he is 50 points cheaper and is still pretty good in combat. With 6 attacks on the charge and probably S5 master crafted he does his fair amount of damage. He only has an invul of 1 less compared to the sanguinor and once you remember to use his hit and run it works very well. Also he can go with a squad.


However both are good choices really.

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If you have the points I would suggest taking both, there is nothing funnier then the look on your opponents face when you pop his HQ with dantes death make, and then you make the same hq the target of the sanguinors avenging angel. Sure, it chews up a lot of your points (fully one third of the army if you're playing 1500pts) but it is so worth it to watch Logan die in a single turn of hand to hand against the sanguinor.


Personally though, I usually take the sanguinor because he's just filthy. I've played a lot of games with him and absoloutly nothing has been able to stop him yet. granted most the people I play against are hardly the best players, but still almost fifty games with him and he's taken only two wounds the entire time!

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I always run both in my pure jump DoA army. They are the best pair of matched HQs in my opinion. If you are only going to run one HQ then I'd take the Sanguinor since he has Eternal Warrior plus he buffs one of your sergeants into another HQ that can't be singled out in melee.


G :devil:

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Dante, hands down. Tactical precision and Surgical Strike are both very useful for a jumper army. DM of Sanguinius is also a pain for your enemies (Hello Mr Libby, I sure hope you like dying on your first Perils test!) and while not the killiest character in 40k, he's still fairly competent. Dante + Chapter Banner + Sang Priest = 7 S5 WS6 I7 attacks on the charge, with one reroll to hit. Nothing to sneeze at. And sometimes you even get lucky and your opponent fails his ld test for the mask and Dante then only gets hit back on 5+.
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Depends on the list. The more special CC weapons, the more I'd want the Sanguinor. More infernus, sanguard and melta, Dante. Lots of both, then both characters as it's already a hyper elite army.
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My list at the moment looks something like this without any HQ




2x Sanguinary priests- 180

2x jump packs

2x power swords


Sanguinary Guard- 260

1x power fist

2x infernus pistols

chapter banner




Death company- 330


1x powerfist

1x power sword


2x assault squads-235

2x meltaguns

sergeant w/ powerfist (both squads equipped identically)


Fast Attack:


Vanguard Vets- 235

sergeant w/ PF/SS

2x SS


i brought death company because i wanted a unit that is a mini deathstar without aid of a priest or hq and death company look badass :wub:

also this list fluctuates in value as the tournaments at my local game store go from 1250 to 1500 then end at 1750 (1 tournament 3 separate lists in ascending order)

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I'd be keen to take both at 1750. Fiddle and cut at the rest to make it work. =) Drop an assault squad first... Scoring with 3 units is for GIRLS! With DoA you want to stop him scoring at all while you hold his objectives. Just takes one for that. Two is wiser. =)
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In my list with SG, Dante's hit and run really gets me the most out of that unit. Getting to shoot angelus boltguns and melta pistols, plus furious charge on each of my turns? Sign me up!


However, if my DoA list didn't have SG (some people don't like them), I'd go with the Sanguinor.


Take both? I really hate leaving librarians out of my lists.

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The only thing that kinda sucks about the Sanguinor is the fact that your sergeant upgrade has to be random. I guess if you used Dante and SG and have only one RAS or VV you could force it to go one the only sergeant in your force. Also I have one quick question for those of you out there that run the Sanguinor, how do you randomly select your sergeant?
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From what i have heard you do it randomly by rolling. 1 sergeant will obviously auto get it. 2 you can flip a coin or split the dice scores in half (1 2 or 3 is first sergeant 4 5 or 6 is second sergeant ). 3 you just do a d3 and so on.
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draw straws, numbered scraps of paper, dice, toss a coin, all depends on how many sergeants you have, and what dice you have. Got a d20? Dish out equal amount of numbers to each sergeant, roll die, re-roll if you get an unallocated number...
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Some folks like sgt-less units for that very purpose... to ensure the one sgt in the army gets it. It's kind of a hidden synergy with dante and his nippleguard replacing units with sgts. I used 'em a couple of times to get it on a termie sgt.
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There were a couple of threads about picking a Serg for Sanguinors blessing last year. I was stunned at the number of people who took "randomly choose" to mean "pick whatever Serg I want" :(
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draw straws, numbered scraps of paper, dice, toss a coin, all depends on how many sergeants you have, and what dice you have. Got a d20? Dish out equal amount of numbers to each sergeant, roll die, re-roll if you get an unallocated number...


I've always been a fan of the Dance Off.

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Some folks like sgt-less units for that very purpose... to ensure the one sgt in the army gets it. It's kind of a hidden synergy with dante and his nippleguard replacing units with sgts. I used 'em a couple of times to get it on a termie sgt.



There will always be people out there who will twist the words to say whatever they want. I however like to follow what the book says literally, this way I don't have issues playing with other people.

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Some folks like sgt-less units for that very purpose... to ensure the one sgt in the army gets it. It's kind of a hidden synergy with dante and his nippleguard replacing units with sgts. I used 'em a couple of times to get it on a termie sgt.



There will always be people out there who will twist the words to say whatever they want. I however like to follow what the book says literally, this way I don't have issues playing with other people.

I think you misunderstood shatter. He's describing a list with only one sergeant, which means no matter what method you use you get to pick the sergeant (this kind of list is only legal with DC/DC Dreads or SG as troops).


But lists with units like DC, San Guard, Attack Bikes, HG and then 1 Terminator or Vanguard squad can force the random choice onto the only sergeant.


Personally, I have never used the Sanguinor, but if I did I would bring a d10 or a d20 depending on the size of hte game and random off that way.

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Some folks like sgt-less units for that very purpose... to ensure the one sgt in the army gets it. It's kind of a hidden synergy with dante and his nippleguard replacing units with sgts. I used 'em a couple of times to get it on a termie sgt.



There will always be people out there who will twist the words to say whatever they want. I however like to follow what the book says literally, this way I don't have issues playing with other people.

I think you misunderstood shatter. He's describing a list with only one sergeant, which means no matter what method you use you get to pick the sergeant (this kind of list is only legal with DC/DC Dreads or SG as troops).


But lists with units like DC, San Guard, Attack Bikes, HG and then 1 Terminator or Vanguard squad can force the random choice onto the only sergeant.


Personally, I have never used the Sanguinor, but if I did I would bring a d10 or a d20 depending on the size of hte game and random off that way.


I accidentally quoted the wrong person, sorry shatter, I meant to quote the guy after you.


There were a couple of threads about picking a Serg for Sanguinors blessing last year. I was stunned at the number of people who took "randomly choose" to mean "pick whatever Serg I want" rolleyes.gif


Again I say "There will always be people out there who will twist the words to say whatever they want. I however like to follow what the book says literally, this way I don't have issues playing with other people."


As for having both of them it is quite expensive, even in a 2000 point list that is 2 quarters of your list devoted to two special characters. If i wanted to do this I would probably try to put on as many RAS as I could jsut to get some more boots on the ground. This would also mean dropping my VV squad so I can keep my two HG for FNP.


Edit: Sorry Typo I meant to say one quarter.

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Dante handsdown. Much more reliable. Totally different characters though which impact the list in a different way, so it's a bit of a weird question.


Let's face it: Sanguinor is about as hard to kill as 3 TH/SS termies. On average that is. (assuming no FnP or assuming things ignoring his armour save) Sometimes you roll a couple of 1's and ask yourself where your 275 point character just went.


Personally, I play with both; it's my 'fun' army basicly, weak enough so that I can play it in my club against anyone without feeling ashamed while still ensuring I get fun games (I like the concept a lot):


Dante 225

Sanguinor 275

Honor Guard; (3 meltas, 1 flamer, 2 Storm shields, 1 Fist; mixed around) 260

Honor Guard; (3 meltas, 1 flamer, 2 Storm shields, 1 Fist; mixed around) 260

Sanguard; 2 infernus pistols, powerfist 230

Sanguard; 2 infernus pistols, powerfist 230

10 ASM; 2x melta, TH + SS 260

Total: 1750



Both characters are certainly interesting. Sanguinor is arguably one of the best HQ killers in the game, but that's of little use against some lists and he's dependant on his saving rolls. He's fairly choppy against most infantry too of course. Adding a 4th wound to him would fix him in my opinion and make him good for competitive lists too. His +1 attack aura and sergeant buff aren't bad at all, but he just dies too quick now sometimes.

Dante is fine. Basicly as long as he doesn't get insta-killed he's a pretty decent character. Hit and Run makes sure he doesn't get bogged down with his S4 after the charge. Not scattering is great; not only to get into melta range but also to position your Priests well. (drop him in last with a squad including a Priest/Novice guy, so you can adapt to the other units their scattering)

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There is a reason why the Sanguinor costs more. Like you said make sure Dante doesn't eat a power fist to the face. The Sanguinor can go toe to toe with anybody including Abbadon and that's one of his biggest assets - you can't do that with Dante. The buff to a sergeant for properly designed armies is huge as well then there is the +1A bubble. It's all about how you play them but with the Sanguinor you never have to worry. Sure you roll all ones for his saves but the same could happen to Dante as well.


G :geek:

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I found the Sanguinor's +1 aura most effective when following a huge termie unit. The value of the attacks gained on such large footprint and hard to kill veterans is much greater than on RAS (non-vets) & HG and Sanguard (small footprint, so he has to stay close to the business end) and such-like.
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I found the Sanguinor's +1 aura most effective when following a huge termie unit. The value of the attacks gained on such large footprint and hard to kill veterans is much greater than on RAS (non-vets) & HG and Sanguard (small footprint, so he has to stay close to the business end) and such-like.


That would be great with a squad of 10 terminators with TH/SS when monster hunting or smashing up some palidans.

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