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Blood Angels Sniper Scouts


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Hello, i want to play sniper scouts and need advices how to play them? Should i put camo cloaks on them, how many of them is 10 ok? What to shoot at with them?




They sit at objectivs, shooting at either what ever is nearest to them or monsterous creatures. They have camo-cloaks.

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I just got some too and I'm gonna use them for MC hunting, for a technique I learned from someone on hear where you can force targets in a certain direction as they will probably move away from the scouts and for sitting on objectives.


I also run five with camo cloaks and missile launcher but also with a locator beacon if needed for bringing down pods and stuff.. You could use them to bring down some terminators to clear an objective and then use the scouts to babysit it after it's cleared. I'm thinking of deep striking a LRC full of terminators using the scouts locator for my land raider list!

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ran of squad of 10 a while ago. camo cloaks, snipers and a missle launcher. they werent bad at all, sniping a few tau battle suits, a terminator and some normal marines. (termies also failed their pinning test :P )although truth be told they take some getting used to as the rest of my army was highly mobile. AND they might need support if anything gets in close combat. but i digress, fun squad to use. noone expects them to do anything so its even more fun when they do actually accomplish anything.


while theyre not ENTIRELY useless theyre not the best squad we can bring obviously. when you want to put a squad on an objective though and be sure that they survive a great deal camo cloaks is a must. with a 3+ cover save base and 2+ if they go to ground (or if you brought a techmarine) you can be sure of the fact that they WILL piss your opponent off because they simply refuse to die. a nearby priest adds even more lolz to this but ups the price of the squad abit :(


*ponders* i have to try this out in apocalypse :D i cant wait to see the look on my opponents faces when my scouts win over an objective even if he pours 90% of his fire on them ^_^

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ran of squad of 10 a while ago. camo cloaks, snipers and a missle launcher. they werent bad at all, sniping a few tau battle suits, a terminator and some normal marines. (termies also failed their pinning test :P )although truth be told they take some getting used to as the rest of my army was highly mobile. AND they might need support if anything gets in close combat. but i digress, fun squad to use. noone expects them to do anything so its even more fun when they do actually accomplish anything.


while theyre not ENTIRELY useless theyre not the best squad we can bring obviously. when you want to put a squad on an objective though and be sure that they survive a great deal camo cloaks is a must. with a 3+ cover save base and 2+ if they go to ground (or if you brought a techmarine) you can be sure of the fact that they WILL piss your opponent off because they simply refuse to die. a nearby priest adds even more lolz to this but ups the price of the squad abit :(


*ponders* i have to try this out in apocalypse :D i cant wait to see the look on my opponents faces when my scouts win over an objective even if he pours 90% of his fire on them ^_^


Explain the techmarine thing please... I think techmarines look awesome but I'm told they majorly suck in a BA army, would this be a reason to have one maybe.

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ran of squad of 10 a while ago. camo cloaks, snipers and a missle launcher. they werent bad at all, sniping a few tau battle suits, a terminator and some normal marines. (termies also failed their pinning test :P )although truth be told they take some getting used to as the rest of my army was highly mobile. AND they might need support if anything gets in close combat. but i digress, fun squad to use. noone expects them to do anything so its even more fun when they do actually accomplish anything.


while theyre not ENTIRELY useless theyre not the best squad we can bring obviously. when you want to put a squad on an objective though and be sure that they survive a great deal camo cloaks is a must. with a 3+ cover save base and 2+ if they go to ground (or if you brought a techmarine) you can be sure of the fact that they WILL piss your opponent off because they simply refuse to die. a nearby priest adds even more lolz to this but ups the price of the squad abit :(


*ponders* i have to try this out in apocalypse :D i cant wait to see the look on my opponents faces when my scouts win over an objective even if he pours 90% of his fire on them ^_^


Explain the techmarine thing please... I think techmarines look awesome but I'm told they majorly suck in a BA army, would this be a reason to have one maybe.



Bolster Defence they call it. It's a huge hit or miss. If you have a huge building in your zone you sure wish you had it. Along with 2 scouts squad and 3 devastators. Build around it and get lucky, then we're talking.

Reinforce ability. Still useless unless you build something around defending your own half. The problem with the ability is that it has to be a ruin in your own deployment zone, if there ain't no such thing, the ability fizzles.

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So..... (sorry, shameless thread hijacking here) techmarines, what do they bring to the table for BA? (sorry again but I really didn't wanna start another thread for this) are they worth it or not? I never, ever see anyone using them from the lists I see on B&C.
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I run one squad of 5 Sniper Scouts with cloaks and missile launcher to sit objectives with my Dev Squads in the backfield (I run a DoA/Hammer list). They work well, and I always have a Priest in the area as well. It makes for a very durable, scoring, shooting base.
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like the others have said, the techie is there to provide a +1 to the cover save of a ruin. generally at my local store we play with a few ruins on each table so theyre hardly ever a miss :P besides if you play dawn of war you have half a table that can contain said ruin ;)
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like the others have said, the techie is there to provide a +1 to the cover save of a ruin. generally at my local store we play with a few ruins on each table so theyre hardly ever a miss ^_^ besides if you play dawn of war you have half a table that can contain said ruin B)


Yeah but if I was to take one with the intention of fixing my damaged vehicles would it be viable? I run strictly mech lists so I'm thinking that a techie and some of his servitor buddies might be a good call but I do t know enough about them and I haven't really heard of them bein used much.


So basically with me running ALOT of tanks, would running a squad of these be a good idea for me?

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a mech heavy list? absolutely!


point about scouts is that they are cheap (and thus leaves more points for other stuff) and, aside from infiltrate and outflank, not very mobile. objective sitting is a thing they do well and since they dont need to keep up with the rest of the force objective camping is something they do well in a mech list :)


you got mobility and ranged firepower to back them up. chances if you cant shoot whatever is threatening your scouts up with your army combined, chances are additional numbers in combat wouldnt do much good either <_<


mech heavy is one of the themes where they fill a nice role imho. they could even, if needed to.... engage a devastator squad (or likewise anti armour unit) with outflank or infiltrate move outside of camping your own home objective.



about the techie. if you take him dont bother taking the servitors. the heavy weapons can only do anything if they remain put and the servies arent exactly stellar in combat (even if they have powerfists...) plus theyre pretty pricey. they do however make him better at fixing stuff which is priceless if hes fixing things like land raiders, dreadnaughts or predators. rhinos, not so much...


renember that even IF he repairs a vehicle that then proceeds to kick butt, that the unit that does the repairing costs a fair bunch! 50 pts for the techmarine as a base is nice but repairing on a 5+ arent good odds. the added servitors make it more managable but increase the price by 15 pts per model. if you have a big enough model for him to repair (and one that he stay behind on foot) then sure, if you think its what you need go for it. if you dont have one of those things then dont bother (IMHO offcourse)


and sorry for derailing the topic towards techmarines :P

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a mech heavy list? absolutely!


point about scouts is that they are cheap (and thus leaves more points for other stuff) and, aside from infiltrate and outflank, not very mobile. objective sitting is a thing they do well and since they dont need to keep up with the rest of the force objective camping is something they do well in a mech list :)


you got mobility and ranged firepower to back them up. chances if you cant shoot whatever is threatening your scouts up with your army combined, chances are additional numbers in combat wouldnt do much good either <_<


mech heavy is one of the themes where they fill a nice role imho. they could even, if needed to.... engage a devastator squad (or likewise anti armour unit) with outflank or infiltrate move outside of camping your own home objective.



about the techie. if you take him dont bother taking the servitors. the heavy weapons can only do anything if they remain put and the servies arent exactly stellar in combat (even if they have powerfists...) plus theyre pretty pricey. they do however make him better at fixing stuff which is priceless if hes fixing things like land raiders, dreadnaughts or predators. rhinos, not so much...


renember that even IF he repairs a vehicle that then proceeds to kick butt, that the unit that does the repairing costs a fair bunch! 50 pts for the techmarine as a base is nice but repairing on a 5+ arent good odds. the added servitors make it more managable but increase the price by 15 pts per model. if you have a big enough model for him to repair (and one that he stay behind on foot) then sure, if you think its what you need go for it. if you dont have one of those things then dont bother (IMHO offcourse)


and sorry for derailing the topic towards techmarines :P


Some good advice for scout snipers and techmarines there... I think in my landraider list (atleast 3 LR's) the techie would be a very good asset, with a servo harness and a few servitors with servo arms the odds of repairing is great. Thing is though I don't really want my LR's to get imobilised and I feel taking a techie is almost getting into the mentality that they will be... I really don't know about the unit but they do look so cool and I'd love to paint them.


And also sorry for hijacking the thread, I should have started my own thread really but I just thought we could discuss the techmarine here as he was already brought up.


Back onto the scouts though I intend to use them with my devs more than likely but I have a few ideas of what I'd like to use them for. Another idea that I have discussed with someone in another thread is to have them off to the left or the right flank in some cover near the middle of the board and use them to push enemies into the middle of the board.. I'll have to find the topic in which we were talking about this tactic as it was someone elses idea, it's in a thread I started on here about anti MC Nid lists not too long ago!


EDIT: this was the post I was referring to!

If a unit suffers an unsaved wound from a sniper rifle then the unit must make a pinning test. Very helpful for squads you want to slow down :-).


They can infiltrate so at the start of the game they can be anywhere on the table (12" away from the bad guys if hidden or 18" in plain view).


They just give your opponent something else to think about while the rest of your army moves about the place.


Also Snipers are strength 3 against vehicles but they get an additional either d3 or d6 (not got 'dex with me right now) so they can take down Tanks from the side or back (and tanks don't tend to face Snipers when there are bigger weapons staring at them).


With a 3++ save in cover with Camo Cloaks they ain't too easy to bump off either ;-).


I use mine by hiding them to one side of the table which means the enemy either has to come out to the side to kill them (leaving less units in the main battle) or move out of the way (feeding his units to my other flank or baal's, razorbacks and land raider).

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point about scouts is that they are cheap (and thus leaves more points for other stuff) and, aside from infiltrate and outflank, not very mobile. objective sitting is a thing they do well and since they dont need to keep up with the rest of the force objective camping is something they do well in a mech list :D


Cheap? While you get a slight discount on the starting squad any scout you add after that cost as much as a tactical marine (assuming cloaks).

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But with a camo cloak the humble scout has a 3+ cover save. Not to mention included in the price they can have rending heavy weapons that always wound on a 4+.



I always take 5 with snipers, cloaks and a ML. From next week I will be taking a squad of 10 to every game, probably combat squadding.



Recently my scouts seem to be the only unit in my army that succumbs to the Red Thirst too :D

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