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Thousand Sons conversion

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With the whole GW metals issue going on, it has become somewhat more expensive to field rubric marines than it once was. However, Scibor miniatures sells all sorts of handy bits, and I was thinking of just grabbing some rubric helmets, some Scibor Egyptian shoulderpads and a spare CSM squad box, and throwing them all together. With some smart building (bolters only, go for the least chaosy weapons and armour etc) and using a converted DA vet as the sorcerer, should that work nicely?
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Yes yes and yes! I love those parts. If you know anyone with spare tomb kings bitz you can get some pretty kickass looking Kopeshes for your sorcerers.


The dark angels robed figures work great

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Yes they are


(Ethrion if you start Tk let me know. I've played them as long as Sons)


Cool! Well I got the army book the other day, most of it is greek to me at the moment as I am still learning the ropes - all those square bases is very confusing :cuss


But I've been reading the TK forum (noticed you on there as well), and I've just been absorbing what long time players have been saying about the units and abilities. All very cool indeed.


The khopeshes are gonna be awesome for TS and even the shields of the skeletons can be put on the sides of rhinos as emblems etc. Oh and all of my sorcerers are made from the DA robed models naturally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, will make an account soon. Also anyone else thinking of using the tomb guard weapons (hand and halberd) look really great for Sorcerers? only problem for me, I am not planning on using Tomb guard (more of a ushabiti man myself) and so not sure where I would get the bits from.
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  • 2 weeks later...
As a possible alternative to Scibor bits, there's this: http://goo.gl/ttBtN


The seller seems to post them very regularly, though they're not cheap you do get quite a lot for your money. On a related note, does anyone who plays Tomb Kings have any spare khopeshes for sale?!

those are quite nice, I really like the chests and shoulderpads, not too keen on the melmets (a few I like, but most meh) has biven me a few ideas about how to finish my sorcerer conversion, though, just need to figere out his staff topping.)

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