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Which Dreadnough loadout?

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So I am planning on making a full drop pod army for Blood Angels and I have run into trouble on deciding how I want to equip my furioso dreadnoughts. So I have five dreadnoughts total, three dreadnoughts with multi-meltas and heavy flamers and then two furioso dreadnoughts. I don't know if I should equip them with Blood Talons and heavy flamer and meltagun or blood fist, meltagun and frag cannon. Any ideas?
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One with frag cannon and bloodfist and heavy flamer and the other with dual blood talons with heavy flamer and melta. The fragnaught for armoured targets and the dual talon for squishies.
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The fragcannon dread has never let me down. A dread with frag cannon, melta and magna grapple really hurts the tanks! Once I popped a LR, rhino and a razorback on the first turn with it. Too bad I'll never get that lucky again :)


I also go with 5 dreads at the moment. One Furioso with frag cannon, one Furioso Librarian (he has never let me down either), One DC dread with talons and magna grapple and two HS, one rifleman and one asscan dread.

I only drop 2 of those on pods though. The HS and libby dreads starts on the board and the DC and frag cannon pods down in the midst of the enemy. Usually the furiso with the frag cannon dies the first turn of enemy shooting but that lets the others to get in place for the next turn. If the frag cannon lives to fight another turn, I usually table the opponent. Don't know why, but thats the way it's been.


Dreads are so much fun!

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The fragcannon dread has never let me down. A dread with frag cannon, melta and magna grapple really hurts the tanks! Once I popped a LR, rhino and a razorback on the first turn with it. Too bad I'll never get that lucky again :P

How on earth did you manage that?? :o

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The fragcannon dread has never let me down. A dread with frag cannon, melta and magna grapple really hurts the tanks! Once I popped a LR, rhino and a razorback on the first turn with it. Too bad I'll never get that lucky again :o


I also go with 5 dreads at the moment. One Furioso with frag cannon, one Furioso Librarian (he has never let me down either), One DC dread with talons and magna grapple and two HS, one rifleman and one asscan dread.

I only drop 2 of those on pods though. The HS and libby dreads starts on the board and the DC and frag cannon pods down in the midst of the enemy. Usually the furiso with the frag cannon dies the first turn of enemy shooting but that lets the others to get in place for the next turn. If the frag cannon lives to fight another turn, I usually table the opponent. Don't know why, but thats the way it's been.


Dreads are so much fun!


How were you able to pop a LR, rhino, and razorback in a single turn? When using a template to target a vehicle you must cover as much of the model as possible making impossible for you to have targeted models in this fashion.

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Get enough arms you can swap depending on your opponent. I find that picking one load-out and just sticking to it leaves me saying "Ahh! If only I had taken _____! I wouldnt have lost!"
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The fragcannon dread has never let me down. A dread with frag cannon, melta and magna grapple really hurts the tanks! Once I popped a LR, rhino and a razorback on the first turn with it. Too bad I'll never get that lucky again :tu:


I also go with 5 dreads at the moment. One Furioso with frag cannon, one Furioso Librarian (he has never let me down either), One DC dread with talons and magna grapple and two HS, one rifleman and one asscan dread.

I only drop 2 of those on pods though. The HS and libby dreads starts on the board and the DC and frag cannon pods down in the midst of the enemy. Usually the furiso with the frag cannon dies the first turn of enemy shooting but that lets the others to get in place for the next turn. If the frag cannon lives to fight another turn, I usually table the opponent. Don't know why, but thats the way it's been.


Dreads are so much fun!


How were you able to pop a LR, rhino, and razorback in a single turn? When using a template to target a vehicle you must cover as much of the model as possible making impossible for you to have targeted models in this fashion.


if they had two vehicles that were right next to each other then you could get as much as possible on one and also manage to cover another.

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The fragcannon dread has never let me down. A dread with frag cannon, melta and magna grapple really hurts the tanks! Once I popped a LR, rhino and a razorback on the first turn with it. Too bad I'll never get that lucky again :P


I also go with 5 dreads at the moment. One Furioso with frag cannon, one Furioso Librarian (he has never let me down either), One DC dread with talons and magna grapple and two HS, one rifleman and one asscan dread.

I only drop 2 of those on pods though. The HS and libby dreads starts on the board and the DC and frag cannon pods down in the midst of the enemy. Usually the furiso with the frag cannon dies the first turn of enemy shooting but that lets the others to get in place for the next turn. If the frag cannon lives to fight another turn, I usually table the opponent. Don't know why, but thats the way it's been.


Dreads are so much fun!


How were you able to pop a LR, rhino, and razorback in a single turn? When using a template to target a vehicle you must cover as much of the model as possible making impossible for you to have targeted models in this fashion.

I only have to cover the vehicle I'm actually shooting at right? The others stood behind it and also got hit. But when I re-read the rules I understand that I actually have to lay the template along the length of the LR. So I cheated apparently, I should only been able to shoot the LR and one of the others. I actually think it was my opponent that held the template since it was on his side of the table. But I think I'll keep on doing it my way, if the opponent doesn't object. I looks silly to put the template in another direction then my Dread is facing. Turn the template 45 degrees from the Dreads facing? Nah.



But then again, it's kinda cheesy to shoot anything behind a LR. Guess I'll have to think about it the next time it happens.


On topic again, I always take magna grapple on the dreads I drop pod down. I even did it once, out of old habit, when I faced a DoA army. Those point could have gone to power weapons instead :lol:

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