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Blessing of Omnissiah


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Right so apart from the techmarine with the huge servo harness being the coolest model ever IMHO, I'd actually really like to find out if it's worth taking one in a mech list. If I have a servo-harness and three servitors with servo-arms that means that means even on a roll of 1 (because of the +4) I will receive the blessing rather than on a roll of 5 but as good as this sounds to a novice like me is it even worth it, will I even get to fix my broken tanks and overall has anyone or does anyone use a tech marine other than for bolstering defences in HUGE games where you build up defences with numerous units of sniper scouts and devs? The main reason for wanting this unit is cos I think they are cool, they look amazing but is it practical to use them in a BA mech list or not?
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yeah, it'll mean that a repair happens automatically (as you can't not roll 1+) :D


BUT a Techmarine with 3 servitors is 120 points and if they ride in the vehicle you want to keep alive then you can't have anyone else in there with them. Added to that they can undo 1 weapon destroyed or immobilised per turn but you still can't shoot (if undo-ing a weap. destroyed) or move (if undo-ing an immob'd) until the next turn. So assuming you get immobilized on turn 1 (you going first), you repair on turn 2 and can move again on turn 3 (assuming you didn't get immobilised again in his turn 2). Basically it's like paying 120 points to downgrade immobilized and weapon destroyed results to a stunned result.


All this of course only works on 2 results on the damage table too. Your tank could still be stunned or completely blown up.


I like the idea of having Techmarines around but I'm not sure they'll be worth their points.



Reading through the rules for Blessing, it says the Techmarine must be in b2b contact so does this mean he'll need to disembark to do it thus leaving himself open to shooting and assault next turn?

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Well I was never planning on having him inside but having vehicles that would be for long range support and not movig much and have my techie party hanging around said vehicles!
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A roll of a 1 always fails though. So you only really need 3 servitors (unless you want to have a spare in case of some shooting coming your way).


Thing is, if you're being mobile with your vehicles, the techpriest is either in the vehicle (thus no room for a better unit to be transported) or just to damn far away to be useful - any useful effect takes 2 turns basically. If your vehicle doenst get damaged turn 1, you've just spent 120 pts to have a modile vehicle just as the game ends.


If you're planning on a firebase, with vehicle support, then he can work well - a boltered ruin for whatever infantry you have there (tac squad on an objective maybe?) with him waiting to repair a couple of predators you have flanking this ruin. That sort of thing could work quite well - but dont bother giving the servitors any weapons. realy not worth it.

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Well I am planning on using devs and scouts as a sort of fire base when possible, so I could use the priest to bolster the area they are using... I haven't thought too much on vehicles to support this type of play as I have only really started to think about playing homefield defence, daka preds would be perfect for this type of job really I think but initially I was thinking of vindis over dakas but vindis just don't really have the range for this type of play.
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Well I am planning on using devs and scouts as a sort of fire base when possible, so I could use the priest to bolster the area they are using... I haven't thought too much on vehicles to support this type of play as I have only really started to think about playing homefield defence, daka preds would be perfect for this type of job really I think but initially I was thinking of vindis over dakas but vindis just don't really have the range for this type of play.
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I have been looking at the Techsquad for the past couple weeks, and there is nothing this unit brings to the table that is in anyway competitive.


Dev squads do heavy bolters and plasma cannons cheaper, even with a naked techmarine. They take up vehicle capacity(well durr), which only could be useful in a Las pattern Land Raider.


The only thing they bring is power fists, and fortify ruins.


As much as I want this unit to actually be useful (relentless on servitors FAQ pleeeease), it's just bad, which is sad.

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I have been looking at the Techsquad for the past couple weeks, and there is nothing this unit brings to the table that is in anyway competitive.


Dev squads do heavy bolters and plasma cannons cheaper, even with a naked techmarine. They take up vehicle capacity(well durr), which only could be useful in a Las pattern Land Raider.


The only thing they bring is power fists, and fortify ruins.


As much as I want this unit to actually be useful (relentless on servitors FAQ pleeeease), it's just bad, which is sad.


I had a very strong feeling that this unit wouldn't really be worth it... Why does the techmarine look so bloody good, it's not fair :lol:

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I think the main problem is that we have so many other cool things to spend our points on and we are meant to be highly mobile and the Tech with his Servitors just don't really fit in.


They are lovely looking though, I'll give 'em that

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Yeah, that's one of the things I was pondering on too, the fact we are a highly mobile army so that unit doesn't really fit with the synergy of many BA lists people will put together. However, if I was playing a game where I knew I was going to be setting up defences (probably in a huge game, maybe apocalypse) then 50 points for the techie alone to bolster defences would be definitely worth it.


I think I'm gonna buy the techmarine in question anyway (the one with the big servo-harness) just to have him. I only wish you could buy pairs of servitors with just servo-arms and not heavy weapons too as I will probably never use them with a multimelta or heavybolter.

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I'm using Master of the Forge in my dreadnought list. Works really well walking behind a wall of Dreads



What's that?

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It's a techmarine HQ choice in the vanilla marines codex. Pretty much the only reason I could see for including a techmarine would be in a dread heavy list - stick him in a razorback and he keeps up just fine. However, with BA dread lists you'll be going heavy on the DC/Furioso patterns, which means you'll probably be deep striking them in drop pods.
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Reading through the rules for Blessing, it says the Techmarine must be in b2b contact so does this mean he'll need to disembark to do it thus leaving himself open to shooting and assault next turn?


As per the latest BA FAQ, he can repair a vehicle in which he is currently riding.

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