Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Founding - Nineteenth Gene-Seed - White Scars Home World- Officially Sigmunda Alpha sometimes referred to as ‘Terror’. A death-world with a higher gravity than that of Terran standard. Oddly the world does not contain human life although there is evidence of abandoned human settlements. As a result the chapter is forced to recruit from systems it defends. For most intents and purposes the chapter can be considered to be primarily space bound. Combat Doctrine- Unlike there founding chapter the Void Barons make extensive use of dreadnoughts. It is believed that this divergence from more traditional White Scar doctrine was originally due to the necessities of survival after the chapter suffered grievous losses at the hands of Waaagh Gorbachop and has since become more established. Chapter tactics tend to focus on the attacking from as many angles at once and short to medium ranged fire power. The Void Barons prefer to mount heavy weaponry upon tanks and dreadnoughts, though they are capable of using them by hand if called upon to do so. Origins - Created as part of the nineteenth founding the chapter fought along side the Grim Paladins, a chapter unsurprisingly known for its negative outlook on life, during its early years. It is believed that the Void Barons belief in names comes directly from similar held beliefs of the Grim Paladins. Shortly after they started fighting independently the chapter’s official home world of Sigmunda Alpha came under attack from orks of Gorbachop ‘The Grand Despoiler’ operating from the space hulk simply called ‘Gork’s Toof’. At the time much of the chapters strength was deployed in combating a tyranid splinter-fleet attacking the mechanicum world of Altros IV and word of the attack did not reach them until it was far to late. By the time the main body of the chapter was able to return the damage had already been done. Such was the devastation caused by the orks that the chapter was forced to utilise the use of dreadnoughts, going against there heritage, simply in order to maintain the chapters fighting strength if not its numbers. Eventually after six months the war was won when Grand-Lord Gilarus Omathion led the third company in a desperate attack upon Gork’s Toof resulting in its utter destruction and the mysterious disappearance of Omathion shortly before said destruction. With the were about of the chapter master unknown and much of the chapters fighting strength wiped out (in all it is estimated that 60-70% of the chapter no longer existed by the wars end) the remaining Void Barons declared that they would embark on a crusade to find there missing lord and those companies that still maintained above 40% fighting strength would be brought back up to full fighting strength by warriors been taken from those companies at or below 40% operational capacity. Beliefs - The Void Barons believe that names can hold great power and bring much honour to a warrior. It is tradition for a recruit to be stripped of his name upon acceptance into the chapter and he will only be allowed to use it once he has achieved scout rank. Such is the belief in names that before battle the chaplains of the chapter will lead there brothers in reciting the names of every Void Baron who has fallen to the enemy. Squad names are often a reflection of either the general fighting style and personality of the whole squad or at times an individual member (most often the sergeant) and that for a squad to go against its nature is a grave dishonour. The names of companies are made in a similar manner A deceased warrior’s name may not be used by another as this is believed to dishonour the sacrifice the dead warrior made for the chapter. This belief extends to the chapter as a whole and is the sole reason why those companies destroyed by the orks will not be rebuilt. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ok it still needs quite a bit of work as there are aspects that need more detail. So any helpful comments or suggestions are welcome. For any of you who read the original you may notice that the colour scheme has changed (again!). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 If the chapter has rights to "Terror" & that the planet appears to have supported human life in the past, why have the Void Barons not had 'Terror" recolonised? It should make it easier for ther chapter to recruit initiates & due to fact "Terror" is a death world, the potential recruits should be of excellent quality. More important than this why did the Void Barons choose Terror as their homeworld? Atm "Terror" appears not to contribute to the feel of your chapter. I would either loose it, or make Terror integral in what makes the Void Barons who they are. Overall keep it up ;) Exander. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754453 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 First off thanks for re-replying! Orignally I was going to replace Sigmunda Alpha with 'Terror' only and have the name taken from what early human colonists called the world. I may go back to that idea. Why they choose 'Terror' as there homeworld is something I've got to work on still. Thanks Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754462 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 I would have your chapter call their planet "Terror", it would fit in with how the Void Barons view names having an element of power to them. Or you could run with some other reason linked to name Terror as to why the Void Barons chose Terror as their home. This could work really well if worked out/ expressed coherently with the overall approach of the Void Baron's fluff. Exander Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754494 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Reading your post has given me an idea involving another chapter who were the original masters of Sigmunda Alpha until they unwitingly opened a warp portal and released a host (or 3) of daemons which corrupted the planet into a death-world and wiped said chapter out. However with assistance from the fledging Void Barons chapter they are able to drive back the daemons and seal the portal. With the original chapter now extinct and with a need to keep an eye on said portal the Void Barons claim rulership of the planet and rename it 'Terror' to reflect the planets corruption. Not much of an idea I know but I've only just thought of it. At the moment it doesn't quite fit in with the fluff already written. Thanks Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754657 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Wellllll ... if the original chapter was destroyed how did you manage to help them drive the daemons back? ;) If you came in later to drive the daemons back, how did a fledgling chapter succeed where a veteran chapter failed? :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754665 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 You dont have to think of how everything happens in your IA or why. Having some mystery about things can be a powerful tool in writing your IA. You could have to your fledgling Void Barons arrive at the newly discovered death world, only to find an fortress monastery derserted. The Void Barons then descended to look around as to what happened. Its only as they explore the deepest parts if fortress monastery to find writings on the walls, scrawled in astartes blood over & over again is the word "Terror" in hundredes of different human languages. Maybe, just maybe your young & naive Void Barons choose to stay & make this fortress monastery their lair, just to prove they can conquer/ harness the power in the name"Terror". I think I have the most important question for you at this part of your IA? Do you know in what direction you would like your chapter to go? What you would like your Void Barons to be like? This is important because a chapter's character/ soul can deeply affect how the chapter organises itself, wages war etc? Everything in the IA should be there to support the character of your Void Barons. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754680 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Epistolary Exander said: You dont have to think of how everything happens in your IA or why. Having some mystery about things can be a powerful tool in writing your IA. You could have to your fledgling Void Dragons arrive at the newly discovered death world, only to find an fortress monastery derserted. The Void Dragons then descended to look around as to what happened. Its only as they explore the deepest parts if fortress monastery to find writings on the walls, scrawled in astartes blood over & over again is the word "Terror" in hundredes of different human languages. Maybe, just maybe your young & naive Void Dragons choose to stay & make this fortress monastery their lair, just to prove they can conquer/ harness the power in the name"Terror". I think I have the most important question for you at this part of your IA? Do you know in what direction you would like your chapter to go? What you would like your Void Dragons to be like? This is important because a chapter's character/ soul can deeply affect how the chapter organises itself, wages war etc? Everything in the IA should be there to support the character of your Void Dragons. Ah, but IAs are written for us! You write for the reader. If we have no idea what's going on then whats the use in writing it? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754698 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 You can have mystery in an IA & you dont have to explain everything that has happened to your chapter. You can write an IA, so a reader can infer what is going with your chapter, or to what may have happened to your chapter. Its about how you write your IA to be interesting to your audience, afterall most readers will not like to read an IA that is essentially a dissertation :fakenopic: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754709 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Ecritter - It was an idea I litterally cooked up on the spot. If I continued with it I'd guess the original chapter died stopping the daemons but before they did they gave the 'keys' to the fortress monastary to the Void Barons. I may not even continue with the idea. Epistolary Exander - I actually had that sort of idea a while back when I was first trying to create a space marine chapter. That idea was similar to yours except the original chapter was merely MIA and later returns to find another chapter using there monastary leading to conflict and eventually the combining of the two chapters into one. I must admit I do have a strong urge to explain every last detail rather than leaving in some mystery. If I did leave certain parts of the background unexplained I would be able to expand it later or use it to create addtional fluff. I don't really have a plan as such for where the chapters going as I tend to let my imagination guide me a hapazardous manner instead of planing it out as I probably should. Its just not in my nature to create background or stories in general in that way. oh and its Void Barons not Void Dragons - isn't that one of the C'tan? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754710 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Lol true, Ive corrected it :). I was more thinking there is no evidence for a previous chapter other than the fortress monastery being empty of supplies & writing on the walls, so that the "original" chapter doesnt make appearance. It would add air mystery about it. I would say in use your imagination & embrace it, but only use it if it would build a cohesive picture of who the Void Baron's are. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754719 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Time to come out of the woodwork and critique. Hope its not too harsh, not meant to be. Quote Home World- Officially Sigmunda Alpha sometimes referred to as ‘Terror’. A death-world with a higher gravity than that of Terran standard. Oddly the world does not contain human life although there is evidence of abandoned human settlements. As a result the chapter is forced to recruit from systems it defends. For most intents and purposes the chapter can be considered to be primarily space bound. Needs some rewriting. Firstly, tell us about the world. Why is it called Terror. You have a homeworld, you're not space bound. Many chapters recruit from worlds other then their homeworld. Quote Unlike there founding chapter the Void Barons make extensive use of dreadnoughts. It is believed that this divergence from more traditional White Scar doctrine was originally due to the necessities of survival after the chapter suffered grievous losses at the hands of Waaagh Gorbachop and has since become more established. Hard to extensively use something that is very rare. Just having crippled bodies isn't enough, you need Dreads .... and they don't grow on trees. Quote Created as part of the nineteenth founding the chapter fought along side the Grim Paladins, a chapter unsurprisingly known for its negative outlook on life, during its early years. It is believed that the Void Barons belief in names comes directly from similar held beliefs of the Grim Paladins. Who are they and how did they come to have such a great impact on your chapter. Chapters are very loyal to their parant chapters. Quote Shortly after they started fighting independently the chapter’s official home world of Sigmunda Alpha came under attack from orks of Gorbachop ‘The Grand Despoiler’ operating from the space hulk simply called ‘Gork’s Toof’. At the time much of the chapters strength was deployed in combating a tyranid splinter-fleet attacking the mechanicum world of Altros IV and word of the attack did not reach them until it was far to late. By the time the main body of the chapter was able to return the damage had already been done. Such was the devastation caused by the orks that the chapter was forced to utilise the use of dreadnoughts, going against there heritage, simply in order to maintain the chapters fighting strength if not its numbers. Eventually after six months the war was won when Grand-Lord Gilarus Omathion led the third company in a desperate attack upon Gork’s Toof resulting in its utter destruction and the mysterious disappearance of Omathion shortly before said destruction. If most of the chapter was gone, and they don't recruit from their homeworld ... what damage could have been done to the chapter to cause the excessive use of Dreads? Quote With the were about of the chapter master unknown and much of the chapters fighting strength wiped out (in all it is estimated that 60-70% of the chapter no longer existed by the wars end) the remaining Void Barons declared that they would embark on a crusade to find there missing lord and those companies that still maintained above 40% fighting strength would be brought back up to full fighting strength by warriors been taken from those companies at or below 40% operational capacity. If they entire chapter is at 30-40% how is this even logical? Your numbers don't work. Quote The Void Barons believe that names can hold great power and bring much honour to a warrior. It is tradition for a recruit to be stripped of his name upon acceptance into the chapter and he will only be allowed to use it once he has achieved scout rank. Such is the belief in names that before battle the chaplains of the chapter will lead there brothers in reciting the names of every Void Baron who has fallen to the enemy. So ... they're stripped of their human name, only to receive the much stronger SAME name later. Would be better if the chapter gave them a new name. Also, if you're gonna have them recite thousands of names before the battle ... the battle will be over before you get into it. Quote A deceased warrior’s name may not be used by another as this is believed to dishonour the sacrifice the dead warrior made for the chapter. This belief extends to the chapter as a whole and is the sole reason why those companies destroyed by the orks will not be rebuilt. So ... bother Bob dies, and new recruit Bob joins and is given his same name ... but wait he can't have that now, how is that? ------------------------------------------------------- Interesting idea, but lacks a unifying theme. Give us a single sentence that tells us who the Void Barons are and work from there. Hope that helps some. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754725 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Thanks for the comments. Quote You have a homeworld, you're not space bound. Many chapters recruit from worlds other then their homeworld. The homeworld does need more work but as of yet I've not got any real ideas on it. Quote Hard to extensively use something that is very rare. Just having crippled bodies isn't enough, you need Dreads .... and they don't grow on trees. They did just defend a mechanium world so perhaps they supplied them? or if I go with Epistolary Exander's idea of an abandoned monastary perhaps they discover dreadnoughts abandoned and make use of them. However I would view that as going against there strong honour policy... And what do you mean dreadnoughts don't grow on trees? I've got one at the bottom of my garden just full of juicy dreads waiting to be picked. Quote If most of the chapter was gone, and they don't recruit from their homeworld ... what damage could have been done to the chapter to cause the excessive use of Dreads? Yeah that doesn't make much sense. I'll have to re-write that part Quote Who are they and how did they come to have such a great impact on your chapter. Chapters are very loyal to their parant chapters. Thats one of the areas I need to expand on. Quote If they entire chapter is at 30-40% how is this even logical? Your numbers don't work. They were more to generate a sense that the chapters been severly damaged. Perhaps I went a bit to far. Quote So ... they're stripped of their human name, only to receive the much stronger SAME name later. Would be better if the chapter gave them a new name. Also, if you're gonna have them recite thousands of names before the battle ... the battle will be over before you get into it. Hmmm...perhaps the chapter could give them a new name taken from one of the fallen. This could be seen as a way of honouring the dead brothers name and even seen as a portent of good fortune if a new marine is named after a particurally renowned hero. The chaplains would recite the names of those fallen against that specific enemy but your right that could take a while. Maybe it would be better if they just spoke the names of a few of the chapters heroes who died fighting said enemy.... "Remember Honoured Corsio! whos mighty form crushed ten thousand orks before they laid him low" - Chaplain "Corsio, Corsio!!" - Battle Brothers "Remember the fallen! Remember all of them and honour there names in foemans blood!!!" "For the Fallen!!" - Battle Brothers Something like that. Quote So ... bother Bob dies, and new recruit Bob joins and is given his same name ... but wait he can't have that now, how is that? Consider that idea scrapped. The idea that they won't re-build the companies because it will offend the honour of the fallen remains though. Quote Interesting idea, but lacks a unifying theme. Give us a single sentence that tells us who the Void Barons are and work from there. A unifying theme would require proper planning. Which is something I'm not good at. Thanks again. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754779 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Quote They did just defend a mechanium world so perhaps they supplied them? or if I go with Epistolary Exander's idea of an abandoned monastary perhaps they discover dreadnoughts abandoned and make use of them. However I would view that as going against there strong honour policy... Just to put things in perspective. The UMs only have 36 Dreads (per C:SM) ... and they're over 10k years old. By extensive you mean what? EDIT: Oh and if you're gonna start chanting "For the Fallen!!", I think the DAs will be knocking on your door in no time. :) EDIT 2: For reference, I only planned on my Sons of Pyron (17th Founding) to have 3 Dreads. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754785 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 I will find a way of getting a chapter who hails from the non-using white scars to one who uses dreadnoughts. Just need to think on it more or I could just change the founding chapter. Oh and I shall crush any Dark Angel who so much as thinks of my brethren as one of Luthors traitors. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754796 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 If you are going for the route that your chapter revers names for their power, your chapter could evolove to using lots of dreadnoughts because in some way the dreadnoughts feed into that belief structure. For example marines who have a particular powerful name could choose be preserved in a dreadnought sarcaphagus so that the chapter could benefit from power harnessed in their name in dire times. Or your marines could choose to be interred into a dreadnought sacaphagus because it has a particular name that when added to your own marine's name enhances the power of both names involved. You have work to do on the Void Barons, but you have a lot of room to make the Void Barons an exciting & gripping chapter as any writen by fandom. Just keep plugging away at refining the character of your Void Barons. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754810 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Yaj said: I will find a way of getting a chapter who hails from the non-using white scars to one who uses dreadnoughts. Just need to think on it more or I could just change the founding chapter. Oh and I shall crush any Dark Angel who so much as thinks of my brethren as one of Luthors traitors. The use of Dreads isn't the part I have a problem with, you can easily overcome that ... its the "extensive" use that just doesn't work. EDIT: Posted while I was posting Quote If you are going for the route that your chapter revers names for their power, your chapter could evolove to using lots of dreadnoughts because in some way the dreadnoughts feed into that belief structure. For example marines who have a particular powerful name could choose be preserved in a dreadnought sarcaphagus so that the chapter could benefit from power harnessed in their name in dire times. Or your marines could choose to be interred into a dreadnought sacaphagus because it has a particular name that when added to your own marine's name enhances the power of both names involved. Being put into a Dread is a rare honor layed on Heros in SM Chapters ... you don't volunteer for it. And the question still remains, where do all the Dreads come from? If he's using more then any other chapter ... well its just wrong. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754811 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Ok, let's give this a good read, see if I can offer any advice. ^_^ My apologies before I begin, though - I haven't read all of the posts below the original, so I may be repeating what others have said. Yaj said: Home World- Officially Sigmunda Alpha sometimes referred to as ‘Terror’. A death-world with a higher gravity than that of Terran standard. Oddly the world does not contain human life although there is evidence of abandoned human settlements. As a result the chapter is forced to recruit from systems it defends. For most intents and purposes the chapter can be considered to be primarily space bound. Actually, the difference between space-bound Chapters and world-based Chapters is pretty much where the fortress monastery and it's facilities are. With space-bound it's aboard the ships, with world-bound it's on a planet. I think I get what you mean though. Would I be right in saying the Chapter spends relatively little time at it's homeworld and in the immediate area around it? Yaj said: Unlike there founding chapter the Void Barons make extensive use of dreadnoughts. It is believed that this divergence from more traditional White Scar doctrine was originally due to the necessities of survival after the chapter suffered grievous losses at the hands of Waaagh Gorbachop and has since become more established. Hmm. There's a spiritual reason the Scars don't use Dreadnoughts - they see them as imprisoning the soul or something to that effect. How does your Chapter come to leave this belief behind? Or are some within the Chapter still uncomfortable about the idea? Yaj said: Chapter tactics tend to focus on the attacking from as many angles at once and short to medium ranged fire power. The Void Barons prefer to mount heavy weaponry upon tanks and dreadnoughts, though they are capable of using them by hand if called upon to do so. Origins - Created as part of the nineteenth founding the chapter fought along side the Grim Paladins, a chapter unsurprisingly known for its negative outlook on life, during its early years. It is believed that the Void Barons belief in names comes directly from similar held beliefs of the Grim Paladins. Rather than have your Chapter influenced by these Grim Paladin guys, why not make their beliefs 100% their own? Nothing wrong with a Chapter being dour and grim all by itself. ^_^ Yaj said: Shortly after they started fighting independently the chapter’s official home world of Sigmunda Alpha came under attack from orks of Gorbachop ‘The Grand Despoiler’ operating from the space hulk simply called ‘Gork’s Toof’. At the time much of the chapters strength was deployed in combating a tyranid splinter-fleet attacking the mechanicum world of Altros IV and word of the attack did not reach them until it was far to late. Uh... is that Ork intentionally giving himself a grander* title than Abaddon the Despoiler? *Sorry, terrible pun there. I'll go sit in the corner. Yaj said: By the time the main body of the chapter was able to return the damage had already been done. Such was the devastation caused by the orks that the chapter was forced to utilise the use of dreadnoughts, going against there heritage, simply in order to maintain the chapters fighting strength if not its numbers. Eventually after six months the war was won when Grand-Lord Gilarus Omathion led the third company in a desperate attack upon Gork’s Toof resulting in its utter destruction and the mysterious disappearance of Omathion shortly before said destruction. I'm not really sold on this bit. It's not like you'd just have a few dreadnoughts lying about, you know? If you can work out a way of overturning the 'it's a soul prison' belief inherent in the Khan lineage before this, then it might read a bit better. Yaj said: Beliefs - The Void Barons believe that names can hold great power and bring much honour to a warrior. It is tradition for a recruit to be stripped of his name upon acceptance into the chapter and he will only be allowed to use it once he has achieved scout rank. Such is the belief in names that before battle the chaplains of the chapter will lead there brothers in reciting the names of every Void Baron who has fallen to the enemy. I suspect if you did this your Barons would eventually have to get to fights a few hours early. :lol: Yaj said: Squad names are often a reflection of either the general fighting style and personality of the whole squad or at times an individual member (most often the sergeant) and that for a squad to go against its nature is a grave dishonour. The names of companies are made in a similar manner Huh? So if a member of a devastator squad pulls out a knife and kills something up close, has he dishonoured his squad? I'm not sure I understand this idea right. :ermm: It's not a bad start overall. Keep at it, and you could have a pretty good Chapter on your hands. ^_^ EDIT: Ah, sorry. I have repeated quite a lot of what others have said, it turns out. B) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754828 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 How is it just wrong? The Void Barons could have just found a couple of dozen of empty dreadnoughts in the fortress monastery. It would certainly add to the "what is going on here?" feel that would happen if a chapter was to find a random unrecorded abondoned fortress monastery. The Void Barons could have salvaged chaos dreadnoughts & reconsecrated the vehicles/ suits before putting them to use. Or the mechanicus could have gifted the chapter with extra dreadnoughts for some deed. Or it could be a mixture of all 3, stranger things have happened in the 40K universe. Each chapter has evolved their own sets of beliefs over hundreds if not thousands of years. Who are we too say what a chapter should believe or not in such weird times that is the 40K universe? There is nothing to say a marine cant volunteer to go into a dreadnought sarcaphagus, it is not uncommon for serverly injured marines to ask to be placed into a dreadnought so they can continue to serve their chapter. If this issue is really that important an issue the Void Barons could have the spare dreadnought bodies from my Martyrs Vermilion, the Martyrs have no use for the things as no current Martyr would countenence being stuck in a sarcaphagus B) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Sorry that last post should have said.. Quote I will find a way of getting a chapter who hails from the non-using white scars to one who uses dreadnoughts extensively. I think I'll change the founding chapter - any suggestions? not Iron Hands though, I don't like Iron Hands. Perhaps they could view interment into a dread as a way of dishonoured battle brothers who have been crippled in battle to regain there honour before they are ritually executed (if they don't die in the battle itself) I can see the Void Barons allowing brother marines who bring serious dishonour to the name of there squad, company or even the chapter one last chance to attone for there sins and then executed if they fail. I can see the chapters obession with names and honour being a bit problematic at times and I'm not sure what serious would qualify as. Edit - Damn slow internet connection!! Well they don't use devastators but if marine armed with a meltagun and whose name is synomous in the chapter with great marksmanship missed a charging Defiler at close range leading to the death of brother marines then said marine would be dishonoured until he can prove himself to his chapter once again. Gorbachop is the name of my old ork warboss from years ago. I called him Grand Despoiler before I'd heard of the name Abbadon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754834 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epistolary Exander Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 There is nothing wrong with using the white scars geneseed. You just have to find a way around it to your advantage. What if the Void Barons believe their soul is attached to their names. Could you think of the implications of such a belief would have on the Void Barons? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754838 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Epistolary Exander said: How is it just wrong? The Void Barons could have just found a couple of dozen of empty dreadnoughts in the fortress monastery. It would certainly add to the "what is going on here?" feel that would happen if a chapter was to find a random unrecorded abondoned fortress monastery. The Void Barons could have salvaged chaos dreadnoughts & reconsecrated the vehicles/ suits before putting them to use. Or the mechanicus could have gifted the chapter with extra dreadnoughts for some deed. Or it could be amixture of all 3, stranger things have happened in the 40K universe. Example of this or it never happened. If a chapter "left" they'd most certainly take their Dreads with them. Chaos Dreads ... yeah that'd go over well. Quote Each chapter has evolved their own sets of beliefs over hundreds if not thousands of years. Who are we too say what a chapter should believe or not in such weird times that is the 40K universe? There is nothing to say a marine cant volunteer to go into a dreadnought sarcaphagus, it is not uncommon for serverly injured marines to ask to be placed into a dreadnought so they can continue to serve their chapter. Example of it happening of a large scale or it never happened. Beliefs has nothing to do with this, his SMs can believe whatever he wants them too .... but he still can't have hundreds of super rare Dreads. Quote If this issue is really that important an issue the Void Barons could have the spare dreadnought bodies from my Martyrs Vermilion, the Martyrs have no use for the things as no current Martyr would countenence being stuck in a sarcaphagus B) If you don't use them, you aren't given them. There are no spare suits laying around anywhere. They are super rare per canon text for a reason. You just can't go in and say, "well yeah they're rare, but we have hundreds". UMs are 1st founding, super respected and they have a mere 36 Dreads ... you will not get more. EDIT: There are books and books of canon data available to us, just saying something doesn't make it so. Quote I think I'll change the founding chapter - any suggestions? not Iron Hands though, I don't like Iron Hands. Perhaps they could view interment into a dread as a way of dishonoured battle brothers who have been crippled in battle to regain there honour before they are ritually executed (if they don't die in the battle itself) I can see the Void Barons allowing brother marines who bring dishonour to the name of there squad, company or even the chapter one last chance to attone for there sins and then executed if they fail. I can see the chapters obession with names and honour being a bit problematic at times. If you're using nothing from the parent chapter, I'd suggest UMs ... they offer the most freedom in making an IA. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754843 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Epistolary Exander said: How is it just wrong? The Void Barons could have just found a couple of dozen of empty dreadnoughts in the fortress monastery. It would certainly add to the "what is going on here?" feel that would happen if a chapter was to find a random unrecorded abondoned fortress monastery. The Void Barons could have salvaged chaos dreadnoughts & reconsecrated the vehicles/ suits before putting them to use. Or the mechanicus could have gifted the chapter with extra dreadnoughts for some deed. Or it could be a mixture of all 3, stranger things have happened in the 40K universe. I suspect it would be a very rare thing for a Chapter to ignore any source of possible Chaos taint. Although, as a counter-suggestion, a Chapter in that situation could possibly turn the discovered dreads over to the AdMech in exchange for some nice clean ones, or some other neat rewards. Epistolary Exander said: Each chapter has evolved their own sets of beliefs over hundreds if not thousands of years. Who are we too say what a chapter should believe or not in such weird times that is the 40K universe? There is nothing to say a marine cant volunteer to go into a dreadnought sarcaphagus, it is not uncommon for serverly injured marines to ask to be placed into a dreadnought so they can continue to serve their chapter. Right. That's pretty much what I'm saying, though. I'm not saying it's not a good idea to have Scars-successor's with Dreadnoughts, only that there's some baggage to deal with to get that result (and in a believeable way) There is a part of the traditional IA format set aside precisely for their beliefs. Don't you think something that marks them out as immediately different from their parent Chapter is worth mentioning here? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754851 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yaj Posted May 11, 2011 Author Share Posted May 11, 2011 Yes but ever since reading First Heretic I have an nearly overwhelming desire to punch Guiliman and his sons repeatedly in the face. Quote There is nothing wrong with using the white scars geneseed. You just have to find a way around it to your advantage. What if the Void Barons believe their soul is attached to their names. Could you think of the implications of such a belief would have on the Void Barons? Consider this idea stolen! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754852 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Epistolary Exander said: How is it just wrong? The Void Barons could have just found a couple of dozen of empty dreadnoughts in the fortress monastery. It would certainly add to the "what is going on here?" feel that would happen if a chapter was to find a random unrecorded abondoned fortress monastery. The Void Barons could have salvaged chaos dreadnoughts & reconsecrated the vehicles/ suits before putting them to use. Or the mechanicus could have gifted the chapter with extra dreadnoughts for some deed. Or it could be a mixture of all 3, stranger things have happened in the 40K universe. I suspect it would be a very rare thing for a Chapter to ignore any source of possible Chaos taint. Although, as a counter-suggestion, a Chapter in that situation could possibly turn the discovered dreads over to the AdMech in exchange for some nice clean ones, or some other neat rewards. Epistolary Exander said: Each chapter has evolved their own sets of beliefs over hundreds if not thousands of years. Who are we too say what a chapter should believe or not in such weird times that is the 40K universe? There is nothing to say a marine cant volunteer to go into a dreadnought sarcaphagus, it is not uncommon for serverly injured marines to ask to be placed into a dreadnought so they can continue to serve their chapter. Right. That's pretty much what I'm saying, though. I'm not saying it's not a good idea to have Scars-successor's with Dreadnoughts, only that there's some baggage to deal with to get that result (and in a believeable way) There is a part of the traditional IA format set aside precisely for their beliefs. Don't you think something that marks them out as immediately different from their parent Chapter is worth mentioning here? EDIT: Yaj said: Perhaps they could view interment into a dread as a way of dishonoured battle brothers who have been crippled in battle to regain there honour before they are ritually executed (if they don't die in the battle itself) I can see the Void Barons allowing brother marines who bring serious dishonour to the name of there squad, company or even the chapter one last chance to attone for there sins and then executed if they fail. That works for me. Sweet idea. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/229550-ia-void-barons/#findComment-2754854 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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