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Pistols, plas or melta

captain Angel

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As the title says, is the plasma or the infernus pistol better? I think that if you are going to get either, go with the infernus. For the same points, you have plus one strength and amour penetration, and while you have half the range, there is no risk to the user.
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I'd never pay points for a weapon that could potentially kill the (very expensive) model wielding it. The plasma pistol just doesn't offer enough over an infernus pistol to be worthwhile I don't think. The extra range is nice, but with less Strength, AP, lack of the melta rule and a chance of killing the model holding it I just can't see why one would choose to spend points on a plasma pistol when the infernus is so much better for the same cost.
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For a regular assault squad, I'd go with the Ipistol. If you want to charge it , then it's in range anyway. The only reason I'd maybe go with the PP instead is if you had a very role specific unit. For instance a 10 man RAS with 2 plasma guns and a PP on the Sarg. Deepstrike and combat squad with half being objective holders and the plasma unit getting maximum use on the turn they land. Maybe not the best use of points, but 5 S7 ap2 shots is nothing to sneeze at either.
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I think the Plasma Pistol is an overpriced price of dangerous junk. For 15 points would rather have a Infernus Pistol. When you think about it you will also be trying to assault with the unit so the 6" range of the IP is not really a problem. That being said I generally take the cheaper MG with my RAS.
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I would always take an infernus pistol over a plasma everytime.


Of course, I would always take a meltagun over an infernus pistol if the model has both as options.

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I would always take an infernus pistol over a plasma everytime.


Of course, I would always take a meltagun over an infernus pistol if the model has both as options.


What he said ^^^^


Infernus pistol over plasma pistol but will always take the bigger brother if wargear permits it.


However I do have a plasma pistol on one of my chaplains as it came with one and I put it together before I knew about infernus pistols (I may put it in the freezer and switch it though)

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I think all pistols are overpriced, it's cheaper and better with a gun. +1A and half range for 5pts? Not worth it if the model don't also carries a power weapon IMO.


But if I had to choose I'd go with the inferno pistol. The ability to pop tanks are worth more than the possibility to die.


PS. Nice signature BTW -_-

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I think all pistols are overpriced, it's cheaper and better with a gun. +1A and half range for 5pts? Not worth it if the model don't also carries a power weapon IMO.


But if I had to choose I'd go with the inferno pistol. The ability to pop tanks are worth more than the possibility to die.


PS. Nice signature BTW ;)


Haha yeah, that quote about Dante is gold ;)

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