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Mary Sues

Walter Payton

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Just a bit of background:


A Mary Sue is a character who is perfect in nearly every regard, frequently though not always a self-insert and generally a wish-fulfillment-fantasy on the author's part. In the context of the Liber, it means a chapter/character who is totally perfect or has some ancient Dark Age of Technology Death Star(s) for no apparent reason. The term comes from a mocking 15-year old "Lietenant Mary Sue, the youngest lieutenant in the fleet," from story satirizing the phenomenon of Trekkie fanfiction.


Hopefully this will help Liberites not to fall into that particular trap.


The test

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Eh, not a great test since a lot of the questions aren't even applicable here, and some go without saying (being genetically engineered doesn't mean a SM is a "Mary Sue"). A Liber specific one would be interesting, though. A sort of checklist to go along with the DIY guide.


Personally, I find the Munchausen approach to chapter creation to be most efficacious.

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Eh, not a great test since a lot of the questions aren't even applicable here, and some go without saying (being genetically engineered doesn't mean a SM is a "Mary Sue"). A Liber specific one would be interesting, though. A sort of checklist to go along with the DIY guide.


Personally, I find the Munchausen approach to chapter creation to be most efficacious.

Sometimes is good to read the instructions, before starting. :)


Although this test is better for characters of your Chapter rather than the Chapter itself.

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And remember, quantity of posts does not equate to quality. Just because your story about your Chapter Master giving Abaddon a wedgie stretches out to five pages doesn't mean it's any good. No, it's just another 'Abaddon wedgie'. Your Chapter hasn't been to the Black Library, hasn't fought off the Black Rage, hasn't blown up a craftworld, wasn't part of (insert already published and established in-universe historical event), and didn't do something really inane like stamping someone's name on one of the Daemon Primarch's faces...


Common sense rules supreme over these sorts of things. Ask yourself honestly: if someone else were to read your story, would they call B.S.? If your answer even hints towards yes, you probably need to take a closer look at what you're writing. People aren't interested in genetically altered superhumans. What they want are emotionally three dimensional genetically altered superhumans. Having your entire Chapter made up of Calgar-clones (not Ultrabashing, I do literally mean Calgar himself) is as boring as it sounds. What's the point of a group dynamic if there's no differentiation between personalities? Also, just swapping their weapon DOESN'T change the way they think about things.


Another aspect to be aware of is that, even if your Battle Barge's commander is more than five thousand years old, hard wired into his ship through an MIU and has a plot nebula to hide in, if he's going up against an entire armada, he's going to be shot down, end of discussion. Nobody is going to think less of your Chapter if they only maybe killed one or two ships on the way to their mission instead of an entire battle fleet. Let your ships shine in the brilliant way in which they individually duked it out with an enemy warship rather than some ridiculous kill tally that even Tzeentch would have a hard time getting passed anyone.


Just remember: You are your worst critic. In a bad way. It's not that you're too hard on yourself...you are too soft. Get somebody else to look at your paper. Then get another. And another. If they all pretty much agree that what you wrote looked like something you've see drawn in MS paint on the tenth page of Deviantart, then perhaps you should either find an objective way to improve your writing or find another aspect of the hobby that you can enjoy yourself with. Making the rest of us suffer through your brain-addling fanfiction is NOT the way to go. Not all fanfiction is bad, though, and that's something to think about for the sake of positivity. Look at the Dornian Heresy...

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