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I was just flicking through my codex and I realised that with the exception of Seth (cos I'm not a Flesh Tearer), Tycho (cos I hate the model) and a Scout Bike squad, I have at least one of every unit in the codex. God knows what the points value of that lot is.


So I was just curious as to whether anyone else has this sort of size army or if you guys are more selective in what you collect and paint?

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My current collection is every special character (baring Tycho and Seth, coincidentally), 2 librarians (1 jumpy, 1 terminator), 3 chaplains (2 jumpy, 1 foot), 3 more priests (2 jumpy, 1 foot)


4 dreads (frag cannon, 1 pair of fists, 1 pair of talons, 1 libby dread)

1 Sanguinary Guard squad

10 Terminators I'm currently trying to convert to being 1 tactical squad, 1 assault squad

1 Sternguard squad


3 jumpy assault squads

1 razorback assault squad


Enough extra assault marines that I could build 2 more razorback squads or 1 rhino squad


10 DC


Enough Devs to run 2 10 man squads.


a Vanguard Squad

6 attack bikes

2 speeders


3 Vindis

2 Baals

1 Land Raider (hoping to convert into a Crusader)


About 15 scouts, varied between combat and snipers

Probably enough extra models to build a tac squad (or a third dev squad) as well if I really felt like it


Still awaiting building, the stormraven and an Honor Guard.

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10 DC

1 Vanilla Land Raider

1 Land Raider Crusader

20 Assault Marines

20 Sternguard Vets

15 Vanguard Vets

4 Dreads (All variations magnetized)

9 magnetized Speeders

1 Chaplain

1 of pretty much all of the named characters


And a bunch of random crap still on sprues or sitting in unopened blisters until I need them/can afford the commission to get them painted. I have a deal worked out with one of our resident painters - $250 for every 3000 points, and an extra $50 for heavy conversion work.

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I have:






3 Librarians (one PA, one TDA, one on bike)



2 Honour Guard

2 Chaplain (one PA, one TDA)

5 Sanguniary Guard

2 Furioso Dreadnoughts

2 Terminator Squads

Terminator Assault Squad

3 x Techmarine

10 Sternguard

3 Sanguinary Priests

Brother Corbulo

2 Tactical Squads

10 foot Death Company

5 JP Death Company (not assembled yet)

Lemartes (unpainted)

DC Dreadnought

2 Scout Squads

3 Assault Squads

2 Rhinos

2 Razorbacks (not assemebled yet)

Drop Pod

1 Land Raider

1 Crusader/Redeemer (magnetised)

1 Vanguard Squad

1 Land Speeder

1 Baal

1 Attack Bike

4 Bikes

1 Dreadnought

1 Stormraven (not assembled yet)

1 Predator Annihilator

1 Devastator Squad

1 Vindicator

1 Whirlwind

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My model collection has decreased in size over the last year due to wanting to kind of start afresh and fund getting new models. I was a child of 2nd ed and used to play battles in excess of 10.000 points over a whole weekend and went a tad overboard! I actually stopped playing when i realised how much money i spent on it and realised I could of bought the drum set i had always wanted! But at one time, my collection looked kind of like this:


Dante, Meph, Tycho, Corbs, Lemmy (old version) (have all these still except lemmy)


2 Priests, 2 Techmarines, 3 chaplains, 4 converted (horribly) libbys, 2 standard bearers (have all these still)


10 DC with jump packs, about 25 foot sloggers (i actually still have all of these, old metal styles and old old versions)


6 x 10 man Tactical squads (mix of original clip together and the more recent multipark kits) think I have 3 left


2 x 10 man Dev squads (metal versions with shoulder slung heavy weapons)


2 x 10 man Assault Squd (1 plastic, 1 metal) (still have these too)


5 x Metal dreads of various patterns (still have my 2 multi melta and a furioso)


3 x Land Speeders (1 metal, 2 plastic) (still have these)


9 x Bikes (including the upgrade metal squad) sold all those


1 x Attack bike (sold)


1 x 5 man Assault squad (metal, Dante's honour guard) SOLD


1 x 5 man combat squad (used as an escort for tycho) still have


1 x 5 man Scout Squad (metal) cant remember if i sold these or not :s


2 x Assains (vindicare & eversore) still got those


1 x Termi captain (old old version) cant remember if i have him still


1 x Land Raider


1 x Pred anniilator



That was back in my school days...much of mu collection was initially handed down to me by my cousin and older bro

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Assembled but needing repaints and some minor fixing in some cases:




Converted Corbulo

Converted Tycho

8+ Captains

6+ Priests

2 Chaplains

1 Termie Libby

10 Honourguard with Jump Packs

15 Death Company with Jump Packs

5 Death Company without Jump packs

10 DeathCompany with Sang Guard packs that I flip flop with

60 Tactical Marines/Devastators in various states of disrepair or unpainted

40 Assault Marines with Jump Packs

20 Assault Marines without

2 Attack Bikes

2 Converted Attack Bikes

2 Converted Scout Bikes to Attack Bikes

1 Scout Bike

20 Metal Scouts with BP &CCW/Shotguns

30 Legion of the Damned Scouts I use as Scouts in my army

20 Assault on Black Reach Terminators

Space Hulk Terminators (I have a separate set for my game as well)

10 Tactical Terminators

5 Assault terminators

3 Dreadnoughts

3 land Raiders

1 StormRaven/Land Raider

10 Rhinos (6 with Razorback turret options)

1 Vindicator

1 Baal Pred

4 Pred Turret/SS sets



So I need some speeders and some bikes... And otherwise I have way too much that is mostly unpainted poorly painted or poorly built. Of that stuff all the vehicles and maybe the following I really feel comfortable using:

all Terminators

20 Assault Marines with packs

20 without Packs

20 Devastators or tac marines

Legion scouts.

The Characters.


With another 40 Marines set aside to probably become another marine army that I counted above.

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Commander Dante - Painted

The Sangiunor - Painted

Astorath - Painted

Lemartes - Painted



Librarian - Nearly finished


Terminator Librarian


Terminator Chaplain


HQ Squad with banner - Painted


Sanguinary Priest - Painted

Sanguinary Priest - in parts

Furioso Dreadnought - painted

Furioso Librarian Dreadnought - painted

Sanguinary Guard - painted, need touch ups

10 Terminators

5 man scout squad - painted


10 man Tactical Team x2 - painted

5 man Assault Team - Nearly finished

12 Death Company - 5 painted

Rhino transport x2 - 1 painted

Razorback Transport - painted

Death Company Dreadnought


Baal Predator





Last time I counted it was just over 5000 points.

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I actually stopped playing when i realised how much money i spent on it


That's actually why I stopped playing as well - well, that and I became persona non grata with the local gaming group because of a tendency to not lose. Apparently people don't like that.


At my highest point, I had the entire Blood Angels chapter painted to table quality (1000 assorted marines between tac, devs, HQ, assault and scouts, around 40 death company troops, 12 land raiders, all of the named characters, about 18 or 19 speeders, rhinos/razors for all of them, around 10 predators, 8 Baal preds, 4 furioso dreads, 6 "vanilla" dreads - the only thing I was really lacking was bikes. I never much cared for them), around 8,000 points of tyranids (unpainted), and around 2k points of DE (the boxed "starter" set plus a dark eldar battleforce). My collection took up half of my garage and was spilling over into the house.


My biggest regret? Selling all of my models for $1500 and free drinks for life at the bar one of the other gamers in our group owned. I actually lost track of how much money I've dropped into the crack habit hobby since I started playing in 1991, but 14 years of playing and collecting kind of gets up there.

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I also started with 40k in roughly 91 but I actually started with 'Hero Quest' (oh the shame) in like 89/90 (not really sure) then the first thing I bought from GW was a box of Chaos Dwarves which an older brother of a friend had painted up and they looked awesome. After that I started collecting skaven (didn't go too far with that) then my first 40k models were a box of Death Wing Terminators which I sold my bike to buy! I found out that the deathwing were part of dark angels so I decided on DA but before I could buy any more models I fell in love with eldar warp spiders and started and eldar army which was my very first army I actually collected. I also had a small catachan army and a small BA army which together was an ok force but I was seduced by the mark of chaos undivided and joined the traitor legions before being persuaded by kharne the betrayer (still my favroutie 40k charicter) to devote myself to Blood God and summoning Khornate daemons from the warp in the form of the Word Bearers which was my last army which I stopped with in 2002/03 until a couple of month ago when I came back from the dark side to represent the 4th in the name of Sanguinius and the Emperor.


So that was a brief summary of my modeling career (sorry for boring you all)


So far for my BA 4th Company I have (and none of this is finished, most in various stages of completion)






1 x Chaplain

10 x Death Company

1 x DC Dreadnaught with blood talons

15 x Assault Marines

5 x DA Veterans converted into honour guard

5 x Assault Terminators

4 x missile launcher devs

4 x plasma cannon devs

4 x lascannon devs (+ 2 dev sarg's and 10 devs with bolter)

5 x sniper scouts (1 has ML)

1 x Dreadnaught with Multimelta and Bloodfist

2 x Attack bikes with multimelta

3 x Razorback with las/plas

1 x Stormraven with TLLC & TLPC


I think that's about it for now but I'm gonna be getting 1 x GK pa 1 x DC and 1 x SG kits next week to make my librarians and start off a few more conversions. Then I need 3 baal's and a vindi then I can pretty much let rip with my first list but the. I'm gonna need two dakka predators and three landraiders (2 vanilla, 1 crusader) then I think I'm gonna build a 'Leaf Blower' cadian army cos I love big :cussing tanks... Hahaha


Oh yeah... I wanna build one of those Sanctemoni Cruori baneblades, they are awesome.

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Chaplain x2


Libririan x2

40 Assault marines

3 Sangpriest (2 jp , 1 normal)

10 Assault termies

5 Normal termies

3 attack bikes

20 tacticals

10 Death Company

1 Land speeder

1 Storm Raven

1 Frag dread

1 Death company dread

3 rhinor

3 vindies

1 Baal

1 Dev squad


To paint:



5 sang. guard


My akatsuki squad :P

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10 DC

1 Vanilla Land Raider

1 Land Raider Crusader

20 Assault Marines

20 Sternguard Vets

15 Vanguard Vets

4 Dreads (All variations magnetized)

9 magnetized Speeders

1 Chaplain

1 of pretty much all of the named characters


And a bunch of random crap still on sprues or sitting in unopened blisters until I need them/can afford the commission to get them painted. I have a deal worked out with one of our resident painters - $250 for every 3000 points, and an extra $50 for heavy conversion work.



You commission your models out for others to paint? I used to wish I could get a pro to paint my stuff when I was a kid but I would never want anyone else to paint my army now, it takes away the fact that it's my army if I haven't painted it! I'm the slowest painter ever though, well I'm not actually slow at painting when I get started but I tend to just leave stuff for ages!

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I collect, paint, and game equally. I have:


Custom Sanguinor

Custom Astorath

Custom Libby w/JP

Custom Chaplain

Custom Terminator Capt.

Custom Captain w/ LC

Sangunairy Guard

Death Company

Furioso Dread

Libby Dread

HF Dread

Custom Techmarine w/ SH

Custom Techmarine



Baal Pred w/flame weapons

Attack Bike

Assault Marines

Tactical Marines

Devastator Marines

Command Squad

Custom Servitor Squad

Custom Heavy Vanguard


Drop Pods




I do not Have:






Death C. Dread



Ass. Terminators

Sanguinary Priests



Bike Squads

Scout Bikes

Land Raiders







I think that is all, Let me know if there is something else I do not have.

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I have a pretty nasty nervous tremor in both hands, so my painting ability is about on a par with a blind 5 year old using fingerpaints. I'm more interested in the gaming side of the hobby, so as long as my stuff is table-ready (3 colors and based), I'm not all that concerned with quality - but I do give bonuses for extra quality!
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I'm actually a little scared to tabulate all the BA models I've bought, but from memory I have:





Brother Corbulo

2 foot Librarians

1 librarian and terminator armor

1 jump librarian

1 foot chaplain/reclusiarch

1 jump chaplain/reclusiarch

1 honor guard with multiple weapon options

2 squads of sanguinary guard

1 terminator armored priest

2 foot priests

2 jump pack priests

5 CC terminators

30 assault marines with jump packs

10 deathcompany marines with various weapon options

20 tactical marines with multiple heavy/special weapon options

20 devestators with many different weapon options

5 Vanguard Veterans

4 Rhino/Razorbacks

2 Baal Predators

2 Predators

1 Landraider Crusader/Redeemer

3 drop pods

2 attack bikes

2 land speeders

2 dreadnought with multiple arm options


Phew a pretty long list, not all of this is assembled or painted but I think that's pretty much every BA item I have. Still have a few more things to add to the list as well.

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ballpark figures- 35-40 characters, incl at least 1 of each special, several old oop marines like da and ultras captains and leman russ, 80ish first co half in term armour, 2 battle comps worth of pa marines, 6 rhinos, 4 razors, 2 raiders, 5 preds assorted loadouts, speeders, bikes, 30 scouts, 9 dreads, 3 honour guard/command squads, and a few spare squads of assault and dev marines. Must be in excess of 18,000 pts by now, all painted. And i still use my tac squads from 2nd ed boxed set!
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I've been collecting this army since about 2005, and back in high school, I had lots of disposable income. The vast (VAST) majority of my army was purchased back then, and I'm just now getting around to finishing them. I have:


60 Tactical Marines

30 Assault Marines

20 Devastators

3 Rhinos/Razorback/Whirlwinds

3 Attack Bikes

2 Baal Predators

1 Predator

2 Storm Ravens

5 Sanguinary Guard

10 Honor Guard

5 terminators

15 Death Company

20 Scouts

5 Captains

2 Chaplains (1 in terminator armor)

1 Librarian

Mephiston, Dante, Corbulo

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..................I actually started with 'Hero Quest' (oh the shame) .......................

lol same here, we all have to start somewhere! BA were my 1st love during the AoD era and now I am back again there could be no sustitute!


On topic....


Tycho (I play 3rd Co)





Ras (magnetzed packs)


Tacs x 2

mm Attack Bikes x 2

Rhino/Rzb x 2




Dakka Baal x 2


Magnetized Furioso

Drop Pod

Another RAS (magnetized again)


Captain Machiavi (saving him for a competition)



More Razors, AOBR Dread awaiting DC treatment, more DC loads of IC'c; yup far to many stuff to mention lol I am now heading down a mech route as I have a lot of tanks but magnets are going to enable me to do DoA. And I also want to buy a Land Raider Crusader for my DC :)

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I'll have to sort all through the painted/unpainted stuffs that I have, but at the top of my head:

40++ Tactical marines

5 Rhino/Razor Chassis

10 Assault marines

5 Landspeeders (2xGW; 3xFW)

1 Bike (VetSgt only)

5 Attack Bikes

4 Preds (inc. variants)

1 Vindi

7 Dreads (GWx1, FWx6)

17 Termies (5x regular, 12xSpaceHulk)

1 Chaplain

1 SangPriest

1 Techmarine

1 Corbs (converted)

1 Lemmy (new)

1 Dante

1 Mephi

Sanguinor (or what's left of him)


Listed are assembled and survived getting sold off, nevermind the ones still in various stages of assembly, let alone those still in my bitsbox/sprues; and yes: I dont own an LR... t'was part of a big chunk I sold off

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30 assault marines

10 death company

10 terminators

2 terminator captains

1 jump pack captain

1 terminator chaplain

2 jump pack chaplains

1 land raider redeemer

1 stormraven

10 sanguinary guard

1 baal predator

1 furioso

1 DC dreadnought

2 jump pack priests

1 jump pack librarian





total point cost 4900 points (up next will be 2 multi melta bikes for an even 5000)

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Deep breath, crack fingers and here we go;


Dante, Mephiston, Sanguinor, Old Lemartes, New Lemartes, Death Co Tycho, Standard Tycho + Corbulo


Chaplain in termie armour

Old Death Co Chaplain

Death Co Chaplain converted


Sanguinary priest termie armour

Sanguinary Priest jump pack

Sanguinary priest on foot


Space Hulk Librarian

Librarian termie armour

2 Librarian dreadnoughts


Honour Guard for Dante


20 Vanguard vets

20 sternguard vets


20 assault marines

30 tactical marines

4 Devastator squads 1xmulti melta sqd 1xlascannon sqd 1xmissile launcher sqd 1xheavy bolter sqd


Converted space hulk termie sqd (assault)

Termie sqd space hulk


4 furioso dreads 2 with talons/fists 2 with fist/frag cannon

1 rifleman dread twin link autocannons


9 multi melta attack bikes (3 converted in death co colours)

3 baal predators

2 stormravens

2 razorbacks

1 vanilla land raider

1 crusader

1 redeemer

1 Achilles *

1 Ares *

* our club is pretty fair regarding their use


4 converted drop pods


30 Death co with jump packs

36 death co on foot

5 death co dreads


10 scouts with sniper rifles

5 close combat scouts


Oh hell I've spent a fortune over the years....

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JP Chaplain



5 AoBR Terminators


25 tactical marines

16 Assault marines

8 JP Death company

5 Scouts


1 FW Dread Drop Pod

1 Rhino

1 Razor


2 Attack Bikes

1 Baal Predator


1 Vindicator

1 Predator

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Blood Angels are my smallest army, but the majority of it is still either undercoated or bare plastic. Been collecting DA since 1992 and BA since the new codex release.


Blood Angels



Librarian in PA


JP Chaplian


Sanguinary Priest in PA


35 DC marines

DC Dread

20 Assault marines

20 Tactical marines


4 Razorbacks

1 Rhino

1 Crusader / Redeemer

1 Drop Pod



Baal Pred





3 Dreads



My DA list is a fair amount larger (entire 3rd company, half the Ravenwing and 1/3 of the Deathwing plus assorted support vehicles)

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What I've gotten so far for my Flesh Tearers, all assembled, but not necessarily painted:


Gabe Seth

1 Honour Guard squad

Chaplain with jump pack


2 Librarians

1 Librarian in TDA

3 5-man Terminator squads

Sanguinary Priest in TDA

Sanguinary Priest with jump pack

1 squad Sanguinary Guard

1 squad of 10 Death Company

1 Death Company Dreadnought

1 10-man squad of Assault Marines with jump packs

2 10-man squads of Assault Marines

2 10-man Tactical Squads

1 5-man Scout Squad

1 5-man Sternguard Veteran squad

1 Dreadnought

1 Storm Raven

1 Land Raider Redeemer

4 Rhinos

1 Drop pod


(Korloth Darkwolf, interestingly my DA army almost mirrors yours, though I have about 60% of the Deathwing)

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Ugh... too many. Thanks for making me think about it! :woot:

Actually, been pondering paring down the collection and selling some stuff on ebay to appease the wife but we'll see.


Just moved recently so they're kinda spread about and I'm not going to list them out.

But, its ~15,000 pts with the centerpieces being a Reaver titan (with 4 different arms) and Captain Leonatus.

I do have a magnetized baneblade that I'm thiking of converting into the BA baneblade (can never get its name right) tho I think that's on the chopping block.


Not sure whether to count the small allied forces for grey knights and legion of the damned (old minis) any more.




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