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What cool base ideas?


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I was wondering what everyone does with their bases as I want some ideas but am reluctant to do the basic tan sand and grass technique as it looks very boring. I would like to do a snow base but would this look funny? Any examples of your bases would be greatly appreciated as well as feedback on snow bases with BA. Thanks
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Snow bases can look great, but...


I did my entire Fantasy Chaos army on snow bases, and, unfortunately, it all turned yellow over time. I am really kicking myself. Wish I hadn't done that.


My advice would be to stay away from snow bases unless you find some fool-proof way to prevent it all from turning yellow.

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I based some WFB dark elves with snow. The article I found said to mix a bit of blue paint and some white paint in. I besed them at least 2 years ago now and have not had a problem. I believe I found the tutorial on CMON.
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I was wondering if they would look weird on red BA as red is a very warm color and snow is...well...cold.


JamesI do you do snow bases on your Angels Vermillion?

yep. The oddness is kind of the point. WHen I first started playing, I was playing Salamanders. I figured a snow world would be the worst kind of place for the Salamanders, so I based them in snow.


When I switched to Angels Vermillion I kept the snow bases.

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I really like city-like terrain, i.e. asphalt, metal plates, concrete... Otherwise it could be black sand like volcanic pebble or something alike. Anyway, the general idea is to have dark-grey or black bases, as it would contrast with red armor.
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I'm pretty sure anything other than aquarium sand and goblin green is some kind of heresy. :huh:


(Back2base-ix makes great stuff)

I remember those days, old school.

I have all my stuff based with fake effect metal, it's meant to look like the inside of a ship.....

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As a firm believer in Goblin green (as a contrast to BA red) and a sandy flock I originally bought to represent the terrain of Arkansas on my ACW bases...


I'd beware of very specific snow and spaceship type bases because unless you are playing a long campaign or only one type of battle these can look a bit odd on the table. That is why sand and debris are so useful. The GW basing kit has some nice things to put on the bases, and I also use a lot from the mines and booby traps set.

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I did mine with sand. Washed it with Devlan Mud and dry brushed it with Blood Red. Was going for a red dirt ala Mars. It's what I imagine Baal might look like.


I'm also going to go for a surface that looks like Baal starting with (what is standard now) calthan brown. I haven't actually started to build up the rock and stuff yet as I still don't have any of my new BA army completely finished but I do have alot of genestealer skulls off my brother so I'm planning on having atleast one of them on every sarg. I'm also planning on have pieces of ruins and stuff like that on the bases as my theme other than looking like Baal will be post apocalyptic wasteland.

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I have a wet muddy surface on my bases, which also coveres tracks, plates and landing gear on my stormraven and ofcouse also the boots and a little up the legs of my Angels.

Looks neat, but people often this its an easy way, which it kinda ain't, but meh :D

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I have a wet muddy surface on my bases, which also coveres tracks, plates and landing gear on my stormraven and ofcouse also the boots and a little up the legs of my Angels.

Looks neat, but people often this its an easy way, which it kinda ain't, but meh :D


Sounds good, I want to add mud to my vehicles, what colour you using? I bought scorched brown for the burnt parts but not sure about getting a real looking mud affect.

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I've used the back-2-basix Round Ruin bases for all my BA and I really like the ruined city feel of them. they aren't too terribly expensive really. I've been buying them off eBay from an Aussie guy who sells 30 small bases for around $20 USD (usually with free shipping). The 60mm and 40mm bases (flying/dread bases and terminator bases respectively) are a bit more expensive but they are also quite a bit more detailed. The 40mm bases in particular are a favorite of mine they have bit's of half destroyed wall and other neat rubble on them.


I've also used the back-2-basix desert bases for my Orks, they are extremely easy to paint (I use 2 coats of desert yellow and 2 coats of gryphon sepia), and really look great on the table.

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I've used the back-2-basix Round Ruin bases for all my BA and I really like the ruined city feel of them. they aren't too terribly expensive really. I've been buying them off eBay from an Aussie guy who sells 30 small bases for around $20 USD (usually with free shipping). The 60mm and 40mm bases (flying/dread bases and terminator bases respectively) are a bit more expensive but they are also quite a bit more detailed. The 40mm bases in particular are a favorite of mine they have bit's of half destroyed wall and other neat rubble on them.


I've also used the back-2-basix desert bases for my Orks, they are extremely easy to paint (I use 2 coats of desert yellow and 2 coats of gryphon sepia), and really look great on the table.


I've never heard of these before, I take it GW doesn't stock them then?

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No GW doesn't stock them, you can check them out here. they have a whole slew of gaming products from flocking to resin bases. I prefer the resin bases myself as flock just seems to make a big mess for me. I am toying with the idea of adding some static grass to my bases though. For my BA I used the Round Rubble bases, but they have a whole range of different styles. The site sells 30 for $20.85 + shipping, but like I said you can find them on eBay usually for around $20 with free shipping for 30.
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I like resin bases. I have tried, in the past, doing my own bases and they just don't look nearly as cool as what you can do with resin bases. Plus doing them yourself takes SO long for even just a 10 man squad. Well, I take that back, you can make some really awesome totally custom bases for yourself, but for me, the time involved is just too much for a base.


I'm currently using two sets from dragonforge, the wasteland set and the slate wasteland set. I have painted them up the same but the slate set gives some nice bigger and more elevated bases for elites and HQs.



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I like resin bases. I have tried, in the past, doing my own bases and they just don't look nearly as cool as what you can do with resin bases. Plus doing them yourself takes SO long for even just a 10 man squad. Well, I take that back, you can make some really awesome totally custom bases for yourself, but for me, the time involved is just too much for a base.


I'm currently using two sets from dragonforge, the wasteland set and the slate wasteland set. I have painted them up the same but the slate set gives some nice bigger and more elevated bases for elites and HQs.




Some nice bases there, I really like the 'wasteland II' and the desert wasteland ones, think I'll have to invest in some but I still need to check the ones from the link that was posted by Rybnick too.


EDIT: yeah after looking through the dragonforge ones I think that the desert wasteland ones would be the ones for me, I think alot of the other ones are a little too cluttered.

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look at the link in my sig - it has a few pictures of my bases. They are quite unique I think, and easy and cheap to make.


For resin bases check out secret weapon miniatures - they have bases with a raised lip so you can pour in water effects to make swampland or corpses floating in a sea of blood.


the latter is sure to cause a stir.

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yep go the Back 2 Basix stuff, they are from a local Adelaide, South Australian guy so happy to talk them up!! I've got heaps from there - there wet stuff is really good too.


Also the GW 40k is really good - I've been using that for a blasted city feel for my bases. Looks really nice against the red.

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I like resin bases. I have tried, in the past, doing my own bases and they just don't look nearly as cool as what you can do with resin bases. Plus doing them yourself takes SO long for even just a 10 man squad. Well, I take that back, you can make some really awesome totally custom bases for yourself, but for me, the time involved is just too much for a base.


I'm currently using two sets from dragonforge, the wasteland set and the slate wasteland set. I have painted them up the same but the slate set gives some nice bigger and more elevated bases for elites and HQs.




Oh man, I have the lost empires one and love it to death. Have told numerous people to give them a look.

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