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Any ideas for a counts-as Sanguinor?

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Hi guys!


I like The Sanguinor. But I don't think the official model fits in well with my Flesh Tearer army. I was thinking of maybe making some kind of big Grim Reaper looking model to represent him. Any ideas? I am kind of at a loss. Was thinking of using the Nightlord as a base, but not sure that's right...


What do you think?

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Good luck finding cover for that guy. :)


Semi-related I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some of the wings from the forthcoming Dark Eldar scourges. I'm sure they could be used in a counts-as-Sanguinius conversion.


Thats the reason I hate TLOS, all these cool epic conversions are severely handicapped...


I have a bad feelign those Scourge wings will be super tiny on a Space Marine. Just with a long wingspan but very..."narrow" if you get what I mean.

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Semi-related I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some of the wings from the forthcoming Dark Eldar scourges. I'm sure they could be used in a counts-as-Sanguinius conversion.

I have a bad feelign those Scourge wings will be super tiny on a Space Marine. Just with a long wingspan but very..."narrow" if you get what I mean.

They seem to be exactly what I've been looking for... which is how I know you are probably right and it was too good to be true. :P

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Good luck finding cover for that guy. :P


Semi-related I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some of the wings from the forthcoming Dark Eldar scourges. I'm sure they could be used in a counts-as-Sanguinius conversion.


Thats the reason I hate TLOS, all these cool epic conversions are severely handicapped...


I have a bad feelign those Scourge wings will be super tiny on a Space Marine. Just with a long wingspan but very..."narrow" if you get what I mean.


I don't like TLOS either, but, with the Sanguinor it's not an issue since he has a 3++


I guess the scourge wings could be interesting if they're not too small. I considered the possessed winged backpacks, but I dunno, they're pretty "chaos-y"


Any other ideas for a counts-as Sanguinor?

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Capt.blood Posted Today, 09:24 PM

What's up with the Knee and thigh on his right side? doesn't look right at all.. Mediocre conversion in my opinion.


it does look pretty low for a space marine, but for a primarch it could work. I still think it is an awesome conversion and would be great for the Sanguinor but does he need to be on a 25mm base in order to be legal if using those states?

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Capt.blood Posted Today, 09:24 PM

What's up with the Knee and thigh on his right side? doesn't look right at all.. Mediocre conversion in my opinion.


it does look pretty low for a space marine, but for a primarch it could work. I still think it is an awesome conversion and would be great for the Sanguinor but does he need to be on a 25mm base in order to be legal if using those states?


Why would it need a specific sized base? if it is a conversion, it has no standard base, you could use whatever you wanted. Just cause you are making a counts-as or custom Sanguinor does not mean you have to use the same size base the Sanguinor comes with. The rule book even gives you wiggle room on bases on regular models, allowing you to inform your opponent if the base size on a model is different.

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Hi guys!


I like The Sanguinor. But I don't think the official model fits in well with my Flesh Tearer army. I was thinking of maybe making some kind of big Grim Reaper looking model to represent him. Any ideas? I am kind of at a loss. Was thinking of using the Nightlord as a base, but not sure that's right...


What do you think?


Robes are quite easy to greenstuff. Consider looking into making your own with GS. You can even get some very cool flowing effects and by pass the need for wings entirely.


Edit: PM me if you'd like to discuss the idea some more.

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I've recently bought this chap:




I've replaced his axe with a spare Glaive and will begin painting next week hopefully (a Baal Predator is holding me up at the moment). Not sure whether to keep the wreath in his left hand or replace it with something else?

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not finished by my standards but was done to this for a tourney incase i needed him(but didnt)i have lots more pics if you want. also if you wanted astro could make a good base for him.


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I'm planning on using the plastic Balrog wings for a similar project. They look big at first look but I've twigged on something that fits my project.


The first knuckle joint on both wings is shaped in such a way they can be cut at that point and it won't affect the "spread" of the wings but reduces the overall wing length by a couple of inches with a bit of reshaping needed for the lower membrane section. Also taking the largest limb section off of the wing makes it look a lot less bulky compared to the model (which is a similar size as its based around a fantasy Chaos Knight).


It may not be the look you're going for but it's an idea for a different set of wings.

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Ha, well my quick google search at work is failing me for multiple reasons so I realize this post may suck...

BUT, if you don't mind non-GW minis, check the Confrontation range, especially the Living Dead of Acheron (army).

I use a few of these guys in my fantasy armies - sick minis and since the game is somewhat defunct you can sometimes find them cheap... sometimes.


I'll keep trying to dig up the guy I had in mind to give you a better idea.



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not finished by my standards but was done to this for a tourney incase i needed him(but didnt)i have lots more pics if you want. also if you wanted astro could make a good base for him.



Yeah, that's cool. Ok, so I am sold on using the Nightbringer as a base. How did you do that? Did you use a jeweler's saw? Any green stuff?

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not finished by my standards but was done to this for a tourney incase i needed him(but didnt)i have lots more pics if you want. also if you wanted astro could make a good base for him.



Yeah, that's cool. Ok, so I am sold on using the Nightbringer as a base. How did you do that? Did you use a jeweler's saw? Any green stuff?


It's so good isn't it!?


Yeah bro, what bits did you use for this and what tools etc?

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hmmm, now your asking questions... lets see...


well obviously i used the night bringer( though the deciever has possibilitys too...http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat440255a&rootCatGameStyle=)and a hack saw. i can take a pic if you want. really i just cut as much of his head off as possible. its awkward but most mistakes will be covered up with greenstuff one way or another. the arms are seperate on the model so thats no problem. then youll want a head. i wanted a more... feminine sorta head... so i used One i had left over from my dire avengers( but if i did it now id prob use a death mask..). cut all un wanted plastic below the chin and the back of that away. when your doing this keep placing it against the ctan model to make sure you dont take too much off.then i glued that on. then i found an iron halo. i think its off the commander frame but cant rember but i cut the middl part away in such a way that it could be placed on the head and look like a halo. then i did a rough sculpt of hair to cover the neck joint etc. (the joy of having a primarch with long hair, lol. )hair is fairly easy but if you dont know how to do it ask me and ill telll you how i did it(then probably get told thats the wrong way and shown the proper way, lol.)

then wings. wings is the parttht makes it look like the primarch tbh. thats what i wanted anyway. you could use jump pack/ winged jump pack. but i went to gw and got a set of pegesus wings in plastic(actually got the whole kit for all the difference in price...) but to look at the different ones they have look here... http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...otCatGameStyle= I didnt do alot to the wings to be honest. i thik i cut a wee bit do they could fit flushly against the backof the model o allow for as much surace to surface touching to hold better when glued. i thn think i pinned them on too just for extra strength. i also hink i then grenstuffed more hair flowing down the back to cover the join and futher strengthen it too. (works well in my opinion though maby you should do all the hair in one go so it blends better).

when that all hardened i had the wings to hold onto as i added some greenstuff over the abs etc. (which are plain on the model so if you want t hae the armoured muscular look its fairly easy as you have a good blueprint. i added armour to the bare bit of leg just to make it look more like a marine(im not happy with it like). i aldo made a gren stuff belt cause it looked like he needed something. then arms, id just use the sanguard ones now but i used an emperors champion one and a normal death co one holding a bloodletters head. et voila




to be honest its not a hard conversion. ive seen many done in ths way and you can put as little effort as i did or a whole lot more. as i did a quite basic job on it tis being my first green stuff conversion really. i do intend too back and do another leel of armour greenstuff to bulk i up a bit more but its not too bad. and i also now have sanguard and models like astro and sanguinator for inspiration so shouldnt behard to improve. anything else?

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hack saw? well i used clippers to take the worst off and to create a few notches in the metal so the blade would catch and not slip and cut my hand off. of course theres likely an easier way.... and i dont even know waht a jewlers saw is. i just got the blades for the hack saw outa B&Q or Homebase. genaral hardware store auta do well, for al i used it it did...
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