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Howling Banshees


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Banshees are good against Terminators and other expensive, small, single wound elite units.

160 points buys you ten banshees which put out 30 attacks hitting on 4's (15), wounding on 5's. (5). With a 5++ save that's 3 dead Terminators who can only kill a max of 4 (more likely 2) back.


They are less good against a ten man tactical squad where Scorpions, with their +1S, torrent of attacks and better save will help them go toe to toe with equal numbers of none power weapon attacks.

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i don't understnd what the problem could even be.

they come in an amour 12 transport. sure its immune to melta but thats still glancing on 4s if you play DoA and if you have mech then a dakka pred will destroy them.

they then pop out and 1 tac squad with bolters and a flamer will kill them, assuming the flamer kills 2.

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The HB girls are highly overrated. You should have no issues with them, and with their lack of an assault transport you should NEVER even have to deal with them if you don't want to.


One answer is a rhino. The dancing queens have no reliable way to deal with armor. I know synergy in the Eldar list and all that, but that is crap. A mounted ten man tactical squad with a flamer/combi-flamer should have no issues with them at all. Open the hatch and flame. Laugh when they cannot do anything substantial to your ride. Rinse and repeat. If you are more daring, you can tank shock, dismount, flame, open fire with bolt pistols and then charge depending on the shooting results.


Eldar badly need a new codex. This is a unit designed for an edition of 40K where storm shields were not what they are now, armor was hardly seen, and USRs were not a dime a dozen.

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