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Night Lords Covenant of Blood force composition


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As I'm sure a lot of people have been I have been inspired to start a Night Lords warband after reading Soul Hunter and Blood Reaver (and Lord of the Night). I want to know what kind of things I can reasonably field for my TT army - basically the title says it all: what do they have left?


As far as I am aware there are quite a few 'claws' which I assume are like tactical squads, there are a few terminators of the 'Atramentar', a squad or two of raptors but what else? Do they have devastator/havoc squads, can they deploy much if any armour to a battle etc.?


And also, what would their modus operandi be? In Blood Reaver they talk about how they usually lose battles that are fair fights and usually win ones that aren't so what would the ideal tactics or 'style' be for a Night Lords force. and how would I best represent that on the TT? I'd most likely be using the Space Marines codex so that I can have access to drop pods and so that unit costs are more in line with the norm.


At the moment I use a command squad (to represent Talos' First Claw), another 2 tactical squads in rhinos (one with extra armour, one without), 1 predator destructor with extra armour, a dreadnought, an assault squad and a vanguard assault squad. It is by no means a strong list and nor am I looking to play it in tournaments or anything like that. It is purely being built to represent the fluff behind the latest books.

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I want to know what kind of things I can reasonably field for my TT army - basically the title says it all: what do they have left?
Any and all units, though if I understand your post correctly you want to build a 10th company force?


As far as I am aware there are quite a few 'claws' which I assume are like tactical squads, there are a few terminators of the 'Altramentar', a squad or two of raptors but what else? Do they have devastator/havoc squads, can they deploy much if any armour to a battle etc.?
i haven't gotten around to reading Blood Reaver yet but iirc we are only told of the main characters and their respective units, little mention is given of the overall setup of the warband, other than it is diminished in strength.


And also, what would their modus operandi be? In Blood Reaver they talk about how they usually lose battles that are fair fights and usually win ones that aren't so what would the ideal tactics or 'style' be for a Night Lords force.
The standard one that has been in the game since early 2nd ed. overwhelming force. As for how to represent that, I've been struggling with that myself these last 3 years. Our newest codex isn't exactly flexible if you want to field themed lists at tournaments/club games.


Using C:SM with the choices you've listed feels fitting to me, especially if you do the theme justice in the modelling and painting department - then you will have a solid NL force.



My 2 Kraks

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I want to know what kind of things I can reasonably field for my TT army - basically the title says it all: what do they have left?
Any and all units, though if I understand your post correctly you want to build a 10th company force?


Yep, pretty much.


As far as I am aware there are quite a few 'claws' which I assume are like tactical squads, there are a few terminators of the 'Atramentar', a squad or two of raptors but what else? Do they have devastator/havoc squads, can they deploy much if any armour to a battle etc.?
i haven't gotten around to reading Blood Reaver yet but iirc we are only told of the main characters and their respective units, little mention is given of the overall setup of the warband, other than it is diminished in strength.


If I could have odd numbers of marines in my tactical squads without losing the special and heavy weapon options as a result I would actually do this to represent the squads casualties.


And also, what would their modus operandi be? In Blood Reaver they talk about how they usually lose battles that are fair fights and usually win ones that aren't so what would the ideal tactics or 'style' be for a Night Lords force.
The standard one that has been in the game since early 2nd ed. overwhelming force. As for how to represent that, I've been struggling with that myself these last 3 years. Our newest codex isn't exactly flexible if you want to field themed lists at tournaments/club games.


Yeah the CSM codex isn't at all ideal to get the right 'feel' of the army I want, hence the use of the SM codex (plus the Tempus Fugitive rules require the base set of rules to come from the SM codex for all legions).


Using C:SM with the choices you've listed feels fitting to me, especially if you do the theme justice in the modelling and painting department - then you will have a solid NL force.


That's what I hope too. I've only just started this project to be honest and I haven't got very far but I've done the drop pods and the vehicles to about 80% - they need the detailing done on them and the insignia.

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It seems it's fluid, given that 1st Claw have both a Land Raider and have access to jump-packs when the situation demands it. They just really don't seem like they have an actual force organisation outside of Claw organisation. If fire support is needed, a Claw will be given more heavy/support weapons. If fast strikes are needed, transports will be brought/jump-packs issued. If the exact requirements are unknown, they'll go in as "Tactical" Marines. They simply don't have the resources to have it any other way.

Really, the only "dedicated" units are the Atramentar in their Terminator armour and personal weaponry, and the Bleeding Eyes, who wouldn't be good for anything besides Raptors now.

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I just finished Blood Reaver and there are some changes at the end of the book:


1. The Covenant of Blood is no more.

2. Vandred went down with his ship. I don't know what happened to the Exalted, but as I understood it, in the end Vandred was free of daemonic influence.

3. No Atramentar were recovered from the wrecked ship

4. Talos is the leader of the 10th

5. Malcharion's Sarcophagus was taken by Deltrian to the Company's new ride.



As for the representation of the various marines I'd say use the Chosen/Veterans for 1st Claw, CSM/Tac Squads.


At the end of Blood Reaver the 10th has access to a lot of not yet specified materiel. For an accurate and fieldable force you may want wait till after the next book. I hope A-D-B is already writing.


@Lord Caerolion: When did the 1st Claw use jump packs?

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If I was gonna make a 10th army I would do it like this.




3 or 4 Claws equipped with whatever you want, give em all a transport and the leaders fists, power weapons. Wouldn't give em icons.


Bleeding eyes are raptors so your set there.


Talos as Chaos Lord. First claw as his chosen retinue.


Malcharion dread. (if it shoots your guys they were probably corrupted lol.)


Spoiler relates to Core and Reaver.


Atramaentar or whatever, I presumed them lost at the end of Blood reaver. But in the Core Talos gets some salmanders termie armor so terminators are still in. Until the next book you cant be sure how ADB will divy out the suits, but Id just field a 5 man unit however I wanted.



No Oblits, Deamons, Daemon Princes, Defilers. All the really chaos stuff.


Army would not really be competitive though.


Since your using SM codex just plug and play.

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