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any good terminator loadouts?


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Anyone got any good termie loadouts either: under 230 points or under 330(deciding whether should include greater daemon 100 point unit).

My current loadout is

5 termies:

1: Icon of Tzeentch

2: Power Fist, Heavy Flamer

3: Lightning Claws

4: Chainfist, Combi-melta

5: Nothing


I would be replacing a greater daemon 100 points and a chmapion 15 points if i made them any more points.

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For most, the only mildly decent termie loadout is the Melta-Termicide, which is just 3 of them all with combi meltas. I personally have used a unit of 4 with 3 combi-meltas, a reaper autocannon and a chainfist (for when you've used the meltas) to great effect. I won a game with them once--they popped a land raider full of 8 assault terminators on turn 2, which was very useful for me.


IMO, terminators units shouldn't be costing you any more then they need to. They get expensive fast, so try to only upgrade them with what they absolutely need, and remember that a unit of 3 or 4 can usually do just fine.

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Meltacide is what most people use but one of the biggest advantages with chaos termys is there cost, there dirt cheap so you can flood the board with them with no other upgrades then maybe a chainsfist and a heavy flamer or 2. 10 standard chaos termys are not that much more then a kited out unit of tactical marines.
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Wargear: 2x TL-bolter, Combi-melta, Combi-flamer, Heavy Flamer, 3x Power Weapon, Powerfist, Chainfist. 190 pts. General purpose squad. Probably not "good" by anyone's standards but they work for me just fine. If I had more termies and fought PA more often I would add combi plasma.
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Other than termicide squads and max size squads as mentioned above, the other viable use of them is combi plasma. I like 5 terminators, 5 combi plasma, icon of chaos glory, and a chain fist. Exactly 200 pts. It will usually make its points back just from the combi plasma spam melting a squad or rear armor of a vehicle when you deepstrike.


As others have mentioned, chaos terminators are cheap. But moreso, their combi weapons are really cheep, and as deepstrikers they make good combi weapon spammers. Don't bother with them for assault purposes, that's done better by berzerkers and princes. 1 combi weapon is more killy than buying them claws, and cheaper. If you've got points to spare, do single claws so you can keep your combi weapon.

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