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Testing my paint skills


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This is my marine seargent (with beaky helm of course) taken with a phone camera so the flash makes things really crummy but i have a few "decent" shots of the key points. I havn't done much painting still a "noob" as some might say. Also never posted an image here so hope this works lemme know.






yeah the flash makes the yellow much too bright it looks like a golden yellow when it's really iyanden darksun and it also makes the was lines "shine"... i'll have to get my buddies good camera to take some better shots

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Very nicely done! But I won't leave without a comment :P

It seems like you use pretty dark wash, so that the recess lines are shown well, but the red paint gets darker. It might be a camera issue, or you might deliberately made dark red, but if you'd like brighter red than I'd suggest washing the model nearby the recess lines and try to avoid covering red armor plates.

But, anyway, those are minor tweaks, the model really looks great and the details are done very well and accurately :cuss Keep it up!

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First off thank you gvzod and yes i went for a darker red as i didn't want them to look like walking stoplights :P i paint a watered layer of mechrite over thing white spray then badab black wash then multiple layers of thinned bloodred usually 2.


and for the helmet that is just the picture making it look like that it has less paint only 2 layers and 1 wash and i thin all my paint a lot.... like i said i need to get my buddies good cam as these were taken on a cellphone.


Thank you for all the feedback guys and i'll take into account the advice given. :)

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Yeah bro, you have a very rich red going on there, very blood looking, very nice indeed. Once you have added some depth to the helmet this model will really jump out at you. Really makes me wanna get on with my RAS more, I love painting BA armour so much!
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Yeah bro, you have a very rich red going on there, very blood looking, very nice indeed. Once you have added some depth to the helmet this model will really jump out at you. Really makes me wanna get on with my RAS more, I love painting BA armour so much!


Looks like red gore with a flesh wash or another brown wash over the top. Very old school method for painting BA.


Brother Edward used to paint them that way. This site is pretty much defunct but you can still browse through the pics Ex Libris Mortis

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Yeah bro, you have a very rich red going on there, very blood looking, very nice indeed. Once you have added some depth to the helmet this model will really jump out at you. Really makes me wanna get on with my RAS more, I love painting BA armour so much!


Looks like red gore with a flesh wash or another brown wash over the top. Very old school method for painting BA.


Brother Edward used to paint them that way. This site is pretty much defunct but you can still browse through the pics Ex Libris Mortis


I have a similar method but using mechrite then blood red then washing with devlan mud. Building up the layers of red over a black undercoat is really worth the effort I feel.

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They only thing I would suggest is try to paint the soft body armor black if you think you have enough control yet. It will help break up the monotony of red and really make them look really good.
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^yes. Go black at the joints with a little grey or silver on the ribs.


Very good clean job, but....your basing sucks! :D haha just kidding...but seriously get the base done and it'll look even better.

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Thanks for the comments guys! i'm still working out how i want to base them in my head. Nothing fancy but not just herp derp green flock that is way too old school im thinking maybe a light deserty base with sand painted snakebite and drybrushed bleached bone?


As for the soft body armor i wasn't sure what i was going to paint them but since black seems to be the general idea then ill hit it with some black and highlight with some codex grey.

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yeah I could do that just not sure how it'll look maybe a bit too grey where as hand painting them gets them quite a bit thinner. Do you have any experience doing this? i'd be curious to see the result as it'd save me some time for sure.
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Yeah I think the way that comes out will be a nice contrast to my model as it has a lot of black from the lines left over from the badab black wash. Something like the grey will break that up and give it some more definition. Thank you for that advice :)
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