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Blood Angel Captain


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I've just finished building Captain Castigon, Captain of the fourth company.




I know that traditionally (in the past) Captains are gold, but I have been wondering if he would look better in a deep red.


Any thoughts?

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In general, I'd say paint a captain red unless he has artificer armor (well, in other words, unless he is Tycho). But in case of this particular model, I'd say bronze is the way to go.
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What a cool model.. I'm also gonna be working on a 4th company captin soon but I'm going in a different direction with mine as I'll be using seth's rules for him.


I think he'll look good gold but all of my captins have will have a dark red armour rather like astrogoth or meph!


Ps.. What powerclaws did you use?

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I bucked the system and wanted to only used Gold for Dante, The Sanguinor, and Honor Guard and Sanguinary Guard. My Tycho is red to make him more of a man of the Infantry and less of an icon....a normal marine....not some god....even he falls to the black rage.



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Red with gold trimmings, every time.

I don't like quoting directly unerneath, but yeah! What he said! I think gold captains with wings have a tendency to look like Sang Gaurd nowaday's, so the red/gold trim actually makes them stand out.


Also you have the makings of a great mini there, I just think the pose just lacks 'something' as he looks like he is about to shake hands. Maybe lower the right hand and turn both palms so they are facing the camera, the arms slightly back so he looks menacing while jumping.


EDIT that doesn't make sence does it!!! Pictures speak louder than word I mean like this:-

My take on Captain Machiavi

(sorry wasn't a plug)

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