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Necron: Question about WBB rule

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I have a question about Necron we'll be back rule.

If a Necron is swept after close combat it cannot benefit from the rule. My question is: the models "killed" during combat are removed when the unit is swept of do they remain on the table awaiting WBB rolls.

It's clear the models still alive at the end of combat are removed when they are swept but what about the necron "damaged" during combat?


Thank You for you assistance.

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This is a highly contentious issue. There only thing everyone seems to agree on is that the wording of the rule interacts poorly with the 5th Edition rules. I suggest discussing it with your opponent before the game begins and rolling off for a decision if there is disagreement. Here is a previous thread.
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This is a highly contentious issue. There only thing everyone seems to agree on is that the wording of the rule interacts poorly with the 5th Edition rules. I suggest discussing it with your opponent before the game begins and rolling off for a decision if there is disagreement. Here is a previous thread.

Since I'm going to play in a tournament at my local store I may ask it to the organizer of the event. What I really hate about Necron condex is how poorly it interacts with current rulebook.


Thank You for you answer

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What I really hate about Necron condex is how poorly it interacts with current rulebook.


That isn't the fault of the Codex per se as it's a product of its time – but I think some issues could be dealt with better with more carefully considered faqs though :lol: .

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What I really hate about Necron condex is how poorly it interacts with current rulebook.


That isn't the fault of the Codex per se as it's a product of its time – but I think some issues could be dealt with better with more carefully considered faqs though :D .


Either that or they could have updated the Codex earlier. I'm pretty sure that there's been two new C:SM Codices and two new Tyranid Codices since I started playing, and when I started playing they were using the current Codex. I'm sure Marine players or Nid players could have done without while the Necron Codex got updated.

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Those Necrons Killed during combat are also removed, as they were part of that unit.

It is all in the thread if anyone cares to read it. As the topic has already been discussed and the thread has been locked I do not see the point in starting it again unless there is new information to consider. :)

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As a Necron player this arguement is all ways going to stay until the new Dex.. but with the WBB rule if any warriors are downed and are able to Wbb in the Necron Players next turn REMAIN on the table until Such role's.. But after talking with the guys at head office about this some time ago the rules that are set within "TLOS" could also be effected by downed warriors..
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