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Hey guys!


Firstly, apologies for the extended absence from the forum (to those of you that even noticed it heheh)


And secondly thanks to JamesI and the others for manning the fort alone while I was away - muchly appreciated.




For those of you that don't know, I was on a huge trip of the States.

It started with Adepticon and then went onwards from there



Some Stats/Facts:


I played a total of 23 games over 5 weeks in 6 states (8 of which were the official Adepticon, 3 more at our private tourney there).


Adepticon I went 4 wins 4 losses. (pretty poor odds sadly).


The rest of the trip I went 15 Played - Won: 10 Drew: 2, Lost: 3


I played against such awesome people as:


Fluger (of Blood of Kittens orky Fame).

Koyote (of here fame).

OwlandMoonguy (of here fame).

Number6 (of here fame).

BA Jerry (Previous Seattle GT winner - original "razorspam" man)

Cole Markgraf (Adepticon no.2, and current 2nd seeded in USofA)

Wadders (Winner of our private tourney)


to name a few.


and also got to play on the same team as JamesI, Mordekiem and Gaganius (previous Canadian champ and finalist for the Adept Championships) for Adepticon Team tourney as well as getting to meet Black Orange again and Seahawk and Wildfire for the first time.



I'll try get as many pics up as possible of the various games played!! And Batreps.


One thing I can tell you to keep an eye out for is Koyote's incredible new army (sadly not BA, but incredible none-the-less).

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?

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Welcome back. Awesome tour no matter the win/loss ratio.

I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more holiday pictures and travel guides!

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?


James and I came up against a no scoring unit double team of 4 BLINGED Thunder Wolf Wolf Lords leading two packs of full thunderwolves as well as two packs of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves.

Their troops were 2x5man wolves (someone in their team had Canis).


They set up in a line and charged forward - precious little we could do, though, our Fear Libbies helped us put up a damn good fight.

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?


James and I came up against a no scoring unit double team of 4 BLINGED Thunder Wolf Wolf Lords leading two packs of full thunderwolves as well as two packs of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves.

Their troops were 2x5man wolves (someone in their team had Canis).


They set up in a line and charged forward - precious little we could do, though, our Fear Libbies helped us put up a damn good fight.


Ouch , that list sounds nasty. Its very easy for people to say "focus their scoring units" against lists like that , but dealing with that many thunderwolves bearing down on you quickly is incredibly tough.

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?


James and I came up against a no scoring unit double team of 4 BLINGED Thunder Wolf Wolf Lords leading two packs of full thunderwolves as well as two packs of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves.

Their troops were 2x5man wolves (someone in their team had Canis).


They set up in a line and charged forward - precious little we could do, though, our Fear Libbies helped us put up a damn good fight.


Ouch , that list sounds nasty. Its very easy for people to say "focus their scoring units" against lists like that , but dealing with that many thunderwolves bearing down on you quickly is incredibly tough.



There were no scoring units. They got first turn, and it was KP. :lol:

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?


James and I came up against a no scoring unit double team of 4 BLINGED Thunder Wolf Wolf Lords leading two packs of full thunderwolves as well as two packs of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves.

Their troops were 2x5man wolves (someone in their team had Canis).


They set up in a line and charged forward - precious little we could do, though, our Fear Libbies helped us put up a damn good fight.


Ouch , that list sounds nasty. Its very easy for people to say "focus their scoring units" against lists like that , but dealing with that many thunderwolves bearing down on you quickly is incredibly tough.



There were no scoring units. They got first turn, and it was KP. :P


Even bigger ouch then. Mis-read the 2x5 man wolve squads as Grey hunters :lol: . I have this image in my head that the game was like playing frisbee then with little rhinos running around the thunderwolves in circles. I'm guessing it was some alternate force organistation chart thing then?

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Well, I went 3-3 at Adepticon (one of the losses being the game I was teamed with Morticon and another being to Seahawk).


Welcome back to the site and glad you had a great time in the USA!



...Sooo... *evil grin* who blew it?


James and I came up against a no scoring unit double team of 4 BLINGED Thunder Wolf Wolf Lords leading two packs of full thunderwolves as well as two packs of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves.

Their troops were 2x5man wolves (someone in their team had Canis).


They set up in a line and charged forward - precious little we could do, though, our Fear Libbies helped us put up a damn good fight.


Ouch , that list sounds nasty. Its very easy for people to say "focus their scoring units" against lists like that , but dealing with that many thunderwolves bearing down on you quickly is incredibly tough.



There were no scoring units. They got first turn, and it was KP. :P


Even bigger ouch then. Mis-read the 2x5 man wolve squads as Grey hunters :lol: . I have this image in my head that the game was like playing frisbee then with little rhinos running around the thunderwolves in circles. I'm guessing it was some alternate force organistation chart thing then?

Since someone in the team had Canis Wolfborn, the entire team could take Fenrisian Wolves as troops. It was a nasty game, though not as nasty as the leafblower list I ran into later.

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Yeah,some matchups are just rough.

James and Mordekiem ran into such a killer leafblower style mech list- we looked at it and thought: "damn, rather you than us!" ><;


The first game I lost while playing with Mord was almost entirely due to unfortunate reserve rolls - my entire army came on 2nd turn, none of his (except his wolf scouts - which came on off the worst possible board edge- a 1:6 chance of it happening! ><; boo.

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Yeah,some matchups are just rough.

James and Mordekiem ran into such a killer leafblower style mech list- we looked at it and thought: "damn, rather you than us!" ><;


The first game I lost while playing with Mord was almost entirely due to unfortunate reserve rolls - my entire army came on 2nd turn, none of his (except his wolf scouts - which came on off the worst possible board edge- a 1:6 chance of it happening! ><; boo.


What did the leaf blower list have in it to be so scary?

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The Leafblower game we had horrid reserve rolls. I think the Longfangs and tank shooting stuff came in late. First turn I think only my Vindicator arrived (and promptly died).


They had a ton of tanks, very few other things, but that's leafblower. Mordekiem and I had bad luck that game, but it didn't really matter. We completely screwed up deployment and it was pretty easy for the IG armies to blow us off the table.

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The Leafblower game we had horrid reserve rolls. I think the Longfangs and tank shooting stuff came in late. First turn I think only my Vindicator arrived (and promptly died).


They had a ton of tanks, very few other things, but that's leafblower. Mordekiem and I had bad luck that game, but it didn't really matter. We completely screwed up deployment and it was pretty easy for the IG armies to blow us off the table.


I'm new to this 'leafblower'? What is it, just loads of tanks? I love loads of tanks and I'm really curious about what this leafblower style is and what armies you can do it with.


I'm thinking about what army to start next and I really want a mech heavy army, I really like eldar for their colours, do they do 'leafblower' and what are they like for mech style lists in general? (sorry, yet again a d-rail the topic but I'm just curious, lol)

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Ok so it's not a general type of list, it only applies to IG.. it's a shame IG are so boring to paint I think as they seam to have the best mech lists.
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I was one of the privileged players who got a game in w/Mort & was privileged also to add a win to his tally above. We had an 1,850 pt, annihilation game vs. my Daemons; an army I don’t play much any more due to all the codex creep but it was a great game regardless.


Mort will have to refresh me on his list but it was mainly a balanced mech/infantry mix.


I brought:

Keeper of Secrets

Tzeentch Herald on Chariot

5x fiends, one with d.strength

10x daemonettes w/icon - 2 squads

8x blood letters - 3 squads

8x horrors w/changeling

Nurgle daemon prince w/wings

Nurgle daemon prince w/breath

Soulgrinder w/phlegm


During deployment Mort castled up near the back center of his table edge. There was a circular ruin at his right flank so I decided it was going to provide the cover I needed to stage my advance.


IIRC, I failed to get my preferred army ½ but had good reserve rolls in general. This did leave my more anti-vehicle units off the table which hurt me the most. The game progresses as expected with his shooting support effectively ripping down my units before they could tear into his infantry.


My highlight came when Mort disembarked his DC and shot bolt pistols into one of my squads. They were in view of the Changeling and, upon failing their leadership, shot up one of his own units. This inhibited their assault that turn and instead got assaulted by my fiends the next turn. Despite this good luck, the fiends failed to score enough wounds and didn’t last long in a prolonged fight with the Death Company.


In the end, Mort won, 11 – 9 KP’s.


I’d welcome another game at any time. Here’s hoping for another US tour in 2012.



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I was one of the privileged players who got a game in w/Mort & was privileged also to add a win to his tally above. We had an 1,850 pt, annihilation game vs. my Daemons; an army I don’t play much any more due to all the codex creep but it was a great game regardless.


Mort will have to refresh me on his list but it was mainly a balanced mech/infantry mix.


I brought:

Keeper of Secrets

Tzeentch Herald on Chariot

5x fiends, one with d.strength

10x daemonettes w/icon - 2 squads

8x blood letters - 3 squads

8x horrors w/changeling

Nurgle daemon prince w/wings

Nurgle daemon prince w/breath

Soulgrinder w/phlegm


During deployment Mort castled up near the back center of his table edge. There was a circular ruin at his right flank so I decided it was going to provide the cover I needed to stage my advance.


IIRC, I failed to get my preferred army ½ but had good reserve rolls in general. This did leave my more anti-vehicle units off the table which hurt me the most. The game progresses as expected with his shooting support effectively ripping down my units before they could tear into his infantry.


My highlight came when Mort disembarked his DC and shot bolt pistols into one of my squads. They were in view of the Changeling and, upon failing their leadership, shot up one of his own units. This inhibited their assault that turn and instead got assaulted by my fiends the next turn. Despite this good luck, the fiends failed to score enough wounds and didn’t last long in a prolonged fight with the Death Company.


In the end, Mort won, 11 – 9 KP’s.


I’d welcome another game at any time. Here’s hoping for another US tour in 2012.




What do you mean by 'all the codex creep'?


Also I wasn't aware unti recently that you could field entire daemon armies in 40k, when did they introduce the daemon codex into 40k?

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Codex: Chaos Daemons came out in 2008 in a joint release with WHFB. In essence, the 3rd edition of Codex: Chaos Space Marines was split into two sets of army rules: C:CSM’s as we know it today with only generic greater & lesser daemons and all the specific daemon units moved into C:CD.


Since its release, many of the new army rules have introduced units that leave Daemons sorely lacking. Daemon armies suffer from low mobility and weak long range shooting. Fast vehicles tend to be very difficult to counter as they can always back-pedal away from Daemon units and safely kill them with concentrated shooting. Daemons also have very little anti-tank so cracking vulnerable infantry out of their transports can be a real task. Now with the inclusion of Codex: Grey Knights, Daemons are even lower on the balance scale than before.


That’s 40K for you. Three years ago I would have never believed that Guard and Wolves would be the power armies in the game while Chaos & Eldar would be left to gather dust on the shelves but so it came to be.


Cheers, -OMG

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Codex: Chaos Daemons came out in 2008 in a joint release with WHFB. In essence, the 3rd edition of Codex: Chaos Space Marines was split into two sets of army rules: C:CSM’s as we know it today with only generic greater & lesser daemons and all the specific daemon units moved into C:CD.


Since its release, many of the new army rules have introduced units that leave Daemons sorely lacking. Daemon armies suffer from low mobility and weak long range shooting. Fast vehicles tend to be very difficult to counter as they can always back-pedal away from Daemon units and safely kill them with concentrated shooting. Daemons also have very little anti-tank so cracking vulnerable infantry out of their transports can be a real task. Now with the inclusion of Codex: Grey Knights, Daemons are even lower on the balance scale than before.


That’s 40K for you. Three years ago I would have never believed that Guard and Wolves would be the power armies in the game while Chaos & Eldar would be left to gather dust on the shelves but so it came to be.


Cheers, -OMG


So eldar aren't so good anymore either, why is this? I really wanted to start a mech eldar army as they were my first army when I was 10 back in 1991! But if they aren't that good now I may sway towards a mech cadian army as they have some bloody good tanks.

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