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Firing platform?

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Alright in BRB p66. is about Transport vehicles and troops rules of firing out of them... My question is the unit able to move 6" to get inside of the rhino for example and fire a Multimelta if the Rhino remains stationary for that turn?


Could you do the same thing with a Tower or any actual true built building in 40k then?


This isn't something that has been tried yet at my store but ... we have these towers that we been ruling at (impassible) but I'm tempted to tweak them to be a fire protection unit for some of my army....


Is that correct thinking or just unusual thinking? The rule only strikes me because after a game with gray knights where I poured some buckets of dice onto some grey knights termy force... I had some reduced units of MM and Meltaguns that could have attempted some long range daka...and it be a nice card to hold in my pocket for ARD boys next few months in my local town.


This is legal play correct?

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