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Down-grading Sanguinary Guard Armor

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I bought a SG kit, which I intend to use as SG, but for my DIY chapter which counts-as BA. My DIY chapter however isn't a BA successor, and isn't inclined to flying around looking like something off a fashion show runway - I got the SG kit because I still do like the wings, and most importantly, the huge weapons. Besides, regardless of what the body looks like, there is no confusion about what they are when the opponent's see the huge fake wings and big weapons.


So all that said I'm downgrading them so that they are still clearly "more venerable" than veterans, but not quite as bling-ed out as the original kit. My bitz box is fairly massive (15 years of about eight GW armies does that to you) so I should have a decent amount of options lying around to accomodate most suggestions.


Some of my thoughts:

1) Replacing the torso with something from either the Assault Squad (with the jump pack straps across them) or something from the command squad/commander/chaos marine kits. The Command Squad kit has the Champion chestplate, the commander kit has...nothin much really except the body with the rope across it, and I've traditionally always used Chaos kits for my veterans, to make their armor look older.


2) Replacing the helmet with more normal helmets. Maybe literally normal helmets, or one of the more exotic ones (commander/command squad/chaos/venerable dread/grey knights).


3) Not sure about the legs. My concern is if I replace the legs with normal ones, the weapon arms (which I plan to keep) and the winged backpacks (which I plan to also keep, to make ID'ing them easier for the opponent lest my opponents complain they look too much like "normal" veterans) would stand out far too much, so I might maintain the SG legs, minus the BA icons.


4) Replacing the shoulder pads with either normal bland ones then freehand in my usual chapter symbol and squad markings, or use some of the Command Squad ones (e.g. the one with the Terminator Honors).


I'd appreciate some ideas and input, thanks!!

I picked up a SG box yesterday to use as Vanguard Vets. I think the armour is the thing that sets them apart, so I've kept that.


I've removed most of the BA icons, used regular jump packs and toned down the heads a little.


I guess you could mix in some assault marine parts including some regular shoulder pads and heads. I guess part of it will be how you paint them. I think if they're not gold then they won't look as "bling"

I too have the SG box for my Angel Sanguine Vanguard. I don't run SG so didn't mind using the 'fancy' armour to represent the VV status. I used a combination of the wreathed 'normal' helmets from the SG and Assault boxes and some other regular helmets. I kept the feathered shoulder pad but I'm using standard assault weapons.

With your set up I'd maybe keep the armour, it'll be partially hidden by the huge blades after all and the legs especially are good positions for the charging feel. The regular head swap ties them in well with the rest of your marines and if you have a rummage through to find more exotic ones like you said then it'll give them a unique look - you could always bits order a few of the same (various sgt helmets, DA crusader helmet, Ven Dread heads etc) to unify the squad.

Shoulder pads again you could get a good differentiation by giving the unit all the same shoulder pad, albeit a more 'standard' one - there's some fancier ones in the normal shape on both the DC and SG boxes without needing to use the big fancy feathered ones, termie honours might be nice too.

One other thong to consider is the colour scheme. This obviously depends on your successor chapter and you might already know what you want to do but, by painting mine red and black, it's really played down the 'bling' of the artificer parts. The gold helmets identify them along with the single jet jump pack. Yours will have the wings too so will be clearly different already so you could consider changing or maybe just playing down their gold-ness.

Good luck!

Yeh painting them any colour other than gold will already go a long way to making it the way you want.


I'd also suggest casting your chapter symbol. When sculpting, you only have to get it right once, then make a mold and cast as many as you need. I'm not saying spend hours and hours learning to sculpt (if you dont already), but I am saying it's worth it to learn enough to do your chapter symbol, even if your good at freehand.

Yeh painting them any colour other than gold will already go a long way to making it the way you want.


I'd also suggest casting your chapter symbol. When sculpting, you only have to get it right once, then make a mold and cast as many as you need. I'm not saying spend hours and hours learning to sculpt (if you dont already), but I am saying it's worth it to learn enough to do your chapter symbol, even if your good at freehand.

Thanks for the tip, I actually considered that, along with printable decals, but I decided against both ideas because, very frankly, I like it when people are clearly impressed that all the chapter symbols and squad insignias on all my Marines are individually hand painted. I did it for the joy that brings me more than anything else :lol:

My plans for my Angry Marine counts-as-SG unit are to pick up another Assault Squad boxed set and a bunch of GK storm bolter arms and hands off the bitz market. Then I'll use those Lego pipe wrenches I have lying around. Can we say, "Spanner Encarmine"? ;)


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