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Chaos Undecided

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So here's the deal. I've owned a CSM army in various stages of completion for a couple of years now. In that time they've been Renegades, Alpha legion, and Fallen Angels but I've yet to settle on any sort of army theme.


Im asking the folks here on the chaos forum what, based on my existing units, would you paint the army up as? Right now, my first thought is Black Legion, but I realized I want to stay away from another 'black' army (having a sizable Black Templar force already).


Any suggestions?




x10 Chaos marines

-melta x2, fist champ, UD icon


x10 Chaos marines

-plasma x2, fist champ, UD icon


x5 Havocs




-x4 combi meltas, hvy flamer, chainfist


Thousand Sons


Khorne Berserkers


x2 Rhinos


x6 Obliterators




x2 Demon Princes


x2 Chaos Sorcerors

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with what u have, RC's, IW's, or DIY, would fit.

Yeah I know what you mean @ doing another black army. I really would like a silver skulls army, but after spending years painting a LARGE BL army, I just couldn't do it

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Your best bet would be to either flip through the warbands in the codex (as many of them lack any sort of fiction to tie them to a certain style of play) or to do something like the Red Corsairs. While they do have a lot of black in their scheme, they are a well known group that really mixes it up with whatever they can steal. Whatever you choose, there are a number of good choices among the list of minis you own so I think you are going to enjoy your army once you settle on a scheme!
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Ive tried the DIY path and agonized over it. I never could come up with anything I was satisfied with, so I'm going to go with a more established legion/warband.


Lots of Red Corsair suggestions so far but I've never been a big fan of Huron fluff and ruleswise, so I'm leaning towards Iron Warriors. Maybe mark the DPs as UD or Nurgle and mark the sorcerers as needed. Maybe even use it as an excuse to explore a MotF style army from C:SM.


Any suggestions on what I could get in the future to make the army more Iron Warriors? (or even Red Corsairs if there's more arguments for it later) Adding more Rhinos most certainly will come first.

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Any suggestions on what I could get in the future to make the army more Iron Warriors? (or even Red Corsairs if there's more arguments for it later) Adding more Rhinos most certainly will come first.


Iron Warriors would field Vindicators or Basilisks (not really legal any more) for vehicles, usually, but Obliterators are also their baby. Someone even started making a Dreadknight model into an Iron Warrior Daemon Prince, as Iron Warriors usually hold no truck with the warp beings (though, they would use them as needed, such as shock troops or the Defilier).

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