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Blood angels Captain


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Im just wondering what ye think needs to be done to make the captain worthwhile in the codex, from what i can tell most people think hes not worth while and i would have to agree we have much better hq options in the book maybe some sort of kit or a stat change maybe? Also i was thinking the other day it would be nice if there was a piece of wargear for some hqs that gave the bike toughness 4(5).

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The problem with the captain is after arming him, he's the same cost or more expensive than a Reclusiarch. The Reclusiarch is basically as good in combat, and provides the fearless and reroll on the charge to the squad.


Artificer armor would help a little, relic blades would help a lot. A rule that provided a bonus to other models in the army like Rites of battle would be awesome.

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Like James said a relic blade and artificer is what our captin is missing but I think the best loadout for our captin would probably be powerclaw and stormshield but don't take my word for it, this is just what I have picked up from the guys on here, that seams to be the loadout of choice for a cc unit.


EDIT: I just realised this is a discussion of what would make our captin better.. So yeah a relic blade and artificer armour would be good also maybe some form of stat boosting like leadership 10 for all (like Tyco)

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relic blade is a 2-handed power weapon thats hits at S6. since 2 handed only means you can fight with no other weapon the storm shield is a perfect pair as that just grants a 3+ invunerable save. arty armour, SS and RB is a very powerfull combo for a captain. giving him a 2+ armour save, 3+ invunverable save and S6 power weapon attacks that hit at initiative.


sadly however the chapter lost its source of arti armour and relics some place in the chapters past. but somehow managed to hold onto to their vast supply of dreadnoughts from the age of the heresy and HUGE supply of land raiders that they somehow got ahold of ;)

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Multiple solutions:

-Lower the base cost of the Captain. Let's say...80 points max. Offsets his rather crappy gear and lack of additional rules to an extent. Combimelta/Lightning claw or Infernus/Power sword for the fluff bunnies would make for a budget fighter. Still not great as he suffers from opportunity cost and still not doing something particularly amazing or needed, but could do the trick.

-Some way to buff other units in the army. +1 WS for the squad he's with for example, or giving 1 Tactical squad a special skill like Sicarius does. (just some ideas)

-Better wargear options. Wont help a lot though, Space Marines captains in competitive lists are usually on a Bike (to get bike as troops, duh) or Vulkan. Although Relic Blade + Arty armour + SS makes a Captain rather effective, he's still not efficient. (180 points people...)


Tycho tries hard to be a usefull Captain though. Pitty that his hand doesn't give you +1 for 2 CCW's and that he's still a bit expensive. Who am I trying to trick: Tycho would be boss if he had a Psychic Hood ;)

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