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Servitor speedbumps


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Please hear me out before just dismissing this idea. I have been toying with a couple distraction units for a coteaz army. These are meant to sit in cover and be threatening, preferably in an ambush type deployment. If an enemy unit comes within range and los they open fire. thats it. Here is the unit:


3 multimelta servitors. hvy bolter razorback- psybolts. 80 pts.....x 2.


Servitors go into cover, razorback does its thing blocking and supressing light armour.

Yes the servitors are easy kill points and will mindlock half the time but any enemy armour wishing to come within 24" (48" square) of this 30 pt unit will have to seriously consider the consequences of not eliminating them first. If the enemy chooses to shoot the unit you have likely avoided the loss of something far more expensive. If not they may find they have just lost their land raider or other expensive tank to a 30 pt PoS unit.

Could also be good if setup to support a larger shooting unit in a crossfire position (did that make sense?). Anyway what say you B&C? Is 3 s8 ap1 shots at 24" worth 30 pts and the unreliability that goes with this unit? Personally I think so.

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Good idea I think. Cheap, effective, and it does put your opponent in a dilemma. However, it really depends on the layout of your particular playing field how effective this will be. I would take as many units like this as I could, and that leaves a sizable chunk of points for some really hardcore models. :)

The razorback is to act as an independent tank. Althought I would always choose a chimera over a razorback for 5 more points.


I've thought about 3man heavy bolter servitors to fill troop slots, but with how cheap henchmen squads are I can't seem to draw up a list that doesn't have 6 squads. I'd go heavy bolters over multimeltas, personally. HBs have longer range, and will therefore contribute more often. But if you've got a tank-heavy meta in your area, MMs may be better for you.

Yes the tank acts independently doing all the annoying things a cheap empty tank can do. Good call on the chimera Wildfire it didnt occur to me for some reason, maybe because I already run 3-4. I like the heavy bolters and I will most likely test both although I think mm's will attract more attention. They threaten more costly units with acute consequences although without the reach or volumn of the hb's. 9 s5 shots at 36" is great for about the cost of a single interceptor.


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