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Interesting Tournaments


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My LGS has two interesting tournaments coming up. The first is a 1250 point affair that requires standard FOC + 3 Heavy Support, happens later this month. I'm sure I don't need tips on how to build an army around Obliterators, they're scattered all the place :jaw: .


Next month's is far more interesting, though. 1000 points, standard FOC + 3 Elites. Running through the basic numbers, 3 out of 4 choices all start at their minimum of 90 points, but effectiveness in 1000 points and expandability are what I'm curious about here. The good news is that the Dreadnought is probably only going to get a chance if I can't get enough to fill out the rest of the Elites.


First off, thoughts on the pros and cons of the Elites we have?




Second, and possibly more fun, what tournaments with weird rules have played in, and what are some of the interesting armies you used for them?

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First off, thoughts on the pros and cons of the Elites we have?

they suck and/or are overcosted versions of our troops , while not bringing enough to the table for the points they cost ?

good thing is that termicid is cheap[still shouldnt fit in to a list under 1750 , but that is another story].


going unit by unit.

possessed . random , high cost , only hth , no fist upgrade for champions , are not marked [so if icon bearer dies unit gets weaker] , scout and fleet upgrades are all nice , but you still have to buy a rhino so it kind of a sucks[yes I know that scout isnt realy "good" because of the wording the rules have we can get scout but cant use it].



termicid is not bad . cheap 3-4 combi weapon shots . everything else sucks hard . no real transport , high cost if we try to tool it for hth , no pods so we cant even LoS block if we decide to go deep striking . more or less the more points we put in to the unit the worse it gets.



5 man 5 specials rhino ouflanking . termicid but with a higher cost . hth units makes no sense may as well play csm and get a scoring unit . the old minimax las or las/plas build aint worth it because of the cover .


Do I even have to do this ? not controled by us 1/3 of times makes it not viable even for casual lists . low number of attacks and bad arment means it cant do hth or be a shoty support[even if it never goes crazy]. high cost .






as specials rules go I seen a lot . dust devils knocking stuff down or changing its facing , lightning hiting random stuff , a huge sand storm rolling up a random size of the board. different objectives for both armies[2ed style] , objectives rolled after turn 2 from a pre set table [unknow to players , but known to judges] . army switching [you play your opponents army and he plays yours] . pre set armies tournaments [judges make fluff list and then you roll what you will play pre tournament] .

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Second, and posibly more fun, what tournaments with weird rules have played in, and what are some of the interesting armies you used for them?
I've played in a tourney with next to no terrain, but with obscurement-like rules simulating everything from sand storms to acid rain (it was centered around a campaign in a system with nothing but barren planets and deathworlds). It was quite harsh for non-MEQ lists but made sort of up for it by giving them additional deployment options.


Another tournament tried to balance all the army lists to make lesser used units more attractive, e.g. Pyrovores 20 points/model, our Dread frenzy was reworked (but no mutated hull sadly :P), Eldar guardians were 15% cheaper. That one was the most fun I've ever been to because I saw units that I would normally never, ever, see at tournaments.


Most tournaments have been bog standard tournaments though, with a few variations on rulings.

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With only 1000 points, people are going to tell you that Termicide will be your best bet and they'r right. However with everyone forced to take Elites, I would mix up the squads with 1-2 combi plasma instead of only combi melta.


EDIT: I wanted to be clear, I meant 1-2 squads of 3 Terminators with combi plasma, not 1-2 combi plasma mixed in with combi melta.

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I've played in tournaments with ice world rules, where all movement was treated as if the unit was moving through Difficult Terrain. I've played in tournaments with roving "lava geysers" that acted like large Blast vortex grenades that moved after each player's Movement phase was complete. I've played in tournaments where initial deployment was Fast Attack options only (the only time I've ever used a Spawn in a tournament setting). I've played in single-objective Capture the Flag tournaments where a Troops choice had to physically pick up the objective and move it at Walking speed only (Run only available to Fleet Troops, jump/jetpacks and transports useless once the Objective was in-hand) back to the edge of their deployment zone. I've played in tournaments where all six turns were done with Night Fighting rules to represent impenetrable smoke, and even open terrain granted 4+ Cover (actual Cover and smoke launchers added an additional +1). With the exception of the Fast Attack deployment one, where we were told at least one FA choice was required for the army, there was no notice received in advance of any special rules for each scenario, so it was impossible to tailor-make an army to maximize effectiveness.
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