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Baal predator loadout


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Both the Twin linked assault cannon with heavy bolters and the flamestorm cannon with dozer blade varients are effective in my opinion. Both are designed for very different roles in a blood angel army however.


The Twinlinked Assault Cannon Baal predator posesses an effective armanent to tackle elite infantry , light mech , and horde units and armies. The torrent of high strength shots can supress light mech , inflict casaulties on elite infantry and mow down horde units. Killing back line units or fire base units ( ie long fangs , ork lootas , guardmens heavy weapon teams and the like. ) can be difficult as line of sight to these units will be likely blocked by terrain/enemy units. Also the amount of weapons on this baal predator variation means you're confined to 6" movements to make the most of your shooting powers. The cost is also an issue ( 145 points for a unit with similar weapons to a regular predator with autocannon turret , and heavy bolter sponsons which is only 100 points.) Cover saves can also reduce the effectiveness of this variation's shooting.



The flamestorm cannon Baal Predator with dozer blades can ruin objective campers in cover , and can perform a nasty alpha strike in combination with its scout move and first turn. ( simply scout 18" , move 12" the following turn and flame a unit of long fangs etc in cover and you can inflict sufficent casaulties to remove that unit as a threat) Or the Baal predator can out-flank and arrive later into the game when units are likely to have dis-embarked from transports etc.


The downsides to this variation however are thats its confined to a very niche role , and it should be considered as a throw-away unit , as it will likely die after completing its task. I'd also consider it expensive for a throw-away unit.

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Thanks for you imput Corby, very insightful! Although the flamestorm Baal or the 'fire-starter' as I like to call it is very specialised and a 'throw away' unit, for the role of taking out dug in heavy's like longfangs it will be very effective I feel and if you need that role filled then it will do the job very well. I don't think I will ever want two of the fire-starter in any list at any time but one just to flush out longfangs or IG heavys will be worth it's weight in gold. I think for most battles a pair of dakka baal's will be perfect but sometimes a fire-starter Baal will be exactly what you may need to get ahead.
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