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Looking for a BA Conversion


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I was looking through the BA Codex recently and there is a picture (page 21) with a captain with leopard pelt and underslung plasma gun. If I remember correctly, this is an old piece of art work (looks like John Blanche?) and I have a vague memory that there was a conversion of this floating around somewhere, might have been in a very old WD (i'm thinking back to 2nd ed era I guess).


Anybody else remember this or is my mind playing tricks on me?

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That pic come from the Epic boxed set, and I dont think a conversion was ever made of him - there was one of the captain on the cover of the 2nd edition 40k box. Sorry, google skills failing though.
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That pic come from the Epic boxed set, and I dont think a conversion was ever made of him - there was one of the captain on the cover of the 2nd edition 40k box. Sorry, google skills failing though.


Yeah I recognised the pic from Epic although I never played it... Can you remember Necromunda? I used to love that, I had an awesome khorne and nurgle fleet.

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I used to play Necromunda and Bloodbowl back in the day, the ability to improve your team/gang as you went on in a campaign was pretty fun. I think with fleets you might be talking about Man'O'War though?


Anyway back on topic:

It just rings a bell, but I might be wrong. I know there were a couple of conversions done of John Blanche artwork back in the day shown in WD, including one of an empire guy on horse.


The look of the underslung plasma gun with loads of cables and tubes looks so tempting to have a shot at converting. Not sure which parts i'd need to use for the rest of him though.

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Hmm that sounds really familiar. I want to say it was a Golden Demon winner from a long time ago, but I'm not sure. It may have been in a WD from someone's collection. I'm pretty sure you aren't crazy. B)
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Yeah necomunda was amazing, hahaha it's funny cos when I wrote that before I actually ment Man 'O' War(that's why I said khorne fleet) haha how silly. But yeah Necromunda was so good, like how you could add ratskins and bounty hunters to your gang, I think they brought out a ratskin gang in the end actually.. What were the gang called that all had flamer type weapons? And the ones in the blue cloaks what were they called? they were my favourite. Sorry for going off topic here, I just love Necromunda and Man 'O' War and blood bowl actually, I used to have a chaos all-stars team and the black ork team, I think they were called orkland raiders which was funny (or did I just imagine that?)
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I seem to recall a conversion of that model as well. I'll see if I can find it.


Also, as far as the 2nd Edition box art Captain goes, this one is my favorite conversion. I have most of the pieces for it, I just need to bite the bullet and give it a go. No way I can pull off the paint work, but I just have to have one. :sweat:

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-Space Marine Commander bitz; Power fist, holster, right arm, head (with what looks like Green Stuff added for hair), legs (most likely they've been repostiioned)


-2nd Edition era boltgun and backpack


-Two blank shoulder pads


-chestplate; unsure. Most likely the one shown in the picture was Green Stuffed, but I plan on using the one from the Baal Predator kit. Additionally, I was going to add one of the sheathed blades from the Sanguinary Guard box.


On topic, I still haven't found the conversion Coopervisor was looking for. :tu:

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-Space Marine Commander bitz; Power fist, holster, right arm, head (with what looks like Green Stuff added for hair), legs (most likely they've been repostiioned)


-2nd Edition era boltgun and backpack


-Two blank shoulder pads


-chestplate; unsure. Most likely the one shown in the picture was Green Stuffed, but I plan on using the one from the Baal Predator kit. Additionally, I was going to add one of the sheathed blades from the Sanguinary Guard box.


On topic, I still haven't found the conversion Coopervisor was looking for. ^_^



Have to say that is a very nice conversion and looks so much like the picture. Like the use of the old school bolter as well B)


As for my original request, i've been trying to search google, but no luck either so far :(

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-Space Marine Commander bitz; Power fist, holster, right arm, head (with what looks like Green Stuff added for hair), legs (most likely they've been repostiioned)


-2nd Edition era boltgun and backpack


-Two blank shoulder pads


-chestplate; unsure. Most likely the one shown in the picture was Green Stuffed, but I plan on using the one from the Baal Predator kit. Additionally, I was going to add one of the sheathed blades from the Sanguinary Guard box.


On topic, I still haven't found the conversion Coopervisor was looking for. B)


Yeah I was talking to my brother about the chest plate in the Baal box and rather than use them on my baal's I was thinking of keeping them for a more special model, it's the only one that comes with a blood drop that I know of.


Also I think making blood drop's with green stuff should be pretty easy, I'm yet to use green stuff yet but I'm planning on using it for my HG conversion, well either that or get those etched brass bits from FW, they are awesome.

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-Space Marine Commander bitz; Power fist, holster, right arm, head (with what looks like Green Stuff added for hair), legs (most likely they've been repostiioned)


-2nd Edition era boltgun and backpack


-Two blank shoulder pads


-chestplate; unsure. Most likely the one shown in the picture was Green Stuffed, but I plan on using the one from the Baal Predator kit. Additionally, I was going to add one of the sheathed blades from the Sanguinary Guard box.


On topic, I still haven't found the conversion Coopervisor was looking for. B)


Yeah I was talking to my brother about the chest plate in the Baal box and rather than use them on my baal's I was thinking of keeping them for a more special model, it's the only one that comes with a blood drop that I know of.


Also I think making blood drop's with green stuff should be pretty easy, I'm yet to use green stuff but I'm planning on using it for my HG conversion, well either that or get those etched brass bits from FW, they are awesome.

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