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New Renegade Army- Need Help

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I have decided to start my second army. I have had a couple of friends come over and wish to play a game of 40k after seeing my Ultramarines on the dining room table (I seem to always be painting). I could have just let them play half of my Ultras as I have about 5000-6000pts, but I am getting sick of painting them and really like the sculpting of Chaos marines and would like to try a new paint scheme. The problem is I have never played Chaos and I hear now a days your better off using your Chaos army with Space Marine codex's if you would like to remain competitive. Their are just not a lot of builds that are competitive with Chaos. Is this true? The idea for my renegades stems from the idea that one of my Ultramarines breaks away from the imperium after he realizes that corrupt people are leading it and would like to destroy the Imperium so he can remake it as a monarchy with him at the front. They still see the Emperour as the religious head, but are sick of the corruption brought by the current leaders. They play both sides of the Malestorm recruiting renegades from both Chaos (Space Marines who have had a change of heart, but know the imperium will never accept them back into their ranks, so they throw their bid in with this new lot.) and Space Marines who are sick of the corruption of the Imperium. A kind of modified Soul Drinkers if you will. I was thinking they could even keep the one shoulder pad that contained their old units markings on and have like a red X on it as a kind of slap to the face of whatever chapter they had come from. What do you guys think? Is it doable? What changes do you recommend?
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Their are just not a lot of builds that are competitive with Chaos. Is this true?

there is more or less one . two if one calls LR rush a different build from normal mecha.


What do you guys think? Is it doable? What changes do you recommend?

there is no 4th ed rule that an army had to be painted in certain color to get certain rules , so yeah it is doable.

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