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not really a fan of the template baal either but i want to try new things ;)


besides if i can outflank them and manage to torch things like a assault squad or suchlike the fact that not all die wont be so bad :) hes meant to soften stuff up and take anti tank weapons away from my other juicy targets ;)


the MM tac squad will squat on an objective with the priest on foot and/or surge forward and try to pop tanks in case no objective is there to sit on :)


i dont have an cyclone termi but do have the AC termi, hence hes in the list :) got some sprues around so may try the cyclone out. he shoots 2 krak missles now right? :fakenopic:

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Outflanking is an option, but it's not guaranteed that they'll come in in time to do you any good. Even being able to reroll reserves (does that even count for units that aren't arriving by DoA?) rolls, it's still taking a chance that they won't show up when you want them.
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nah cant reroll, only with jumppack and DoA.


scout moving them the first turn and popping smokes might work as well. most opponents at my local store fear the S6 template alot and generally say they are glad i dont take the flamebaal.


but like i said earlier: i want to try new units out and challenge myself :)


you guys got any other comments on the list?

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I vote we officially name the flamestorm cannon Baal variant the "Firebaal". Scout move + smoke sounds better than the outflanking maneuver - at least this way they're guaranteed to draw some of the fire! (no pun intended)
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Depends how much you want to spend and how much time you have. A Pure DC army is something I want to try mate, looks fun. Maybe with a couple of pods for DC Dreads and another for a full ten man bolter squad to appear later on. Then fill up on CC DC flavour of choice (Rhino's, Razors, LRC or Stormravens) An all black/red saltire army would look very cool and be fun for a change, but you could proxy them at least to mix things up for you at the minute :)
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well im loathe to spend so much points on this small squad of DC marines let alone an entire army of them ;)


but anyway...anyone have some tips on keeping my bikers (and particulary) my raider alive? im cursed that new units always die horrible and fluff their attacks and such....any work arounds? :lol:

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well im loathe to spend so much points on this small squad of DC marines let alone an entire army of them :D


but anyway...anyone have some tips on keeping my bikers (and particulary) my raider alive? im cursed that new units always die horrible and fluff their attacks and such....any work arounds? ;)


Go fast or take librarians for cover saves, use priest bubbles for FNP? If you have an advantage in range you might want to stick with it. No need to drive headlong into rapid fire range if you can sit back for a turn and thin their numbers.

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well im loathe to spend so much points on this small squad of DC marines let alone an entire army of them :D

Sounds like you need to try out DC in different configurations. I find them invaluable in most lists. They almost always earn there points back and if they don't, they draw alot of attention and fire away from my other units. I don't worry about there Rage as a Rhino, Stormraven, and Drop Pod get them into the action right quick.

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