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Painting my stormraven


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I'm gonna start building my stormraven and obviously I need to paint the interiors before putting it together and I'm wondering what the best way to paint and assemble it is! Can anyone tell me what they did with theirs? I'm not asking for what colours and stuff but what you painted first before putting it together and stuff... Any advice would be good.


I'm thinking I want to paint the bit where the cargo sit first before putting that part together so should I spray it chaos black before putting it together and finish all of the inside of the cargo part first before building even that part of the bird? Also what about the cockpit? I haven't really thought about what I need to paint before I assemble with that, I've only been thinking about the cargo deck.

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The main cockpit is easy enough to paint before assembly. The canopy is a separate section that covers the cockpit and the nose weapon and it can be glued on after the interior is painted. Same goes for the top turret too.


I decided not to paint the inside of mine so glued it shut but I am painting the cockpits

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The main cockpit is easy enough to paint before assembly. The canopy is a separate section that covers the cockpit and the nose weapon and it can be glued on after the interior is painted. Same goes for the top turret too.


I decided not to paint the inside of mine so glued it shut but I am painting the cockpits


I suppose that would be the quickest way (not painting the inside) but I want to paint it as it seams fun and will looks good.

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I'm always impressed if people do paint the interiors but wanted it on the table and the speed I paint it would have taken a year or so to get done!


The kit fits together closely so I'd be inclined to dry fit the main sections and see which bits are visible (ie need painting) and which aren't (need glue). Then paint them up separately. That way you have more room and access to paint it then when built.

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Ok thanks for that.. That seams to be the thing with newer kits (going off the furioso kit) they slot together, it's amazing, does the SR kit do this too?
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Hey man,


I painted the interior as well, for which I left the sides of the cabine unassembled:






Which was the only part of the interior I have painted so far. The cockpit of both pilot and gun-servitor can be painted without effort after assembly(well, if you didn't glue those already shut, that is. Could be tricky otherwise. ;) )




Here are the pictures of the finished product :angry:








Hope this helps.



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Wow, that looks great. I was thinking of going for either a really dark metal or a very deep red interior but it looks great light too.
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At first, I pondered if I should go with a darker colour, but then I saw a pic of a Land Raider and some other pics of Rhinos painted with that really crisp bleached bone/skull white interior and decided to take that route. It looks so futuristic! :D




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Yeah I know what you mean, reminds me of some of the interiors on Alien or 2001: A Space Oddity or something! How did you get the result?
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Those are like 4 layers of very thin Bleached Bone over a skull white primer, to get the foundation done. Followed by some highlights of BB/Skull White in a 1:1 ratio. It's quite easy, actually. Just keep it thin. :D




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I had my interior undercoated with spray paint "Warm Ochre" and then did a small amount of detail. But the main thing with painting mine was that I left the engines off for the first two coats. The black undercoat and the red first coat (with a spray can). This meant that I didn't put too much paint under the wings trying to get to every nook and cranny.


I had the cockpits open and the guys out so that I can paint them up later but this was all undercoated with the red spray paint. Putting the engines on latter was a small hassle as you have to get them aligned correctly and fitting in the wing slot.

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Did you undercoat with anything first as I want to undercoat with chaos black spray the rest of it!?


Yes, I primed with GW Skull White. Actually, I primed the whole Stormraven white, except for the magnetised guns and devices(and the techmarine) so I can paint them easier.




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Did you undercoat with anything first as I want to undercoat with chaos black spray the rest of it!?


Yes, I primed with GW Skull White. Actually, I primed the whole Stormraven white, except for the magnetised guns and devices(and the techmarine) so I can paint them easier.





I undercoat my vehicles the same way. Makes painting weapons, metal etc easier but interiors and reds brighter.

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How are you planning on painting the exterior of your raven? Brush? Airbrush? If you are using an airbursh, just leave it all separate and paint the pieces individually. Some of the pieces can be tough to get to (interior not included) when it's all together, like the engines and thrusters, the missile housings, etc. Just a thought.



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How are you planning on painting the exterior of your raven? Brush? Airbrush? If you are using an airbursh, just leave it all separate and paint the pieces individually. Some of the pieces can be tough to get to (interior not included) when it's all together, like the engines and thrusters, the missile housings, etc. Just a thought.




I'm using the large dry brush from GW, I just bought it as I liked the shape and it's nice and big for tanks!


My recipe will be chaos black spay, 3 thinned coats of mechrite red, 2 coats of blood red, devlan mud wash, blood red paneling, blazing orange highlights and fine of vomit brown and then use Baal red to bring the highlights down a bit.

Then I'm gonna dry brush scorch marks with scorched brown and do chips and stuff but I haven't really thought of how I'm gonna do the chips yet, any advice would be appreciated. Also I want to maybe add dirt to the landing gear, any advice for that?


What do you think?

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How are you planning on painting the exterior of your raven? Brush? Airbrush? If you are using an airbursh, just leave it all separate and paint the pieces individually. Some of the pieces can be tough to get to (interior not included) when it's all together, like the engines and thrusters, the missile housings, etc. Just a thought.




I'm using the large dry brush from GW, I just bought it as I liked the shape and it's nice and big for tanks!


My recipe will be chaos black spay, 3 thinned coats of mechrite red, 2 coats of blood red, devlan mud wash, blood red paneling, blazing orange highlights and fine of vomit brown and then use Baal red to bring the highlights down a bit.

Then I'm gonna dry brush scorch marks with scorched brown and do chips and stuff but I haven't really thought of how I'm gonna do the chips yet, any advice would be appreciated. Also I want to maybe add dirt to the landing gear, any advice for that?


What do you think?


Sounds good. One thing to watch out for is color consistency when doing all the layers by brush. Especially with reds. I like using my bros airbrush for large vehicles because it lets me get all portions of said vehicle looking the same. For chips on mine, i went simple, black patches painted at random with boltgun painted on top of the black, washed with devlan or sepia to give it a rust-ish tint. Not super elaborate, but got the job done and looks good (to me anyway ;) ) GW has a great tut on tank weathering found here click a few pages in to find the various weathering tuts. The painting section here on the B&C has some great stuff as well.




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Ok, thanks for that bro.


I know what you mean about getting the consistency right with a brush. I just hope by thinning the paint enough it'll turn out good. I'm really looking forward to painting the burn marks from the engines, I dunno why I just really wanna weather it up loads. Guess it's just cos it's something that's new to me, I haven't painted many vehicles before!

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