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Hey guys,


im writing abit of fluff for my chapter (blood angel succesor sadly :P ) and theyre about to encounter plaguezombies. I have some questions as i dont want to make some huge fluffy errors :)


1: just how does the plague spread? is it just bites from zombies? is it airborn?

2: how fast does it kill? and how long does it take the corpse to turn into a zombie?

3: can it effect astartes? as in, can you have zombie marines? :) (aside from plaguemarines)


well those are the questions i have so far, looking forward to your anwsers ^_^

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Plague zombies spread from either bites or from an airborne contagion. It's all dependent on the situation, for instance, in the Siege of Vraks books, the Krieg guardsmen that died to plaguemarines or died due to poisons inhaled from the Nurgle forces initial advance, were raised by the chaos sorcerer lord that was leading the plague marine band. They didn't just turn into zombies after being bitten, rather they were just outright killed and then brought back. But again, I'm sure there's many ways of doing this.


A common plague is Nurgle's Rot, which can affect astartes. This basically starts the decaying process and boils and stuff start covering the infected, and over time, the person afflicted will either die or be forced to turn to nurgle in order to live. This isnt like the zombie plague, but I'm sure there could be offshoots of this that encompass both contagions.



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Well going off the old rules for Plague zombies, each time a PZ unit killed something inn CC it had I believe a 1/6 chance of resurecting them and adding them to the PZ mob. So quite quick. The effect would kinda be like any zombie movies: the main guys take a while, average joe is already chewing on your ear.


Nurgles Rot is slightly different. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Nurgle's_Rot as this creates Plague bearers.


Whole plagues have ripped through hives i.e Necromunda and really had a great effect on the 13th crusade when the rules came out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hurm...what about orks? I can see if it affects them, imagine a waaaghh of zombie orks...herded onboard transprots by palgue marines


That would be so good, zombie orks... Yesssss.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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