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furious charge and poison


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IIRC, poison just means you wound on a fix number (2+, 4+ or whatever), regardless of toughness.


FC means you get higher S (a waste in this case) and initiative.


Why would you re-roll?

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If the attacker with a poisoned weapon has the strength equal to or greater than the targets toughness you get to reroll the wound roll.
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Why would you re-roll?

Under Poisoned weapons:

"In addition, if the Strength of the wielder is the same or higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls to wound in close combat." BRB pg42

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but my point is, do you use the unmodified str or the modified str to determine if you can reroll the wound dice. I thought yes at first, but then due to other things only using the unmodified stat, I wasn't so sure.
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The BRB has 42 pages? Really? :rolleyes: Thanks for the quote Dan VK


In that case, yep, you do have S4 ... ergo you get to re-roll.


Nice learning there...

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just remember thats close combat only, dont try to reroll your helfire shots.

The FAQ also states that hellfire rounds are Strength 1.

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