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Ideas for fighting G.K

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From a DoA perspective I would use the following tactics:


*Vanguard vets snipe the Vindicare assassin - it's very important to take out the Vindicare as quickly as possible since he can negate invulnerable saves and snipe sergeants

*I'll still run with all melta over plasma as melta insta gibs Paladins and wounds Dreadknights on a 2+

*Drop safe behind cover - psybolt stormbolters and psycannons can trash our assault squads - overall we have better mobility and should always use this to our advantage!

*The Sanguinor is still a potent threat since the Vindicare assassin can't negate his 3++ and he has Eternal Warrior

*Probably a good idea to run a Librarian simply for the psychic hood - if Grey Knight's psychic powers go off they are uber Marines... If they don't then they are simply overcosted Marines for the most part

*Mephiston is majorly nerfed versus Nemesis force weapons and the psychic hood - leave him home up on the battle barge

*Try to avoid combat as long as possible versus Paladins with halberds or a Librarian with Quicksilver - again our mobility really helps here

*Dreadnaughts charging out of Stormravens are still an ace as Nemesis force weapons can't hurt them - Bloodfists versus Paladins and Blood Talons against most of the rest


G :geek:


How would a regular dread with multimelta and bloodfist fair?


I'd rather have two Bloodfists since the Furioso comes with a meltagun and you're going to come in close anyways when he disembarks.


G ^_^

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From a DoA perspective I would use the following tactics:


*Vanguard vets snipe the Vindicare assassin - it's very important to take out the Vindicare as quickly as possible since he can negate invulnerable saves and snipe sergeants

*I'll still run with all melta over plasma as melta insta gibs Paladins and wounds Dreadknights on a 2+

*Drop safe behind cover - psybolt stormbolters and psycannons can trash our assault squads - overall we have better mobility and should always use this to our advantage!

*The Sanguinor is still a potent threat since the Vindicare assassin can't negate his 3++ and he has Eternal Warrior

*Probably a good idea to run a Librarian simply for the psychic hood - if Grey Knight's psychic powers go off they are uber Marines... If they don't then they are simply overcosted Marines for the most part

*Mephiston is majorly nerfed versus Nemesis force weapons and the psychic hood - leave him home up on the battle barge

*Try to avoid combat as long as possible versus Paladins with halberds or a Librarian with Quicksilver - again our mobility really helps here

*Dreadnaughts charging out of Stormravens are still an ace as Nemesis force weapons can't hurt them - Bloodfists versus Paladins and Blood Talons against most of the rest


G :geek:


How would a regular dread with multimelta and bloodfist fair?


I'd rather have two Bloodfists since the Furioso comes with a meltagun and you're going to come in close anyways when he disembarks.


G ^_^


Yeah true, I am yet to build a furioso (I have a DC BT tho) but I was thinking about frag cannon and blood fist, what do you think about that loadout BO?

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24 inch range is ample for Vindicators. Psycannon really are not a serious threat seeing as they need 6s to pen and BA can easily outmaneuvre GKs. You might lose a 145pt Vindicator to an Interceptor Squad, but that tight formation of PA GKs is going to get absolutely obliterated next turn and costs a darn sight more than 145 pts. It is a poor trade. And GKs don't have the manpower to do bad trades.


+1 for Furioso Dreads. AV13 laughs at Grey Knights without Hammerhand turned on. WS6 makes it hard for them to hit even with Hammerhand on.


4,8, or 16 shots from one unit at Rending-S7 seem like a bit of a threat to me. Interceptors on a move still get off 4 S7 on AV11 or AV10 side or rear armor which should be enough to at least keep it stuttered. I don't know why the Interceptors would be bunched up in that example either. The 30" teleport shunt doesn't require them to take Deep Strike coherency, and the normal teleport doesn't either. Flipside of course is if you are behind cover, then you can roll out the next turn and nuke them with a couple of units and then it's moot. But theorycrafting usually just runs around in circles, heh.


What size GK armies are you running into? I'm not going anywhere with the question really, just curious if our shop is seeing much larger than normal. At worst they seem to be outnumbered 2:3 if they have something fancy like an expensive transport, but the two main armies are running a 45 model count at 1750 and 53 at 1850. I believe I run a 44 at 1750 and my friends SW is at 61 I think at 1850? Haven't seen/played against any of the silly 15-25 model lists I've seen on the net yet.


I will have to try your idea of the Furioso though in my libby DOA list. I think you're right, it would probably cleave through anything they have in melee if you have a psychic hood going your way.

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Well if the interceptors are shunting they will be very much unsupported and we will have ample counter-assault units to pick them off or just use massed mid range shooting to deal with them. I've not found them to be a particularly big threat besides a one off death or glory attack.


I have found that Mephiston can easily kill more than his points back of GK infantry, regardless of the Force Weapons. And remember his Psychic Hood is at Ld10 vs their Ld8/9. He is RIDICULOUS if they ever take any of those Dreadknights. He eats them up as if they were bases of Nurglings.


We play 1750 now for GT practise. I don't think there is any one great build for GKs though. The henchmen with acolytes and death cultist units scares me more.

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@ 1Drop


I'll give up a fist for a frag cannon. The thing to remember is use the cannon versus Grey Knights in power armor - it's a template so no cover save and you are basically wounding the majority of a squad twice then charging into combat. Imagine what this will do to other armies such as Tyranids or orks. As has already been mentioned AV13 plus WS6 is a bane to Grey Knights in general.


G :HQ:

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furioso dreads with dual BTs make a mess of GK. GKs wanna CC so give them something that will ruin their day. WS 6 FA 13 and you are getting an extra attack with every unsaved wound. I have dropped a 5 man paladin squad with a apoth this way. 125 poits vs 400 plus? DC dreads rock as well if you runa list with DC. They have fleet FC and an extra attack and a re still at WS 5. Out CC dreads wreck GK. SG dose alright as well so long as there are not a massive number of halberds. I have thought about giving my SG plasma pistols and seeing if I can make that work.


I second the Furiosos's. Also, consider a Furioso Librarian for the psychic hood as defense against their many psychic powers. Give him Wings and he is a highly mobile psychic power nullifier.

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@ 1Drop


I'll give up a fist for a frag cannon. The thing to remember is use the cannon versus Grey Knights in power armor - it's a template so no cover save and you are basically wounding the majority of a squad twice then charging into combat. Imagine what this will do to other armies such as Tyranids or orks. As has already been mentioned AV13 plus WS6 is a bane to Grey Knights in general.


G :)


Sounds too good to pass up really, would you use a SR or drop pod him?

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