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Heavy support


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So I thought I was dead set on vindicators but I'm starting to think more and more that I'd rather bring daka predators, I'm not very experienced with heavy support units at all really so I am a total beginner in that respect.


What heavy support units do you bring? I am running mech lists and not planning on running DoA at all for the moment, I have devastators but I want tanks too and it's either gonna be two or three dakka predators or 2 or 3 vindicators or maybe a bit of a mix.... If you guys could tell me what you use and why and what I would be better off using providing I will be running either a mix of RB's and SR's or a landraider heavy list with Baal predators and multimelta attack bikes. I also will have atleast one of the furioso variants in all my lists.

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I really prefer Dakka preds with Autocannons and Las sponsons. Some say they are too pricey, but I find Las sponsons pretty useful, and with dakka Baals and preds' autocannons they offer the required flexibility to my lists.


Other than Dakka Preds I plan on using Devastators with 2 plasmas and 2 missiles.

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I really prefer Dakka preds with Autocannons and Las sponsons. Some say they are too pricey, but I find Las sponsons pretty useful, and with dakka Baals and preds' autocannons they offer the required flexibility to my lists.


Other than Dakka Preds I plan on using Devastators with 2 plasmas and 2 missiles.


Pretty much the same as me then, I've been thinking about the same loadout for dakka predators and the same for my devs too. I had thought of just the lascannon or autocannon turret to keep the points down but the. That won't scare my opponent very much and they will probably overlook them and target other stuff which I can't have so I think loading them out with autocannon and las sponsons will be the best option.

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Untill recently I used a Auto/Las Predator and a Vindicator. Both offers mobility and High powered weapons able to deal with a multitude of threats.


When the storm Raven were released I switched to Dual Raven + Vindicator.


I believe, and this is pure theory as I haven't got that many games with them yet, that this combo gives a great synergy. The Vindicator camps any home objectives together with a Tactical Squad and a pair of Typhoons. The Ravens then moves up one flank, the first unloading a DC Squad and DC Dread into the opponents lines, while the other hangs a little further back providing backup in the form of a Libby/Priest supported Assault Squad.


The triple threat of two ravens with powerfull cargo, and a Vindicator should keep most opponents on their toes, and hopefully screw up their target priorities.

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I usually take a Stormraven, and 2 Auto/Las Preds. Have been toying with the idea, however, of runnin 2 ravens, but we'll see. BA preds are awesome, due to the extra mobility. I have had success with ML Devs, but I sure missed the mobility of the preds. I used to use MM/ML Dreads in drop pods, but they are too much of a hit or miss to take up 2 HS slots.
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Personaly I run 2 Dev squads, one with 2 plasma and 2 missiles, the other with lascannons instead of plasma. I also run a Vindicator paired with a Baal. I find the Devs are a well mached team and can put each squad and tank to good use clearing out almost anything that can threaten my Assault squads.


The pairing of a Baal and a Vindicator works really well against hoards, just drop the template on them then mop up survivors with the Baal. It's a nice way to put down your opponents scoring units in one turn.

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Some interesting combos here, I'm definitely turned on to the tune of auto/las preds at the moment but I'm still wanting to add atleast on vindi to my army, probably 2 preds and 1 vindi I think but then I have a couple of devs squads to play with too so I'm just gonna have to see which I like playing with and works best for me.
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Personally I run two Dreadnoughts with two twin-linked autocannons each. The firepower is amazing and has proven extremely reliable at cracking open Rhinos, knocking wounds off Monstrous Creatures and shooting up infantry if need be. I'm considering making my third Baal Predator a Destructor with lascannon sponsons, but we'll see. So far I'm really loving all the shots I can put out in a single turn.
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Some interesting combos here, I'm definitely turned on to the tune of auto/las preds at the moment but I'm still wanting to add atleast on vindi to my army, probably 2 preds and 1 vindi I think but then I have a couple of devs squads to play with too so I'm just gonna have to see which I like playing with and works best for me.


that is the best thing to do. Everyone has a different playing style, and what works for me may not work for you. Vindys, preds, and devs are all solid choices tho, hard to go wrong with any. I actually did an article a while back on my blog on vindies, which can be found here, dont know if it'll help ya, but it might.

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