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Hey guys. Ive been playing the same list for a good while now (well 2-3 lists actually) and im bored with them. Ive run a list with stormraven, VV's, furioso with support. Ive ran an armoured list woth a paar of baals, vindi, dread and LC RB and ive ran an all infantry list with 2 assault squads, tactical squads etc. The lists bore me now though and i want to try something new! Thing is though... What exactly? My hq has been an liby in all 3 lists and im replacing him with a chaplain(simple enough choice) what do i take for my troops? What for fire support? Should i keep taking my SP's or try without them for a change? So much choices but i keep coming back to basicly the same units... :cuss also excuse the poor format, my iphone doesent have an enter key.... Apparantly ^_^
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How about Sterguard, bolter DC and tacs/assault squads in drop pods? Put beacons on the pods and use them to bring in terminators. Maybe Tycho or Seth for HQ.

Aaaahh... You're a mindreader! :P I was thinking of 'heavy armor cavalry with death from above' - sternguards in pods with Tycho/Seth, termies and DC in Land Raiders.


Edit: oh, and lots of tactical squads :)

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yea a death co army backed up with elits would be cool. also there is the golden wing...


golden wing = nipple wing?


Or you could go fast with a 3 wave target saturation approach. Start with a squad of Speeders and two bike squads, characters on bikes too . Speeders and bikes are the quickest and will engage the enemy first, Jump infantry move up for a turn 2 charge and armor rolls 6" in the back providing fire support.

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The land raider list is what I'm doing for my second list at the moment and I'm thinking..


Stenguard and furioso with frag and fist in pods. LRC with 5 assault termies, tdc chaplain and tdc sang priest. 2 regular land raiders filled with X troop choice (for me probably RAS) a libbie in one of these (you could have a TDA libbie in with terminators too) then 2 baal's and 2 vindis, sorted.


I know you said you wanted a different HQ choice to librarians so you could upgrade the chaplain to a reclusiarch.

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I think Preds might be of more help to a crusader heavy list. You have lots of nice short range fire from the raiders + Assault. The longer ranges you're on a back foot a little bit though.
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hmm lots of nice suggestions :lol:


actually got a land raider lying around that i might restore to proper assembled glory (its mostly damaged parts now :() drop some sternguards or botler death company in there and go from there. like the idea of the bikers, had that a great while back as well (PDF BA) but never got my second squad assembled. actually want to make some bike characters (got the DA wings to attach to their bikes so they stand out ^_^)


hmmmm also want to include terminators some day. i feel tactical terminators fit in the most with this force dont you guys agree? steady advance whilst their 24 inch weapons can help out the rest of the force :) some tacticals with rhinos as back up. points are piling up though (agh how i hate that part of the game, can never take eveyrthing i want :P)


how about this:


Reclusiarch on bike with melta bombs - 170

5 man termi squad with AC riding a vanilla raider - 480

2 SP's, one riding a bike and the one on foot has a PW - 150

tac squad with MM, PG and fist - 205

tac squad with LC, flmr, PW with a TLLC RB - 285

6 death company with a PW and a TH riding a RB - 220

naked baal with flamestorm cannon - 115

naked baal with flamestorm cannon - 115

8 man biker squad with PF and 2 meltas - 260


comes at 2000 points on the spot. for 1500 pts i could take out the termies and LR and a biker to make the list come at 1495.


doesent have sternguard in it but terminators, a land raider, bikers and DC. 4 units i havent used alot since the PDF dex. havent tried the flamestorm baals out yet but ive heard some nice things about them :)


what do you guys think? think i might have some trouble dealing with armour but aside from that it looks like a pretty nice list....

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You could do a scout/bike army if you're looking for something new. It's one of the things I've been considering trying, with sniper scouts as troop choices, HQ on a bike, etc.


1850 points:


Captain on a bike with infernus pistol/pfist and meltabombs - 180 points

Reclusiarch on a bike with meltabombs - 170 points

3x sanguinary priests on bikes with pfists/meltabombs - 115 each (345 total)

2x 10man scout squads with 9 sniper rifles and a missile launcher - 180 each (360 total)

3x 10man scout bike squads with 3 grenade launchers and cluster mines - 265 each (795 total)


Total points: 1850 on the nose, and it looks like a tremendously fun list to play.

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You could do a scout/bike army if you're looking for something new. It's one of the things I've been considering trying, with sniper scouts as troop choices, HQ on a bike, etc.


1850 points:


Captain on a bike with infernus pistol/pfist and meltabombs - 180 points

Reclusiarch on a bike with meltabombs - 170 points

3x sanguinary priests on bikes with pfists/meltabombs - 115 each (345 total)

2x 10man scout squads with 9 sniper rifles and a missile launcher - 180 each (360 total)

3x 10man scout bike squads with 3 grenade launchers and cluster mines - 265 each (795 total)


Total points: 1850 on the nose, and it looks like a tremendously fun list to play.


If you want that list, drop the captain for a librarian and get some fists into the squads. Or well, that would be my suggestion.

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I'll have them - the sanguinary priests have pfists, and there's one for each scout bike squad. The camptain and reclusiarch both have meltabombs, and the captain has an infernus pistol as well.


I just bought about 6,000 points worth of combined arms for my BA, so the biker gang idea won't happen until around August, when I can sell back my vacation days. I plan on eventually getting 3 of everything in the codex, at max strength with all the options - so that means I'll have to buy around twice what I'm actually assembling/painting just to get the bits for the models that I do want. I really, really, REALLY wish GW would sell the models with all of the available options (e.g. a tac squad would come with one of each assault weapon and one of each heavy weapon along with all the different wargear options for the sergeants). But then people wouldn't have to buy multiple boxes just to get the one bit they want - like if I wanted a lascannon in my tac squad, I have to buy an entire box of devastators for it. Pfshaw!

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I'll have them - the sanguinary priests have pfists, and there's one for each scout bike squad. The camptain and reclusiarch both have meltabombs, and the captain has an infernus pistol as well.


I just bought about 6,000 points worth of combined arms for my BA, so the biker gang idea won't happen until around August, when I can sell back my vacation days. I plan on eventually getting 3 of everything in the codex, at max strength with all the options - so that means I'll have to buy around twice what I'm actually assembling/painting just to get the bits for the models that I do want. I really, really, REALLY wish GW would sell the models with all of the available options (e.g. a tac squad would come with one of each assault weapon and one of each heavy weapon along with all the different wargear options for the sergeants). But then people wouldn't have to buy multiple boxes just to get the one bit they want - like if I wanted a lascannon in my tac squad, I have to buy an entire box of devastators for it. Pfshaw!

powerfists on Sanguinary Priests is a really bad idea. Priests are single wound models that can be picked out by the opponent in combat, at I1 they die before they ever swing.

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As JamesI said, fists and priests are sad. Didn't notice that in the list. I'd also say you have too many priests in the list, especially at 115 points each. It might be a fun list, but people will call you lame (not really understanding that you don't need 3 priests, and it looking really bad in a list).
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Ehn, I just think it'd be a FUN list to play. It's vulnerable to pretty much everything - doesn't have the body count or weapons to safely deal with a horde army, and lacks a lot in the ranged tankbusting column to boot. Pretty sure though, that you can only target ICs that are attached to squads if you're in base to base with them, and they can attack as normal with the squad they've joined (i.e. within 2 inches of a model that IS in base to base)? If I'm wrong, then yeah - stick the PFists on the bike squad sergeants, and take them off the priests.


The way I'd run that list would be to separate the bike squads to pick off soft targets, then bring them together for hard targets - it's mobile enough to pull that off, and deploying the scout snipers on 2 of the table objectives in cover would make trying to get to them a pain as well.

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Ehn, I just think it'd be a FUN list to play. It's vulnerable to pretty much everything - doesn't have the body count or weapons to safely deal with a horde army, and lacks a lot in the ranged tankbusting column to boot. Pretty sure though, that you can only target ICs that are attached to squads if you're in base to base with them, and they can attack as normal with the squad they've joined (i.e. within 2 inches of a model that IS in base to base)? If I'm wrong, then yeah - stick the PFists on the bike squad sergeants, and take them off the priests.


The way I'd run that list would be to separate the bike squads to pick off soft targets, then bring them together for hard targets - it's mobile enough to pull that off, and deploying the scout snipers on 2 of the table objectives in cover would make trying to get to them a pain as well.

You are incorrect. Sure, you can only attack ICs in combat if you are in base with them, but the IC can only attack if he is in base as well. So to swing those fists, you have to take the risk of being hit first.

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Ehn, I just think it'd be a FUN list to play. It's vulnerable to pretty much everything - doesn't have the body count or weapons to safely deal with a horde army, and lacks a lot in the ranged tankbusting column to boot. Pretty sure though, that you can only target ICs that are attached to squads if you're in base to base with them, and they can attack as normal with the squad they've joined (i.e. within 2 inches of a model that IS in base to base)? If I'm wrong, then yeah - stick the PFists on the bike squad sergeants, and take them off the priests.


The way I'd run that list would be to separate the bike squads to pick off soft targets, then bring them together for hard targets - it's mobile enough to pull that off, and deploying the scout snipers on 2 of the table objectives in cover would make trying to get to them a pain as well.


I read that rule as "treat as a seperate unit", so that would entail all in B2B and 2" from that. It might be a fun list, but a tad bit steep in the initial investment. If you run regular bikes, there's at least the Ravenwing box set to keep cost down.

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Money really isn't much of an object, but I can't justify spending another bunch right after dropping almost $2k last week. My group doesn't care if about proxies (as long as the models are similar - so no proxying, say, a dreadnought for a bike. It's more the armament that we don't care about WYSIWYG), so I'll look into the Ravenwing box sets when I do my next gigantic order. Thanks for the tip :)
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I myself prefer the Golden Wing/Nipple. The only enemy they didn't put down uptil now were a Grey Knight army.

I usually field them with either Devestators as long range fire support, a Baal Predator for close range fire support or both.

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Reclusiarch on bike with melta bombs - 170

5 man termi squad with AC riding a vanilla raider - 480

2 SP's, one riding a bike and the one on foot has a PW - 150

tac squad with MM, PG and fist - 205

tac squad with LC, flmr, PW with a TLLC RB - 285

6 death company with a PW and a TH riding a RB - 220

naked baal with flamestorm cannon - 115

naked baal with flamestorm cannon - 115

8 man biker squad with PF and 2 meltas - 260


What will the MM TAC squad and Priest on foot do?

Take full advantage of the terminators relentless and have them proceed on foot, and swap the AC for a cyclone.

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OI! why are you guys taking PD78's list apart and not mine? :)


They love me. They really, really love me!


Not really a fan of the flamestorm Baals - if you're in range to fire a template weapon, you're in range to get popped by a melta (or equivalent). A template won't take out the points cost of the Baal, so you're looking at a pretty expensive one-shot weapon there.

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