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Not to sidetrack the topic at hand but personally, I think that Eldar are a very capable army list in the current edition. I was more referring to the fact that at the end of 4th edition, un-killable Falcons & nigh-unstoppable Harlequin units could sweep opposing armies off the table in much the same way as leafblower IG does today.



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Ok thanks for that OMG. So eldar are still on the cards then but maybe I'll go with IG.. I wanna pick something I can ally with my BA army, I really like the idea of BA and eldar fighting alongside to destroy my brothers vast MC heavy nids.


And sorry Mort for D-railing the topic slightly, I am a repeat offender, I just have so much I want to know and if something kinda comes up I can't help but asking about it! Please don't hate me, I just love learning about new things.

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