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Land raiders and dakka predators


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So I'm dreaming at the moment about a list which will be based around three land raiders, 2 vanilla which will be for objectives with 10 man RAS units in each and a LRC which will house 5 CC Terminators, TDA chaplain, TDA priest and maybe a TDA librarian which will be backed up by 2 maybe 3 dakka predators (one thing I'm thinking is with the predators for long range, could I switch the vanilla LR's for a variant so I could fit a Corbulo in one and something else juicy in the other or are the vanilla LR's the most sound choice for objective sitters/takers?) other than the above which is the core, I want 10 stenguard which will be poded and a furioso fragnaught (also in a pod)


Now what I'd like help with is tactics for this list as I know nothing about bringing stuff down from the sky, should I have beacons on the board for bringing down my pods and although I will be starting with my objective LR's on the board should I deepstrike my deathstar and if so should I have a beacon or three?


I know I'm probably being cheeky and asking alot but I'm a total beginner when it comes to what this lost can do but I know it will work and synergises, I'd just like a bit of direction from my veteran bro's.


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me, and thanks for all the help I have already received, you dudes rule :)

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Gotta choose between the Sternguard and the Fragnought. You've already used 2 elites choices between the priest and the terminators.
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Probably 2000 points, I hadn't really thought about points yet! And I guess I'll loose the fragnaught then unless I drop the priest, what do you think priests or fragnaught?
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A TDA Reclusiarch and TDA Priest plus a CC termy squad w/ 3th/2lc

plus 2 ten man RAS with meltas and PFs

plus 3 LRs (2 godhammer 1 crusader all naked)

plus 3 Dakka preds (autocannons and Hbolters)



change Dakka preds to Combi-preds (Autocannons and Lascannon sponsons)



no sternguard and no fragnaught. :cuss


check your local game store and see what size their regular 40k tournaments are, base you list on that.

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If you're looking to hold objectives, I'd fill the vanilla land raiders with tactical marines instead of assault marines, personally. Assault marines are kind of wasted if you're not taking them directly into your opponent's face. Vehicles can't take objectives - only troops choices (other than the DC) can. So you can infiltrate a squad of sniper scouts onto objectives (my personal favorite) or have a tac/devastator squad move up with a raider as a mobile firing platform to support them.


And yeah, choose one: sternguards in a raider, or a drop podding fragnought. Or lose the priest or termies and take the sternguards and the fragnought.

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@ red fury

I could drop one dakka predator and also shave points by dropping the TDA on the chappy and priest and then I'd be able to replace the LRC with a LRR which is another 10 points.


I think I need a pod to drop (really want stenguard too) so I have a beacon on the board for dropping my LRC/R, that's unless I should start with it on the board instead of droping it from the sky. I hear that deepstriking land raiders isnt that good of an idea but then again I know nothing about it, it's why I posted this thread, it's the tactics I'm concerned about, not the points of the unit as such (although thanks for your time regarding that issue too bro)



I also like scout snipers, I've only just bought 5, I've never played with them before (I haven't played for over a decade, I've only just started again) I prefer assault marines to tacs although I know those guys are good for holding objectives so maybe I could concider that. Also I wanna loose the priest but he will probably bring alot to the list and if I had to choose I'd go with stengaurd and terminators, it's more models on the board.

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I'm not sure that RAS are the best unit to hold objectives with. Taking objectives yes but holding them is more of a TAC squad thing.


Again, thanks. But, that I'm not debating what unit is best for holding objectives, I wanted to discuss tactics for using land raiders and possibly deep striking one via the beacon from a pod that will have dropped stenguard.


Regardless of whether RAS are the best units to hold an objective, they will be supported and I think they will do fine. If not maybe I could bring in some scouts too but I don't use tacticals in a BA list, I feel that RAS are far better with two meltas and a fist they can more than hold their own plus they are gonna be inside of the landraider anyway unless they really need to come out or if the LR gets popped!

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Scout snipers and devastator squads are a lot better now that they've changed the rage rule. No more chance of them randomly moving and wasting a turn thumbing their noses because they can't shoot.
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Again, thanks. But, that I'm not debating what unit is best for holding objectives, I wanted to discuss tactics for using land raiders and possibly deep striking one via the beacon from a pod that will have dropped stenguard.

It's a bit hard to discuss tactics without having the actual units nailed down. Will there actually be a fragnaought? or sternguard?


But on a general basis, don't deep strike land raiders. They are built to, and very capable of, driving accross the table to deliver the cargo. Plus you can potentially get a turn 2 charge where as with DS you can only charge on turn 3 at the earliest.


I would lead with the two RAS mounted units giving cover to the termies behind. Let them push in and soften the enemy and send in the termies for the killing blow. I'd aim to get a turn 2 charge with the two RAS and a turn 3 charge with the termies as a counter to their counter. You don't need to hold your objectives, just take theirs.


Or you can hang back and shoot. When something gets close, intercept it with a RAS squad and then kill it off with the termies... if you need to.

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In a land raider heavy list you're going to want RAS to fill your 2 core Raiders because they cut costs and let you fill in more raiders. I find 8 RAS with a special weapon and usually a pwep sarge work great in raiders because they can take abit of wounds and fight when needed but arent too costly. Objective sitters will push up surprisingly far with their large size and the 3" Objective bubble. A crusader will be just fine for sitting an objective and will provide you with some much needed punch if anything gets close. Having said that consider that the Phobos has lots of nice long range weapons to help out your raiders as they advance.


Deepstriking a raider is sort of a meh idea. Its neat and it can work there is just not usually much of a point. Consider rolling it up the board.

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Thanks.. A plan is starting to take more visual form in my head now, more than just one too. I was just wording stuff wrong and people thought I wanted to sit on my own objectives when really I just ment *incase I need to take objectives (it's not the BA to sit and guard) If I am taking theirs, mine will be empty anyway, maybe I could take 10 sniper scouts and combat squad them to totally dominate objectives.


Also the stenguard will definitely be there and if you guys think I could do without priests then the fragnaught will too (if points permit) so if you would like to offer some tactics involving these units... I was thinking by dropping these first of all probably the stenguard first but it just depends whether mech or a MC or whatever is more important to engage first, if it's mech, the fragnaught and if it's a MC or some type of elite unit then the stenguard probably but it'll engage my enemy right away while I get into formation and drive down in my land raiders.

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Thanks.. A plan is starting to take more visual form in my head now, more than just one too. I was just wording stuff wrong and people thought I wanted to sit on my own objectives when really I just ment *incase I need to take objectives (it's not the BA to sit and guard) If I am taking theirs, mine will be empty anyway, maybe I could take 10 sniper scouts and combat squad them to totally dominate objectives.



keep in mind 2/9 games you can place your home objective 2 feet up the board. 1/3 of games are not objective based at all. 1/3 of games the objectives are 12" MINIMUM away from the board edge and 1/9 games your objective will have to be within 12" of your board. You really shouldnt have objectives near your board edge most of the time if you are clever when you have to place objectives :woot:

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Thanks.. A plan is starting to take more visual form in my head now, more than just one too. I was just wording stuff wrong and people thought I wanted to sit on my own objectives when really I just ment *incase I need to take objectives (it's not the BA to sit and guard) If I am taking theirs, mine will be empty anyway, maybe I could take 10 sniper scouts and combat squad them to totally dominate objectives.



keep in mind 2/9 games you can place your home objective 2 feet up the board. 1/3 of games are not objective based at all. 1/3 of games the objectives are 12" MINIMUM away from the board edge and 1/9 games your objective will have to be within 12" of your board. You really shouldnt have objectives near your board edge most of the time if you are clever when you have to place objectives :woot:


Yeah, thats something I'm gonna have to learn as I'm going along really. I'm treating the game as if I'm a total beginner that hasn't played a game ever as technically I am, I used to know the rules 1st and 2nd edition Nd I havenever played I'm a competitive environment so although I've been painting for 19 years I'm a total novice gamer!

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I've used a similar 3 Land Raider list at 2500, except iin the LRC I put Corbulo and dropped the Chaplain for another assault termie.


I then spent the rest on two whirlwinds, who hid behind the Land raider wall as it drove forward 6 per turn, a Baal Pred to outflank, 7 man sniper team and a triple melta 10 man assault squad in drop pod.


it worked really well against guard, not sure how it would have worked if I'd been playing anyone else though.

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I've used a similar 3 Land Raider list at 2500, except iin the LRC I put Corbulo and dropped the Chaplain for another assault termie.


I then spent the rest on two whirlwinds, who hid behind the Land raider wall as it drove forward 6 per turn, a Baal Pred to outflank, 7 man sniper team and a triple melta 10 man assault squad in drop pod.


it worked really well against guard, not sure how it would have worked if I'd been playing anyone else though.


So what was in the second two landraiders?


I'm pretty set on what I want for this list but I'm still not sure that either with the godhammers they will have enough long range to leave the combi-predators (AC+las) or if I take them I could take more close range specialised land raiders like the LRR or LRC. Would it be better to have tons of long range or more mid to close range fire power too.

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