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Plague Terminators


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Howdy all, I am considering making a couple termicide units and I think that it would be amusing to use a box of GK termies as the base for some Nurgle conversions, Mat Ward's vaunted 'incorruptiblity' fluff notwithstanding. :devil: However, I am unsure as to how to proceed- I think using mere chaos terminator bits would clash quite a bit with the look of the GK.


Do any of my fellow acolytes of disease have any suggestions for how to make them appear more tainted without going overboard?

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A zombie kit and greenstuff.


I've had a similar idea for a while but ultimately I decided that I wanted to cover up too mush of the detail that makes them unique and with that in wind I will probably just convert another box of chaos terminators.....still not sure though.

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A zombie kit and greenstuff.


Zombies is probably what I will end up using. I had some zombie bits lying about but not enough to spread around two termicide squads. I'm pants at greenstuffing, though. I am also considering throwing in some of the insect-like parts from the possessed box and the spawn kit.


I hear you about the detail-obscuring stuff. However some of it I actually prefer hidden, such as the GK specific iconography on the shoulder pads and whatnot.

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yeah but if I was going to the trouble of corrupting some Grey Knights, I'd want it to be easily identifiable that thats what they were, keeping a lot of their iconic imagery in shape. If you want to see some basic green stuffing in various stages go look at my blog has a few mini tutes in there as I recall. as for pieces if you have the hanging heads, loose arm and bald severed head then your all good.
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Just one issue, if you read the new GK codex it says they are incorruptible. If you accept Mat Ward's fluff, they your idea isn't really possible. I really have no opinion on it either way though.
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Incorruptable eh?? This is purely propganda mate. No one expected the Horus Heresy right?? And lets face GKTDA gets killed pretty much the same as any other... Now which lazy Choas lord is not going to slavage some nice shiny bits for his army. If memory serves me right CM's in TDA essentally get challenged all the time just so a lower rank marine can get his hands on their armour... It's rare and you will get it any way you can.
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Just one issue, if you read the new GK codex it says they are incorruptible. If you accept Mat Ward's fluff, they your idea isn't really possible. I really have no opinion on it either way though.


*Cackles insanely* fluff was meant to be broken. In my little corner of the eastern fringe, the vaunted incorruptibilty of the GKs is mere propaganda.


Seriously, though, I think the current GK material is useless tripe. They may be the pinnacle that humanity has to offer, but I find the idea that none have ever turned to be as silly a concept as it is unrealistic. And as heretic??ME?? notes, if you have trouble accepting that, you can always rationalize it away with PM wearing looted armor. :)

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Mat Ward does come out with some utter tripe, but the Grey Knights immunity to corruption has been canon since at least 2nd edition. Or rather, that in 10,000 years no Grey Knight has fallen - I actually have no problem with some finally falling, it is the End Times after all.


Incorruptable eh?? This is purely propganda mate. No one expected the Horus Heresy right??

Which is why the Horus Heresy happened - there were insufficient safeguards to prevent it, by comparison the Grey Knights are created specifically to fight Chaos, their training program hardens them specifically against it (and most likely any who might succumb are tested and killed during training).


And lets face GKTDA gets killed pretty much the same as any other... Now which lazy Choas lord is not going to salvage some nice shiny bits for his army.


I'm also all for that, no Grey Knight has ever betrayed the Emperor - doesn't mean no armour or GK corpse haven't been defiled and used by others.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I did this as a conversion for my Chaos lord back in the day with an old metal GK. I felt the medieval look of the helmet worked well when there was a spike sticking out of his forehead.


I just filed down all the GK iconography, gs'd over the inlaid text on the armour, cut some cracks into the armour plates and added a bit more gs to add bursting holes in him.

Converted his halberd to a scythe, add a couple spikes here and there...


He was my Lord for the longest time, then I converted a DP to represent him elevated to daemonhood. Unfortunately I dropped the lord shortly after and he's in pieces now, but the idea was cool while he lasted.

Edited by Wardiel
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