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Crimson Fists

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Hey guys, since I have run out of models to paint, and I am too impatient for Necrons this summer, I decided to start yet another army, my Crimson Fists. I was origanaly planning on doing these after I do a necron army this summer, but I got bored, and I had extra bits.


I have an obsession with all sorts of HQ and special units, so without even thinking about a list I would build to, I built up and painted Pedro with his Command Squad.






(I am in the process of painting the banner, I'm terrible at freehand)



I painted these guys by priming white, then I airbrushed a very watered down P3 Exile Blue, which is like Gw Midnight Blue. I really like the effect that this made, on the raised surfaces and edges the white shows through so it creates some natural highlights.


I also got ahold of a grey knights box, and theres a bunch of really cool bits. (Except the stormbolters, I hate those with a passion) This box is excellent for librarian conversions. (I should have used a differnt head, because its the same one as the one I used for Pedro.



Alright, I got some advice from some other places and I redrafted my list.

(I've left out the command squad, theyll just be therefor looks)



Pedro Cantor




Tactical Squad: Melta, Multi-melta


Scout Squad:10 man, camo cloaks, missile



Terminator Assault Squad: 6 man/ TH/SS

Sternguard:10 man, powerweapon, 4 combi-meltas(Pedro will go with them)


Sterguard:5 man, 2 combi-flamers (Librarian will be with them)

Razorback: HB


Heavy Support:

Thunderfire Cannon

LandRaider Crusader: MultiMelta


Total: 1750



This is my second go at the list, so if anyone has some advice on how I can tweek it some more that would be great.

More to come and C&C always welcome.


Alrighty, today I bought myself yet another blood angels box to make a sternguard squad. (I've bought like 5 of them and I don't have any blood angels, its just such a good set.) Plus I got a sternguard set





Sternguard squad 2 is next up, then probably the Terminator squad. Other then that I am not sure what I'm gonna do.


I am still unsure if I should do a scout squad, or add another tactical.


Plus has anyone had any luck with using a Teleport Homer with their scouts instead of a Landraider?


Next up in the line is Sternguard squad 2. I used Gk, BA, and the sternguard box to make these guys.





School is about to end, so I'm not sure If I'll have anything else painted in the next couple of weeks.


I am debating getting scouts next to paint, I'll probably do some camo, with some grass and foliage on their backs. But I'm not sure if they are a good choice in my list.


So as I think I mentioned, I picked up the new GK box, just because there are a lot of cool bits. One of the things I wanted to do is convert the psilencer (I think thats what it is, the 3 barrelled one) into a multi-melta. Heres what I came up with. I finished the melta marine as well to go with the tactical squad. For the rest of the squad, I think I'll use AOBR marines.





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Never seen Crimson Fist models with their shoulder pad trims painted any color but dark blue... ;) most of the GW eavy metal modesl use black and gun metal on the backpacks/weapon casings to break up the midnight blue.. that and hitting all the rivets like you did with your command squad but neglected on later models


Remember that only Veterans have both hands painted red and not vets, and scouts should only have their LEFT hand painted red

this is regards to both your melta gun converted models (which i LOVE btw) and the sword wielding marine looking for the headless horse man :P

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The only two cents I've got to add is maybe some more detail on your banner. Each guy looks awesome yet that banner seemed so plain. Maybe just drawing detail lines on the fist would make it pop out more you know what I'm saying?
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Olisredan: Thanks, kit bashing like I did here is one of my favorite aspects of modeling marines, I can make every one different.


Brother Fatiswon: Thanks for pointing out some of the details I missed, those are just some things its really easy to miss. After I saw your post I went back over everyone and picked out the rivits, repainted some hands, and I am planning on redoing some of the bolters, throw some black and red in there.


Rafen_2: Sorry I didn't mention, but the banner is still a work in progress, I am not very good at free hand, and I just did the basic shape of the fist. I think I will finish the banner tonight after my Finals.


I will continue to update, it just might be a week or so... I am moving back home for the summer.


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As a fellow new CF painter and project focuser....I really like these...I think the red fists are a bit 'too' orange....but that's personal taste....if u wish to have a look in the WIP hall for the start of my CF 4th company.....I also really really like your MM guy....very very clever idea...may have to steal that one if that's ok?
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That is a really nice blue you've got going on there and the mix of BA and GK as well as normal Marine bitz works too. I see I'm not the only one who thought that the Nemesis Warding Stave would make a rather excellent force staff :)


My only minor critique would be to watch the mold lines - especially on the helmets.

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